Submissions become the property of The Boston Globe. [email protected], or write to: The Boston Globe Magazine PO Box 2378 Boston, MA 02107-2378. Letters intended for publication should include the writer's name, address, and daytime phone number. January 10, 2021 Connections is a 650-word article, written in the first person, about relationships. Winners and runners-up will be featured in issue 14.2 … Boston Review accepts submissions by physical mail and online.Online submissions are accepted exclusively through Submittable.. For detailed information about how to submit, whether by physical mail or online, please go to Submittable by clicking the button below. Boston Corbett, a hatter, haranguer, dweller of a hole, who, some years after coolly removing his testicles with a pair of scissors upon Providence’s mercurial advice, drew his Colt revolver outside a burning barn in the name of Abraham Lincoln one April morning, later to be presumed dead in a great Minnesota fire. We don't accept every submission we receive, but we offer feedback and encouragement, and you are always welcome to re-submit material after you've refined it. BD expanded the scope of its earlier safety notice of the Venovo venous stent system. Peregrine has provided a forum for national and international writers since 1983 and is committed to finding exceptional work by both emerging and established writers.We seek work that is unpretentious, memorable, and that reflects diversity of voice. Submissions for MQR Mixtape — Gender/Genre Open until May 15. Cimarron Review no longer accepts submissions via postal mail. Poets and visual artists may submit up to (but no more than) five poems or artworks as a single submission. Genre-specific submission information can be found here. Submissions; magazine. Contributors tell us that after their work reaches more than 70,000 engaged Sun readers, they often hear from old friends and new admirers. We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding. Please note that we are not accepting hard-copy submissions; we will only accept email queries to Foreign Policy readers are well-informed, intelligent individuals with a wide range of interests. Ploughshares is published by Emerson College in Boston. They are not provided by the publication's editors/staff or by Duotrope's admins. THE SUBMISSION PERIOD FOR ISSUE 43: FOOD X IDENTITY (SPRING-SUMMER 2021) IS NOW OPEN. Magazine Classified Listing Reach Natural Awakenings readers with a Classified Ad – In-Print and Online (online coming soon). They may be edited and republished by the Globe or its licensees in any and all media. Read our full guidelines and submit via Submittable ($3). For now, we will also continue to accept submissions sent by mail or email to the addresses listed below: James Najarian, Editor Religion and the Arts Boston College, Carney Hall 446 140 Commonwealth Ave. POETRY: March 20 to March 29, 2021. View our General Submission Guidelines Submissions information and writer's guidelines for The Atlantic. We also accept electronic submissions to Attach all submissions to an email sent to that includes your name, a short bio, and a black-and-white contributor photo. In 2020, the publication was succeeded by Boston Irish, a quarterly magazine with a robust online presence at Introduction by Marge Simon & Bruce Boston. Boston Poetry Magazine reserves the right to alter the Submission Guidelines at any time. Ploughshares is a proud member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses. Boston Literary Magazine Submission Statistics The statistics in this section are compiled from submission reports sent to us through our submission tracker . Published digitally in the autumn and spring, we welcome fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and graphic narrative submissions from emerging and established writers. Regular Submission Guidelines: The Georgia Review accepts submissions both online and by post.We do not accept submissions via email. Box 55819 Boston, MA 02205-5819. You will glide through house, disco and pop without ever having large drops or peaks. All online submissions must consist of a single document in Word format (.doc or .docx). Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer news leader including politics, commentary, arts & entertainment - your source for LGBTQ news for over 50 years. We publish poetry, fiction, works of translation, creative nonfiction, and book reviews, plus a full slate of art and photography per issue. Submissions become the property of The Boston Globe. Editor(s): Sven Birkerts Rights: AGNI buys first North American serial rights for the print magazine and first worldwide serial rights for the online magazine. Please send an email with “Query” as the subject line to to pitch your essay. Boston Globe Ideas accepts submissions for the following: op-eds; reported stories; book excerpts/adaptations; first-person essays; and Q&A features. This is what they had to say. We ask for first-publication rights for online and print. Rock & Roll Rumble 2020 has been canceled. You can add to your "approved senders" list. Please include an e-mail and street contact address with your submission. Visit the post for more. Boston Literary