Conclusion • Obtaining reliable data in childhood blindness is very challenging. In high income countries, the predominant causes of blindness are the optic nerve and the higher visual pathway while in low income countries, avoidable causes such as measles, trachoma and traditional eye medication predominates. WHO estimates that, globally, up to 75% of all blindness is avoidable. The first task is awareness. By Mohammed M Abdull and Mansur Rabiu. We estimated the prevalence and relative contribution of avoidable causes of blindness and vision impairment globally from 1990 to 2020. Cataract Cataract, a loss of the normal transparency of the crystalline lens due to an opacity, is responsible for half of all blindness worldwide, and is largely related to the ageing process (the older a person, the greater the … magnitude and causes of avoidable blindness. An estimated 20.5% of adults in T&T have diabetes, 26.3% have high blood pressure and 55.7% Blindness is strictly defined as the state of being totally sightless in both eyes. The major causes of blindness were non-trachomatous corneal opacity (60.8%) and trachoma corneal opacity (12.8%). The leading causes of bilateral blind - Vision loss from avoidable causes like cataract (63%), refractive errors (10%) and glaucoma (5%) can be treated or prevented with cost effective means. It was launched on 18 February, 1999 by the WHO together with more than 20 non-governmental organizations involved in eye care and prevention and management of blindness that comprise the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. The initiative is a collaborative effort of the World Health Organization’s Programme for the Prevention of Blindness and Deafness (PBD) and a group of International Non-Governmental Organizations with the common goal of eliminating avoidable blindness by the year 2020, in partnership with committed member countries. For every $1 invested in blindness prevention, more than $4 is returned in economic terms. About 86.7% of the causes of blindness are avoidable. According to the 2010 census, the population of Kandze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture was 1.09 million (0.56 million men; 0.53 million women) with 16.8% of the population aged 50 years and older. Primary and secondary outcome measures The prevalence and causes of blindness and vision impairment. Background There are no recent data on the prevalence and causes of blindness in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Read More: 11 Best Natural Foods For Eye Health People Should Eat Regularly. causes of avoidable blindness are often associated with poverty and lack of access to quality eye health services. VISION 2020 is a global initiative to eliminate avoidable blindness by the year 2020 [2]. eyeSIGHT INTERNATIONAL’S core mission is aiding VISION2020-The Right to Sight or the Global Initiative to Eliminate Avoidable Blindness, as defined by the WHO and IAPB. WHO estimates that Kolmarg Eyesight Foundation (KEF) is an international Christian non-governmental organization located in Jos, north-central Nigeria. Cataract, glaucoma, corneal opacity, diabetic retinopathy, onchocerciasis, childhood blindness, trachoma, and some other causes of blindness can potentially all be prevented and/or treated. Of all bilateral blindness in Manicaland, 94.5% is considered avoidable, 67.2% is considered treatable (cataract, aphakia and URE), 7.0% avoidable by primary eye care and 20.3% potentially avoidable by specialised ophthalmic care. Eighty percent of all these cases are considered avoidable. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness (RAAB) is a rapid survey methodology developed at ICEH. of blindness is avoidable and treatable.2 Major causes of avoidable blindness include cataracts, glaucoma, trauma, diabetic retinopathy and refractive errors. This year’s theme is Universal Eye Health: “No More Avoidable Blindness”, which is aimed at strengthening public awareness on the importance of proper eye care and promote the prevention of avoidable blindness, being considered as a serious public health issue of … Among the main causes of avoidable blindness are cataract, refractive errors (myopia, hyper-opia and astigmatism), glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. The most common anatomical site of blindness was the lens (33.9%). Some of the targets for ending avoidable childhood blindness included eliminating corneal scarring from vitamin A deficiency and measles, eradicating new cases of congenital rubella … Cataract Cataract, a loss of the normal transparency of the crystalline lens due to an opacity, is respon-sible for half of all blindness … Glaucoma was responsible for 8.2% of blindness, while cataract surgical complications were responsible for 7.8% of blindness in the sample . The cataract surgical coverage in blind persons was 59%. Ghana’s Eye Health Program is committed to working towards the reduction of avoidable blindness and visual impairment in the country. The high proportion of avoidable blindness, with ... and causes of blindness at a national level are essential for ... ing from uncorrected, non-IOL cataract surgery or couching-uncor-rected aphakia) was defined as a presenting visual acuity of 6/18 improving to 6/18 after correction. Introduction Last survey of blindness in Indonesia was conducted on 1993-1996. Eighty percent of all these cases are considered avoidable. That puts global blindness and severe vision impairment on track to double by 2050. To determine the avoidable causes of childhood blindness in Malaysia and to compare this to other middle income countries, low income countries and high income countries. The leading cause of avoidable blindness in Mori children is caused by non-accidental injuries. Elimination of these diseases, which are known from ancient texts to have plagued humankind for millennia, is within our grasp. