Complications can include swelling of the brain or lungs, seizures, low blood sugar, or cardiac arrest. There are 321 drug interactions with aspirin. Aspirin can raise the blood uric acid level and is avoided in patients with hyperuricemia and gout. However, according to researchers, there appears to be an association between the condition’s onset and the administration of aspirin-containing medications (salicylates) in children or adolescents with certain viral illnesses. The specific cause of Reye syndrome remains unknown. Early on, these may be subtle, while larger doses may result in fever. Aspirin 75–325 mg once daily as monotherapy recommended as an alternative to warfarin in patients who are unable to take warfarin. Aspirin 50–100 mg daily in addition to warfarin therapy recommended in all patients with a mechanical heart valve who have a low risk of bleeding. Children and teenagers should avoid aspirin for symptoms of the flu or chickenpox because of the associated risk of Reye's Syndrome, a serious disease of the liver and nervous system that can lead to coma and death. ライ症候群(ライしょうこうぐん、Reye's syndrome)とは、インフルエンザや水痘などの感染後、特にアスピリンを服用している小児に、急性脳症、肝臓の脂肪浸潤を引き起こし、生命にもかかわる原因不明で稀な病気である。 名前は後述の通り研究者の人名に由来する。 The National Reye's Syndrome Foundation, the U.S. È caratterizzata da manifestazioni patologiche che riguardano prevalentemente il cervello e il fegato, con encefalopatia acuta e steatosi epatica, che insorgono rapidamente nel corso di un'infezione virale, spesso dopo l'assunzione di farmaci a base di acido … There are 9 disease interactions with aspirin which include: coagulation; asthma; GI toxicity; renal dysfunction; Reye's syndrome; anemia; dialysis; G-6-PD deficiency; hepatotoxicity Aspirin can be taken as a painkiller in the first 6 months of pregnancy (up to 30 weeks) if a doctor says it's OK. It can make children more likely to develop a very rare but serious illness called Reye's syndrome. Aspirin drug interactions. La sindrome di Reye è una malattia acuta, dall'esito potenzialmente letale, che colpisce quasi esclusivamente i bambini. Surgeon General, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Academy of Pediatrics all recommend against the use of aspirin or other products containing aspirin to treat fever-causing illnesses in children under the age of 19 years. The classic symptoms are ringing in the ears, nausea, abdominal pain, and a fast breathing rate. Bioprosthetic Heart Valves† Oral Never give aspirin to children under the age of 16 (unless their doctor prescribes it). Aspirin disease interactions. Salicylate poisoning, also known as aspirin poisoning, is the acute or chronic poisoning with a salicylate such as aspirin.

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