Most people with a pollen allergy can better tolerate the cross-reacting foods when they have been cooked, baked, or roasted. From palms to ferns, here are 10 plants that can incite allergies. For tips on how to stay healthy and eat right, even in the midst of a tricky allergy season, check out … For people with allergies, houseplants can be an overlooked source of trouble. In addition some pollen allergic people may react to foods that are not on the list. People allergic to birch tree pollen should also be wary of hazelnuts. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, oral allergy syndrome — also known as pollen-food allergy syndrome — is caused by cross-reacting allergens found in both pollen and raw fruits, vegetables and some tree nuts.It affects many people who have hay fever. Food Allergies and Cross-Reactivity People who have oral allergy syndrome generally already have been diagnosed with allergies to inhaled allergens such as tree, weed, or grass pollen. It has a specific protein that can make people simultaneously allergic to birch tree pollen and hazelnuts. In many cases, these reactions are caused by a condition that's known as oral allergy syndrome (OAS) or pollen-food allergy syndrome. A strawberry allergy is considered an oral allergy. Raw or cooked. So the pollen allergic person can eat all the fruit and vegetables that do not cause symptoms even if they are on the list.
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