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates further indicate that there are 125,000 people living with blindness, 62,500 of who are blind from cataract. Methods: The various causes of blindness were analysed in 179 blind female students in terms of the anatomical disorder present, the age of the child at the time of presentation with the visual disorder and the visual outcome observed after prescription of spectacles, magnifiers and non-optical devices. The IAPB promotes VISION 2020: The Right to Sight, the joint initiative … There were 166 (82%) blind from avoidable causes and 190 (94.1%) were irreversibly blind with 76.1% due to avoidable causes. Posterior segment diseases account for 25.0% of all bilateral blindness. Avoidable blindness was the sum of treatable and preventable causes, and unavoidable causes were all other causes. Prevalence and Causes of Blindness and Low Vision in a Rural Setting in Pakistan. Causes of Blindness and Visual Impairment in Nigeria: The Nigeria National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey. Among the causes of visual impairment, 75% of them are avoidable. Causes of blindness and VI. SightFirst reaches millions who are needlessly blind and who otherwise would not have access to eye health care. The most recent data available for the causes of childhood blindness in SA were collected in a nationwide study of blind schools in 1996, which found that 39% of childhood visual impairment was avoidable.7 Retinal disease featured prominently, with dystrophies and albinism accounting for the majority of cases in this disease spectrum. These are alarming statistics – but the good news is that 75% of all blindness and visual impairment is treatable or preventable. We [26,27] The causes of visual impairment and blindness noted in our study as in most studies in developing countries are avoidable. Cataract was the major cause of blindness (53.0%); similarly, it was a major cause of severe VI (63.5%). The cataract surgical coverage in blind persons was 59%. The top 4 causes of low vision were cataract, uncorrected refractive error, glaucoma, and DR. The leading causes of vision impairment and blindness are uncorrected refractive errors and cataracts. We aimed to compare the results with the Avoidable causes of blindness such as cataract, glaucoma and non-trachoma corneal scarring were responsible for 89.8% of bilateral blindness and 86.1% of bilateral severe VI. In 1999, WHO and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness launched VISION 2020. Cataract was the major cause of blindness (53.0%); similarly, it was a major cause of severe VI (63.5%). But, with experts predicting global blindness is set to triple by 2050, there is still a long way to go in the fight to end avoidable blindness altogether. The proportion of TCO blindness was higher than non-TCO in only 14 studies, (9.6%). Most people with visual impairments are >50 years old, more are female than male, and more live in resource-limited areas than resource-rich areas. , Common significant causes in all countries include congenital cataract and hereditary retinal dystrophies . There is a need for an inclusive approach that targets not just the medical causes but also the socio-economic causes of avoidable blindness. Overall, in 29 659 eyes (84.58%), the corneal pathology was due to avoidable causes and in 5407 eyes (15.42%) was due to non-avoidable causes. The most “preventable” or “treatable” cause was given precedence over a nonpreventable or non … 90% of the nearly 45 million blind and 135 million visually disabled people worldwide live in developing countries. As most cases can be avoided through evidence-based eye health care interventions, the elimination of avoidable VI and blindness is a global health priority. Fluid causes the macula - the part of the retina that allows us to see colours and fine detail - to swell leading to blurred vision. Launched jointly by the World Health Organization and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness in 1999. The magnitude of avoidable (preventable and treatable) blindness Cataract, glaucoma, corneal opacity, diabetic retinopathy, onchocerciasis, childhood blindness, trachoma, and some other causes of blindness can potentially all be prevented and/or treated. prevalence of blindness to 4.5%.13,15 The number of adults 50 years and older blind from cataracts doubled between 2006 and 2014.13 A survey of childhood blindness in 2008 also indicated that 63% of bilateral and 89% of bilateral blindness in Botswana children was avoidable. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, worldwide, approximately 1300 million people with a form of visual impairment. Most visual impairments are avoidable (80%) in all age groups with the leading causes globally and across ages being uncorrected refractive errors and cataracts. 50 years and older, residing in a non-institutional setting in a cluster for at least 6 months, was eligible to participate. Avoidable blindness Diabetic Retinopathy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Diabetic retinopathy affects an estimated one-third of people with diabetes and is the leading cause of blindness and vision loss in adults between 35-50. Introduction. They found overall numbers of people both blind and vision impaired increased; adjusting for aging populations produced a 15.4 percent decrease in avoidable blindness since 2010, but no significant reduction in moderate or severe vision loss. Almost all the causes of blindness 'are avoidable' The survey's lead researcher Professor Hugh Taylor said Aborigines were born with better eyesight than non-indigenous babies. clinical-presentation-and-visual-status-of-retinitis-pigmentosa.pdf. The present study highlighted cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and ARMD as the leading causes of VI in Yazd district. Orbis is a leading global non-governmental organization that has been a pioneer in the prevention and treatment of avoidable blindness for nearly four decades. This is a population-based survey using the rapid assess- ment of avoidable blindness (RAAB) methodology. Avoidable causes of blindness (i.e. The GBD predicted 2.3% and 7.9%4, so DR is a more important cause of blindness than expected. The eye health sector shares a uniform approach to eliminating avoidable blindness: making eye care services available to people who would otherwise go unreached. 