Caterpillar 3306 Engine, 13Z serial number Caterpillar D250E Water Truck Parts Machine. Pictured: engine data plate with a serial number of MSX81323. model and serial number. SERIAL NUMBER. Call or email for your parts for this machine. :crazy: Oh the truck is a 1985 Autocar. 240/480 Volts 3 Phase, 120/240 Volts Single Phase, 120V Receptacles, 240V Receptacles, CAT 3306 Engine, Electrical Switch Gear, Bottom Mounted Fuel Tank, Insulated Enclosure, T/A, Pintle Ring, Surge Brakes, 9.50-16.5LT Tires, Seller Comments: Year of manufacture is 1997. Thanks for the help! Engine serial numbers are also stamped on the engine block. Includes. If the motor has several coats of paint, it could be covered. I have looked, I think its just hiding form me! The serial number should be stamped on the right side of the block towards the rear. REMAINING WARRANTY MAY APPLY. PRICING. I know its not a Vintage Diesel Engine but its close. the Serial and Model nuMber iS loCated on a MetalliC plate on the paSSenger Side of the This information can be found on the engine data plate, located on the left side by the injection pump. Cat D25D Articulated Dump Truck used for sale, Year 1996, Serial Number 1HK00594, Engine 260hp CAT 3306, Hours 11,141, ironmartonline Customer: yeah thats right, there is a name plate above it showing 26K970 and then under that stamped in the block is B1693X. The identification plaque has long gone but I believe that Caterpillar stamped the engine/serial number some where on the block. j.r. There is the location for the engine serial number. Turn to the Service Information section of this guide, beginning on page 5, and find the engine model, serial number, and horsepower for the engine. Trailer comes with a title. 2AJ00327. Feature Name Description. I have a little truck that has a Cat 3406B in it. Any brake model listed under the engine model and serial number may be used on this engine. Serial Number: 63Z18619: Unit Number: EE14234: Catalog Number: CU4635989: Manufacturing Year: 1989: Hours: 1 h: Country: United States: Location: Phoenix, AZ: Pricing: Price Excluding Tax: 12,000 USD: Tax: USD: Price Including Tax: USD: Caterpillar 3306B on Mascus USA. $34,000. Help! Need procedure how to set timming on fuel pump for 3306 cat. Phoenix, AZ. c aterpillar aterpillar 3406 TRP400EN 7 Caterpillar 3406 Engine Parts caterpillar chart C Model Chart and Serial nuMber loCation Serial nuMberS ConSiSt of a String of alphanuMeriC Code. The serial number is usually 8 digits long. To determine service information for an engine brake: 1. 2. EE16316. Location. (GOOD USED) 1995 Caterpillar 3306 Diesel Engine For Sale, 300HP @ 1900RPM, MECHANICAL FUEL PUMP, AR # 119-3602, 10.5L, 6 Cylinder, TURBOCHARGED, Engine Serial# 9TL06230, Stock # 2218 WATCH TEST... See More Details The serial number for a B model Cat that you are looking for is on the block, not the head or anywhere else. I'm looking for the location of the serial #. Cat 3306 diesel motor 100kw military generator 24 hours, 2 new batteries, always shedded, runs great, used very little, comes mounted on a 2013 Lamar tandem axle trailer. ... ID NUMBER. Warranty Name Call For Pricing. You will see that when you enter some of our product p ages , there is a box under our price with the available options. 2. Learn more about our Used 1989 CAT 3306 ATTAC Generator Sets: Diesel for sale here! A lot of motors have a right side water filter, it would be behind it. Giving us your engine serial number will guarantee you get the right parts for your engine, because we can look it up to figure out what your engine was originally built with. catmastertech : Left rear corner under the cylinder head. Write down the numbers or take a picture of the data plate and give us a call. Caterpillar:3304,3306 Series: Cat 3306 Engine Number Location: waltini : 8 : 3 : 13-Jun-19 Original Post : 05-Jun-19 : I have just purchased a timber cruiser built in 1985 still with its original 3306 turbo engine.

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