Magazine is dedicated to helping writers get published. Wedding Boston is so excited to launch its second issue of Wedding Boston Magazine! Local Artists to Watch in 2016. As a result, we were given the chance to select … Every edition of Natural Awakenings features a classified section that is read by thousands of people.. … Hard-copy submissions may be sent to the magazine mailbox at the Pen & Anvil office, c/o Boston Poetry Union, 139 Mt. 3 salaries reported. Please also understand that our small submissions fee is roughly equivalent to what a snail-mail submission would cost in paper, toner, envelopes, and postage; you are simply contributing to the survival of our literary magazine endeavor instead of to the US postal service. Purchasing rights All submissions are considered for both print and online publication. At this time, we are able to offer a modest honorarium to accepted writers. See opportunities from SELIN MAGAZINE, Mob Journal, VOLANT Magazine, and more. UU World welcomes letters to the editor and suggestions from readers. Submissions should be mailed to: The Editors The Threepenny Review PO Box 9131 Berkeley, CA 94709. Return to top. Lori is the former art director for Yankee magazine, Philadelphia magazine, and Boston magazine. Mr. Popeo was honored in the inaugural magazine edition of Boston’s biggest power brokers 26 years ago and in every edition since – ranking No. About the Magazine PATTERN magazine is a luxurious, over-sized, meticulously curated, award-winning, collectible independent biannual fashion, art and culture publication designed for a globally-minded, sophisticated audience. JLL represented the buyer, Oliver Street Capital, which purchased the asset from the seller, a private, local seller. ... We are Boston-based writers, editors, and creative professionals dedicated to art, ideas, and making culture thrive. Postal submissions will be returned unopened. Inside Sales Representative. Pays 25 cents a word for stories and $25 and up for other types of submissions. Job. This is a special issue earmarked for 2SQ+BIPOC artists ONLY. FICTION: April 9 to April 20, 2021. Boston College Magazine. There’s A Nightclub Inside My Head flows together rather effortlessly like a well crafted night at a nightclub. 33 Subtropics. welcomes submissions from legal practitioners, academics, and law students. Please forward all submissions to Vicki Sanders at the above address. According to "The Boston Globe," new writers can get their foot in the door by submitting essays to the magazine's Perspective column or Connections. We read general submissions, for all genres, year-round. Submissions may be of any length or genre. The morning section of the route visits historic locations that range from the American Revolutionary War to the Industrial Revolution. Feel free to add your website or social media handles if you would like. BCM is pleased to launch an annual Essay Contest for members of the BC community: alumni, students, faculty, and staff. If you are looking to reproduce copyrighted material that appears in an AMC Books publication (for personal or professional use), please contact us via email at or by mail at AMC Books Editor, 10 City Square, Boston, MA 02129. If you're supplying your e-mail address, there is no need to include a SASE. Epiphany is a semiannual literary journal and independent nonprofit 501(c)(3) that supports practicing writers at every stage of their careers. Founded in 1924 by Bertha Mahony to herald the best in children’s literature, more than eighty-five years later, we are still following her lead. Mail to: Carve Magazine Submissions | PO Box 701510 | Dallas, TX 75370 E. Supp. Your donation today ensures that Harvard Magazine can continue to provide high-quality content and remain an editorially independent source of news about the Harvard community. The Yale Review accepts submissions of poetry, fiction, essays, review essays, and translations; all submissions must be in English and previously unpublished in print or online. All mailed manuscripts must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for our reply. We recommend reading an issue or two before you submit your work—subscribe today or browse some samples online.We only consider unpublished work. Listen Local. Regular Submissions. Follow: @bostonemissions / Boston Emissions / @bostonemissions. She currently serves as the assistant director of the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism. We have the right to use your poem in promotions (in segments, or the poem’s entirety, as long as Boston Poetry Magazine gives credit to the author of the piece). Harry McCracken, former editor-at-large for Time magazine, raised eyebrows in 2013 when he published some particularly bad pitches on his Facebook page. is the online home of the Boston Irish Reporter. The Boston Globe; The Boston Globe accepts personal essays about relationships for their Connections section. Please do not send unsolicited articles, resumes, or writing samples by e-mail With our Breakout 8 contest we honor student writers, taking submissions each summer (please check our submissions page to see whether we are accepting submissions for our contest). How can I send a letter