3. Age-related causes of visual impairment and blindness are increasing, as is blindness due to uncontrolled diabetes. About 75% of all blindness worldwide is avoidable and is mainly caused by cataract and trachoma. Among children, the major causes of avoidable blindness include cataract, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), and Vitamin A deficiency. Cataract was the major cause of blindness (57.4%), followed by glaucoma (17.3%). aggressively fights avoidable blindness primarily through its SightFirst program. The main causes of blindness from one country to another, in order of … Definite avoidable causes of blindness (i.e., cataract, refractive error, trachoma and corneal scarring) were responsible for 74.6% of bilateral blindness. Causes of blindness can be divided into avoidable (preventable or treatable) and non-avoidable [2]. Orbis transforms lives by delivering the skills, resources and knowledge needed to deliver accessible quality eye care. Prevalence and causes of avoidable blindness and severe visual impairment in a tribal district of Maharashtra, India. It is a population based survey of visual impairment and eye … View Vision 2020.pdf from OOAD 5 at Manipal University. Little is known about the causes of eye diseases in Uruguay (3). By virtue of Proclamation No. In 1999, WHO and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness launched VISION 2020. ABSTRACT This Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness survey was conducted in Rwanda from 13th July to 12th August 2015 to assess the prevalence and causes of blindness and visual impairment (VI) in Rwanda. ABSTRACT This Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness survey was conducted in Rwanda from 13th July to 12th August 2015 to assess the prevalence and causes of blindness and visual impairment (VI) in Rwanda. Causes of blindness and vision impairment in 2020 and trends over 30 years, and prevalence of avoidable blindness in relation to VISION 2020: the Right to Sight: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. Top PDF Avoidable blindness were compiled by 1Library. Lens-related blindness was the leading cause in boys (37.0%) compared with corneal blindness in girls (29.8%). The Sokoto blind beggars: causes of blindness and barriers to rehabilitation services; The Sokoto blind beggars: causes of blindness and barriers to rehabilitation services. We are an international non-profit that brings people together to fight avoidable blindness. Overall, the majority of corneal causes of blindness fell into the non-TCO category, comprising 5.8% of blindness on average, while TCO blindness averaged just 1.4% of blind-ness. collaboration with international non-governmental organizations launched in 1999 with the aim of eliminating the major causes of avoidable blindness by the year 2020 (1). In both groups, the leading cause of unilateral vision loss was “uncorrected refractive error” – meaning common eyesight conditions (like short-sightedness or astigmatism) which weren’t treated over time and eventually led to vision loss. Standard The World Health Assembly (2013) proposed that assessment of causes and prevalence of visual impairment is required to track the progress toward universalization of eye health and eliminating avoidable causes of visual impairment by the year 2020. It was established by an ophthalmologist, Dr. Olukorede Adenuga on the 22nd of November 2020, and was incorporated on the 8th … Six other studies with previously published data on childhood blindness in Bangladesh, … Cataract was the main cause of blindness (41.2%) followed by non-trachomatous corneal opacity (15.7%), and posterior segment diseases (14.5%). Glaucoma. Many of these causes are avoidable, and with preventive strategies and effective referral systems, the burden of blindness in adults and children can be greatly reduced. AVOIDABLE BLINDNESS The three main causes of blindness Cataract, trachoma and glaucoma are respon-sible for more than 70 % of the global blind-ness (34, 40). Definite avoidable causes of blindness (i.e., cataract, refractive error, trachoma and corneal scarring) were responsible for 74.6% of bilateral blindness. Donate now. With our network of partners we mentor, train and inspire local teams to fight blindness in their communities. Causes of Blindness and Visual Impairment in Nigeria: The Nigeria National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey. Trachoma-control programs must be aimed primarily at those severely affected communities where the disease leads to blindness. In planning and implementing control programs, consideration must be given to the simultaneous introduction of other specific measures for dealing with all causes of avoidable blindness. BLINDNESS 2. Download pdf. Up to 80% of all blindness in adults is preventable or treatable. Blindness and visual impairment are persistent global challenges despite the fact that nearly 80% of the causes are avoidable and 90% of those affected live in developing countries. Despite significant strides in making services available, avoidable… Background Many causes of vision impairment can be prevented or treated. The main difference lies in avoidable causes of blindness, which appeared to be much higher in the Mori population. Conclusion: Cataract was the main cause of blindness, considered treatable; priority should be given for cataract surgery followed by optical services. investigate the reasons behind non-acceptance of cataract surgery and whether screening programs can promote the uptake of cataract surgery. However, the proportion Secondary outcomes were CSC and effectiveness and participant-reported barriers to cataract surgery. The goal of this programme was to eliminate avoidable blindness (preventable or treatable) globally by 2020. VISION2020 seeks to address the main causes of avoidable. If not treated, diabetic retinopathy can lead to a gradual loss of vision or blindness that cannot be reversed. Of all bilateral blindness 82.6% is considered avoidable.

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