Projection Characteristics. It is impossible to map a curved Earth on a flat map using plane coordinates Use this projection type when the job will contain observations only from a conventional instrument and you are using a local scale factor to reduce distances to the local coordinate system. 2. The scale factor was computed as shown in the equation above. While obvious on world or country scale maps, these distortions are minimized on large-scale maps, such as a map of a city. It does not maintain true directions, but angles and shapes are maintained at infinitesimal scale. The central meridian has a scale factor of 0.9996. The projection is also affected by how the shape of the earth is approximated. It is sometimes necessary to construct a map so that all area proportions are correctly represented, i.e. The scale is accurate along the chosen central line by the longitude and latitude settings below (1st Point and 2nd Point).This projection is used for oblique areas which are areas that do not follow lines of latitude and longitude, such as the Alaska panhandle. Scale. This scale factor is designated as “k” and it is constant only at that point. A projection that maintains area is equal area This is achieved by sacrificing shape: stretching in one direction to counter for earth curvature must be compensated by compression in the other. The Lambert conformal conic map projection is typically based on two standard parallels, but it can also be defined with a single standard parallel and a scale factor. Conformal projection; Equal-area projection (Equivalent projection) Equidistant projection This distortion is almost always termed scale factor (and sometimes "projection scale factor" or "point scale factor"). • Scale factor varies and also scale distortion is reduced. Distances are accurate along the central line if the scale factor is 1.0. This map projection is defined by two ellipsoidal parameters3; grid origin (φ 0, λ 0); scale factor, k 0,at the central meridian, λ 0; false easting, E 0; and false northing, N b. What is a map projection? criterion (Snyder 1993), the rms scale factor errors were minimized by producing a constant scale factor along the boundary of the continent. Impact Factor (JCC): 3.2318 NAAS Rating: 2.06 Relationship of ETM and UTM Projection Scale Factors in Egypt 67 Figure 8: Locations when ETM and UTM Scale Factors are equal for Red Belt Zone in Egypt. (For a circular region this conformal map would be a stereographic projection.) All map projections distort linear scale, all over the map. The two small circles are 180 kilometers east and west of the central Meridian at the Equator. Choosing a model for the shape of the Earth. By tailoring the boundary to the shape of each continent, the errors Scale factor is a function of latitude and can be obtained from the appropriate projection table. The central meridian and latitude of origin were from the above table. 5 CONCLUSIONS This paper presents the Scale Factors (S.F.) A scale factor of 0.5 means that distance measurements are twice too short. Map Projection-Flat Earth If the Earth were indeed flat, a single map design could satisfy all mapping applications. ... projection is conformal If a x b = 1.0 projection is equivalent S = areal distortion = a x b 2 = maximum angular distortion = 2(U – U’) 29 It does not maintain true directions, but angles and shapes are maintained at infinitesimal scale. But what about "long" lines, at different latitudes, what scale factor to use? Distances are accurate along the central line if the scale factor is 1.0. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system, which uses the Transverse Mercator projection, has a scale factor of 0.9996. Map scale The factor by which phenomena on the surface of the earth are reduced in order to be shown on a map. But scale varies east-west along parallels. Coordinates are derived from the Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 (AGD66), see: ICSM’s Australian Geospatial Reference System page. Center or Origin — Latitude and longitude of the midpoint of the display. For example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map equal one meter; etc. Scale factor is a unitless value applied to the center point or line of a map projection. For a given point, using the scale factor h along the meridian, the scale factor k along the parallel, and the angle θ′ between them, Nicolas Tissot described how to construct an ellipse that characterizes the amount and orientation of the components of distortion. o Restricting the maximum scale distortion (sec. A scale factor of 0.99950 at a given location on the map indicates that 999.5 meters on the map represents 1000 meters on the reference globe. Depicting a curved surface (such as the Earth) on a flat surface (such as on paper or in a digital representation of it), is a problem that surveyors solve using map projections. Tissot's indicatrix is often used to illustrate the variation of point scale across a map. translate: Array | ExprRef: The projection’s translation offset as a two-element array [tx, ty]. (For a circular region this conformal map would be a stereographic projection.) The map projection becomes critical in understanding how scale varies throughout the map. Landsat Number-- number of the Landsat satellite. For larger scale maps, including topographic quadrangles and the State Base Map Series, conformal projections such as the Transverse Mercator and the Lambert Conformal Conic are used. Any length that is measured along a standard line is the same on the ellipsoid and on the map, which is why another name for standard parallels is lines of exact scale. Along a line of true scale, such as the equator in this projection, the scale factor is 1.0. The scale of a map is usually defined