to the editor? While all submissions will be considered for publication in the journal, please keep in mind that we cannot accept simultaneous submissions for The Accent Prize. Description: AGNI is a literary magazine at Boston University with an online extension, AGNI online. $70,119 per year. What is an Op-Ed? Editorial Intern at Boston Magazine Greater Los Angeles Area 110 connections. If you have submitted to us online, please check that your spam filters do not block our email. Subscribe to Blog via Email. We look forward to the opportunity to engage carefully with your work. Include a SASE and cover letter. Please include a cover letter with your submission. Globe Magazine, published online and in the Boston Sunday Globe, informs, entertains, and inspires readers throughout New England and the world. The winning entry will be published in the Summer 2002 issue of BCM and the author will receive an award of $1,000. The E. Supp. Boston College Magazine, Winter 2013, UA. As he has done so passionately and competently, Herzan organized a team to research and produce a history of Boston Whaler, ably written by freelancer Matthew Plunkett. JLL announced today that it has closed the $6.5 million sale of a 52,200-square-foot industrial warehouse facility at 116 Lundquist Dr. in the Boston-area community of Braintree, Massachusetts. Please do not include any identifying information within the body of the work submitted. 730 North Street, Jaffrey, NH 215.880.8494 / Take a guided tour of Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Nashville, New Orleans, New York City, and many other cities. Boston Magazine Salaries in Boston, MA. Mintz is pleased to share that Member and Chairman R. Robert Popeo has again been recognized by Boston Magazine as among the publication’s Power List: The 100 Most Influential Bostonians. Prose manuscripts should be double-spaced; poetry may be submitted single-spaced. To compile the list, Boston magazine works with the health care research firm Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. Physicians nominate their peers for inclusion on the list. The small fee we charge for online submissions helps to support New England Review in its mission to publish writers at all stages of their careers. Boston Bun guides us through the album, track-by-track, for a new Director’s Cut feature. Online submissions. The Performing Arts Department seeks short plays for New Voices, New Stories: A Celebration of Student Playwrights, an annual showcase of new works by UMass Boston playwrights.Submissions of ten minute plays are welcome from all UMass Boston … We welcome submissions for our print journal, which is published three times a year, and for our website, which is updated continuously. Support National Independent Venue Association (NIVA) to keep our small and independent venues open. The newspaper and website are owned and operated by Boston Neighborhood News, Inc., a Dorchester-based company. We’ve been described in many ways: celebratory, fierce, unflinching, thoughtful, truthful, dark, darkly funny, tender. The Florida Review welcomes submissions. Write to world [at] uua [dot] org or “Letters” at the address below. She was a 2016 Peripheral Poets fellow, and her poems have appeared in Hayden’s Ferry Review, Boston Review, Tin House, Gulf Coast, LitHub, and Red Ink, among others. There is no advantage to sending a more expensive way. Bridge Eight Press is an independent boutique press in Jacksonville FL publishing a small catalog of book titles and the online (formerly print) Bridge Eight Literary Magazine.We consider every submission we receive, but look for bold pieces that serve the literary community and community-at-large by delivering a sense of lyrical urgency and authorial authenticity. How can I submit one? Classified ads are $25 for the first 25 words and $1 per extra word (minimum $25). This historically themed Boston, MA, daytrip begins in the town of Waltham, which was incorporated in 1783 and is known for watchmaking. Online submissions. 34 Shenandoah This literary magazine began publishing in 1949 and is one of the very best. The Horn Book Magazine and The Horn Book Guide are the most distinguished journals in the field of children’s and young adult literature and the core of our company. We invite 2SQ+BIPOC artists to submit work on the theme of food and identity. Every week, our sophisticated, smart audience turns to the magazine to be a part of the conversation about trends, people, and ideas. Online submissions. Boston Proper is a one-of-a-kind women’s clothing boutique that puts fashion, confidence, and ageless style at the forefront, creating uniqueness to make all your own for everyday...with distinctive, on-trend, and always affordable looks. Submissions must be original unpublished works of 1,500・,000 words. Telephone numbers count as one word. Home. Submission Guidelines The Boston College Law Review Electronic Supplement (E. It publishes poetry, short fiction and essays. Has been publishing outstanding work since 1986. Our readers want to be provoked by smart, fresh takes on the world and rigorous analysis presented in clear, accessible prose. We seek writing that is fresh and resonant, and look forward to reading work from our local literary community as well as elsewhere. We received around 2000 individual submissions for this special issue. Related articles. Submissions are accepted online through Submission Manager. 