as the ratio of a single unit of distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground. projecting the ellipsoid position onto a plane. Map scale differs from nominal scale Scale Factor = map scale/nominal scale 24. Laborde oblique Mercator is a conformal map projection. refers to the factor of reduction of the world so it fits on a map. A scale factor of 1.0 may be maintained in all directions from one or two points, but only from those points. projections, each point has a scale factor (k) such that hk = 1(ϕ,λ, ellipsoid parameters, map projection parameters) 3 where k is a positive real number expressing the ratio of an infinitesimal distance on the map projection surface to the corresponding infinitesimal distance on the reference ellipsoid. On any map projection, each point has a scale factor and a convergence. In an equidistant projection the scale is correct between certain points. The Oblique Mercator projection is a cylindrical, conformal projection. The scale factor is usually slightly less than one. Then, using the map projection conversion from a commercial software package, a transverse mercator projection was defined. Along the standard parallels, the scale factor is 1.0. It is best suited for conformal mapping of land masses extending in an east-to-west orientation at mid-latitudes. Graphical method 2. Scale Factor at Projection Origin-- a multiplier for reducing a distance obtained from a map by computation or scaling to the actual distance at the projection origin. 657 Map Proj Scale Factor 1st final draft.pdf (686 KB) Review / Approve 0. Name. The small circles have a scale factor of 1, meaning a distance of 100 meters in the ellipsoid would be the same on the map projection. One bearing system! The default scale is projection-specific. The latest version of this document has not been reviewed. criterion (Snyder 1993), the rms scale factor errors were minimized by producing a constant scale factor along the boundary of the continent. Description. Center or Origin — Latitude and longitude of the midpoint of the display. Scale Factor — Ratio of distance on the map to distance on the ground. The optimal scale factor m 0 on the central meridian vs. the half strip-width of the TM map projection for ½21 N; 26 N . Depending on accuracy requirements and the extent of the project area in a north-south direction, the average latitude as obtained from a quad sheet is sufficient. Parameter. [1] [2] When scale varies noticeably, it can be accounted for as the scale factor. Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. scale: Number: The projection’s scale factor. The scale is true (scale factor = 1) on each of the standard meridians meaning that there is no distortion along these lines. If the scale factor is less than 1.0, there are two straight lines parallel to the central line with accurate scale. If I could scale the longitude by the cosine of the average latitude, the map wouldn't look distorted anymore. is seldom, if ever, stated on a map but it can have significant effects. Though the scale factor (map scale) changes across the map, from any point on the map, the scale factor changes at the same rate in all directions, therefore maintaining angular relationships. One map unit equals the number of ground units that the map says it does. The centerline of a UTM grid zone has a scale factor of 0.9996. However, map scale is not static, it is not the same everywhere on the map. From wikipedia's Mercator projection: scale factor = secant (latitude) = 1 / cosine (latitude) Generally, divide map distance by the scale factor to get globe distance. Scale factor of 2 indicates that the actual map scale is twice the nominal scale; if the nominal scale is 1:4million, then the map scale at the point would be (1:4million x 2) = 1:2million. The scale factor corresponds linearly to the distance between projected points; however, scale factor values are not equivalent across projections. Standard Parallel(s) — Chosen latitude(s) where scale distortion is zero False Northing — Planar offset for coordinates on the vertical map axis In other words, k will vary from point to point. Cylindrical Projections A cylindrical projection maps the globe to a cylinder which is formed by wrapping the UV plane around the globe with the u-axis coinciding with a great circle.The parameters P 0lat, P 0lon, and Rot determine the great circle that passes through the point C=(P 0lat, P 0lon).In the discussions below, this great circle is sometimes referred to as EQ. Aspect — Orientation of the projection on the display surface. According to EF Burkholder, for. A point scale factor gives the distortion at a specific location for a specified map projection . The default scale is projection-specific. Hotine oblique Mercator is a conformal map projection. So, here at the standard line the scale factor equals one but what happens to the scale factor as you move away from the standard line. If you are working in a small area and are not sure which coordinate system to use, use the default setting. By tailoring the boundary to the shape of each continent, the errors There are 60 zones in the Universal Transverse Mercator map projection, each nominally 6 wide. Between the secant lines, where the cylinder is inside the globe, features appear smaller than in reality and scale factor is less than 1. They are called standard parallels in the case of a Lambert projection that is illustrated at the top here. The ‘scale factor is therefore used to measure the difference between the idealized scale and the actual scale at a particular point on the map. A Mercator projection with a stated map scale of 1:100,000,000. o Defining boundaries of projection zones as an aggregation of counties. 