429 Commercial St. • 508.487.1500 • mewsptown.comFOOD: INTERCONTINENTAL/BISTRO • EAT IN/TABLE SERVICE • ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS • $$$ 3. Job Title. The Boston Globe Magazine PO Box 2378 Boston, MA 02107-2378. Note: Boston-based actors particularly encouraged to submit. We also accept submissions by mail for free. Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3806. To submit work, please make the following note in your fiction submission to Boston Accent Lit: [*Please consider my piece for The Accent Prize.] Cricket Magazine – Will pay between $10 and $210 dollars for … Clearly indicate any space breaks within stories, and stanza breaks in poetry, especially when they occur at the end of a page, so that these breaks will be obvious to our editors. Show your Support for Harvard Magazine. During our open reading periods we consider every submission seriously. Casting Equity actors for "The Boston Project: Project Resilience," a World Premiere. Castle Connolly evaluates each nominee’s educational and professional experience. Jungle Scene, New York Style Philip Vassallo Born and bred in New York, I am no shill’s fool, but was I ever had today. UU World welcomes feedback, story ideas, letters to the editor, advertising queries, and circulation questions.. Editorial. Pockets Magazine – For kids aged 6-12, Christian magazine offering fiction, scripture, puzzles, games, etc. Please look carefully at all of our submissions categories, as they are numerous. For even more publishers seeking submissions, grab a copy of the Paid Publishing Guidebook. Constellations is a print literary journal based in the Cambridge/Boston area, featuring poetry and short fiction. 32 Harvard Review. What is an Editorial? Please submit your work through Submittable, our online submissions portal. Payment: See guidelines for current rates. If you are unable to make an online submission, you may mail or fax submissions, queries, and other information to UU World, 24 Farnsworth Street, Boston MA 02210-1409; fax (617) 742-7025. UPDATE March 15th, 2021: We have just reopened for submissions for our 11th issue, REDIRECTIONS. We accept submissions year-round in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art. While we accept simultaneous submissions, we ask that submitters notify us promptly if a piece is accepted for publication elsewhere. We are committed to reading every piece that comes in, but submissions have outpaced our reading capacity, leading to longer and longer wait times, which Thank you for sharing your work with Poetry. Special Listing {{item.title}} {{item.description}} Category List {{category}} Contact {{item.contacts.department}} {{}} {{}} Please submit no more than one piece of fiction, nonfiction, graphic narrative, review, or digital story at a time. due to the remote work conditions necessary at this time, we are only able to accept online submissions in 2021. Shira Laucharoen is a reporter based in Boston. Submit your work to hundreds of fashion, beauty, and art magazines and publishers that accept photo submissions. Supp.) Construct a Pre-Pitch Email. is a product of DigBoston, Boston’s always witty and never dull guide to nightlife, opinion and events.Find it in black or orange boxes around the city and inside your favorite places to go to. Perspective is an 800-word essay on a news topic. The Point is a magazine of philosophical writing that embodies two distinct but complementary convictions: on the one hand, that humanistic thinking has relevance for contemporary life; on the other, that our lives are full of experiences worth thinking about. This literary magazine has only been publishing for 6 years, but has been honored so many times it made our list. Submissions Are Open! All submissions should be in 12-point Times New Roman, with poetry single-spaced. Boston magazine that features fashion, sports, food, shopping, arts and more in and around the city of Boston We are loose on the rules here at Boston Accent; we just ask that if you’re going to break them, do it in style.. If you would like Beacon Press to consider your work, first familiarize yourself with our mission statement and our publications. Issue #51: Fall/Winter 2020-2021 Poetry by: Michael Bazzett, Natalie Shapero, Paula Abramo tr. More from the Globe Magazine guidelines. Vernon Street, Fitchburg MA 01420. While the magazine welcomes unsolicited submissions, it cannot accept responsibility for their loss or engage in related correspondence. Have more questions? Ploughshares is a proud member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses. 2. ... POLICY ON SUBMISSIONS Unsolicited manuscripts will be returned only if accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and adequate postage. Please include your full name, address, and a telephone number for confirmation purposes. NONFICTION: February 23 to March 7, 2021. If you would like to provide information on a story to please write to Guidelines for Submissions The Los