2019-09-22 9 Assessing Map Distortion Two methods of evaluating map distortion: 1. the relationship between the ellipsoidal height, combined scale factor and surface distance will be investigated. So GM's Geographic projection would be perfect, but the map looks quite distorted compared to the same map in UTM or Mercator projection. The height-to-width ratio can also be adjusted Aspect — Orientation of the projection on the display surface. A scale factor accounts for the difference between a distance on a curved surface (Earth) , and that same distance when projected onto a mapping plane or grid . The central meridian has a scale factor of 0.9996. The equidistant conic projection‘s scale is correct for the meridians and the standard parallels. scale factor: the ratio of the map’s scale in a given direction to the true distance on the globe; values greater than, or less than, 1.0 indicate distortion. If it is less than 1.0, there are two approximately straight lines parallel to the central line with accurate scale. Map projection parameters also define the location of the rectangular coordinate origin and its false northing and false easting values. It depends on the projection used and how the projection distorts the world. A projection used in NSW only - ISG was introduced to minimise scale factor corrections (mainly in cadastral surveys). The actual scale at a point on map can be obtained by multiplying the nominal map scale by the scale factor. A map projection is the mathematical transformation from angular coordinates (e.g., degrees of latitude and longitude) into planar coordinates. Between the secant lines, where the cylinder is inside the globe, features appear smaller than in reality and scale factor is less than 1. Map scale can be represented by text, a graphic, or some combination of the two. A computer screen or paper map can only have one Spatial Reference; one origin and one set of axes for the graph. SCSI Map Projection Scale Factor 6pp 31/05/2013 09:25 Page 4. Standard Parallel(s) — Chosen latitude(s) where scale distortion is zero False Northing — Planar offset for coordinates on the vertical map axis Map Projection Scale Factor - avoid the potential dangers of scale factor.pdf; Map Projection Scale Factor - avoid the potential dangers of scale factor.pdf. Specifies the units used in the map. Grid=Ground Grid Scale Factor Elevation Scale Factor Combined Scale Factor Indiana Geospatial Coordinate System (InGCS) No distortion! 2.6) to less than one part in 10,000. o Covering an entire State with as few zones of a projection as possible. This map projection process may involve conversion of coordinates from one GCS to another GCS, from a GSC to a PCS, or from one PCS to another PCS. Each zone overlaps its neighboring zones by 30 . The control of the scale factor is, therefore, a consideration in choosing a suitable map projection. Conclusion • Hence the scale factor depends on the type of map projection for different areas, which are going to be considered for routing the pipelines. Scale Factor — Ratio of distance on the map to distance on the ground. 9996 1.0004 1.0000 East W est Central Meridian Diagram 1: This basic survey diagram shows the age-old problem of how to mathematically reconcile a spherical surface (Earth) with a flat sheet of paper (Map). This ratio is called a scale factor.Although this is true for accurate large-scale maps, covering a restricted area, it is not true for map projections of the curved surface of the Earth to the plane. The scale factor corresponds linearly to the distance between projected points; however, scale factor values are not equivalent across projections. The scale factor (S.F.) Between the standard parallels, k will be less than 1.0 while beyond the scale factor is … Type: real Domain: Scale Factor at Projection Origin > 0.0 Short Name: sfprjorg . In other words, the product of the two Scale factors at any point in the two directions (N-S … After decades of using only one map projection, the Polyconic, for its mapping program, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) now uses several of the more common projections for its published maps. Grid Scale Factor Spheric al Earth meets flat paper 1.0004 1.0000 0. At any point on the map, it is the ratio of the "true" (undistorted) scale and the "nominal" (distorted) scale. Map The scale is true (scale factor = 1) on each of the standard meridians meaning that there is no distortion along these lines. • Area may be having Elevation , Roads, Stream, Subsea, Terrain, Forest , Protected Areas, Valley , Rivers. Directions; What's in the name? projection are identical) and the fi rst scale factor for Strebe ’ s technique (the second scale factor is determined programmatically). short lines, just calculate one scale factor The false northing was 30480.0610 m and the false easting 152400.3048 m. It is important to note that the map scale depends on the projection used and how the projection distorts the world. The actual scale at a point on map can be obtained by multiplying the nominal map scale by the scale factor. 3.2.9 Area scale. projection scale-factor. The classical way of showing the distortion inherent in a projection is to use Tissot's indicatrix. Convergence Angles One system of grid coordinates! So, the scale factor at the equator is one and as we've seen before with this particular projection which the Mercator projection, … The resulting map projections are called equidistant and the points are called standard points. Part 1: Theory Combined Scale Factor Map projections are used to represent a three dimensional Earth on a two dimensional map, of course there will be distortions present in every map projection. translate: Number[ ] The projection’s translation offset …

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