Angeles Times Magazine publishes all kinds of nonfiction stories: narratives, profiles, memoirs, essays and style pieces. We will reopen for submissions on October 1. Zubeda Khan, a UMass Boston senior and the Arts & Lifestyle editor of Mass Media, recently interviewed George Kovach, a UMass Boston graduate of the MFA program and editor-in-chief of Consequence Magazine.Consequence is an international literary magazine focusing on the culture and consequences of war, and it receives hundreds of submissions a year from genres including poetry, … SUBMISSION GUIDELINES In fairness to all the writers who have submitted to Harvard Review, we have decided to close our submissions for as long as it takes to clear our backlog. Rock & Roll Rumble Submissions Submission guidelines information for The Atlantic. They may be edited and republished by the Globe or its licensees in any and all media. Boston College Law School students make up half of this year’s Boston Bar Association Diversity, Equity a... Online Exclusives May 2021 Students Wow in the Ninth Circuit We read contest submissions, for all genres, during the summer months. IMPORTANT: please note that Qwerty is a graduate student-run magazine at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, and work submitted between February … magazine. publishes a variety of pieces, including essays, practitioner reflections, and response pieces on a rolling basis.. In the afternoon, you’ll get to cruise along rural lanes in pastoral New England countryside. Please read these guidelines before submitting. The best approach submitting a … The link to the online system appears at the end of these guidelines. Submit a request. Journalists who wish to pitch reported stories or commentaries to The Atlantic’s website should reach out to the following news desks. Manuscript Submissions and Permissions Permissions, Rights, and Reproductions. by Dick Cluster, Suphil Lee Park, Jennifer Jean, Rebecca Morgan Frank, Despy Boutris, Christopher Citro, Erica Charis-Molling, Michael Chang, Juan J. Morales, Lisa Fleck Dondiego, Ashley Wagner, John Gallaher, Matthew J. Spireng, and many more Upon acceptance, EX/POST MAGAZINE receives first North American publishing and archival rights. Launched in 1986, Redivider is a literary journal produced by the graduate students in the Writing, Literature, and Publishing program at Emerson College in the vibrant literary hub of Boston. We asked authors, booksellers, publishers, editors, and others to share the places they go to connect with writers of the past, to the bars and cafés where today’s authors give readings, and to those sites that are most inspiring for writing. Combining ‘Pangea’ — the world continent — and ‘gyrus’– the ridges of the cerebral cortex crucial to verbal association, Pangyrus is … In the past she has written for Sampan newspaper, The Somerville Times, Scout Magazine, Boston Magazine, and WBUR. AGNI Magazine Boston University 236 Bay State Road Boston, MA 02215 Regular post is fine. Submissions for New South’s 2021 writing contest have been extended, and will now close on April 9th, 2021. All pitches and submissions … You can submit for free if you purchase a subscription or renewal at the time of submission. At the end of 2020, the Globe Magazine’s Miss Conduct invited readers to share their hard-won lessons from a pandemic year. Use the submission button below to send an online submission. Western Humanities Review accepts unsolicited submissions of original poetry, fiction, nonfiction, hybrid work, audio/visual work, essays, and reviews year round. She has art-directed magazines on topics including home, food/entertaining, contemporary art + design, travel, wedding, and both long- and short-form narrative. You can also visit our contest page to learn more about our annual poetry and fiction contests. Before May 15, 2021, please send us your writings and art works that refract gender through the prism of race, ethnicity, class, religion, dis/ability, or any other affiliation. The Adirondack Review is an online quarterly magazine of art and literature. New South 2021 Contest New South holds an annual writing contest at the beginning of each year. Make us question all of … Include your name, address, daytime phone number, and congregational affiliation on all correspondence. A magazine for poetry, fiction, & memoirs. Online submissions. Ploughshares is published by Emerson College in Boston. Simultaneous submissions are also acceptable as long as we are notified immediately if the manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere. Boston Poetry Magazine retains the right to publish and archive submissions. We accept … Location. More from the Globe Magazine The HyperTexts The Best Poetry Magazines and Literary Journals for Submissions (if you want "Recognition") Please keep in mind that this list is, by definition, subjective, since "the best" is a … We pay fiction contributors $100 and offer feedback on 5-10% of declined submissions. Boston magazine Events Winner Downloads Awards Contact Us Faces of Women Led Business—October 2017 Issue. The Massachusetts Review 2020 - 2021 Submissions Period is now closed.
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