Student Choice Board: Assesing Student Understanding of Mechanical Energy. The green button appears where the skater was most recently released, Build your own tracks, ramps, and jumps for the skater. Energy Skate Park: Basics Friction Playground Intro Exploration Phase: (5-7 minutes) 1. Name:_____! Registration is easy and cost-free. 2. Showoffwhatyouknow!!! Clicking on either button will return the skater to the location of the button. AAP - PhET Energy Skate Park Date: 1/17/20 Period: 5 Part 1: The Skate Basic Park – Intro to Energy Potential and Kinetic PhET Lab Introduction: When Tony Hawk wants to launch himself as high as possible off the half-pipe, how does he achieve this? The skate park is an excellent example of the conservation of energy. Complex Controls When the skater exits the screen, two additional return skater buttons appear on the screen. Tips for Teachers Energy Skate Park: Basics. Instruction Slide: Energy Skate Park Basics -Pie For Me. 3. d. Bothaandc! Energy Skate Park: Basics During the first minute or of this portion of the lesson, I project a Student Choice Board on the interactive whiteboard at the front of the room. This `` collision '' elastic or inelastic Physics Answersand the amplitude of the for! a. 1. Look at the variety of ways to display the data while the skater is moving, 5. Place the skater at various starting points on the ramp. Explore different tracks and view the kinetic energy, potential energy and friction as she moves. Whatdoes!gravitational’potential’energy!dependon?! Editor's Note: Supplementary Materials Registered PhET users also have access to teacher-created lesson plans, printable student guides, clicker questions, and assessments developed specifically to accompany "Energy Skate Park Basics". Graph, and observe the potential energy Bar as the phet tutorial: energy skate park basics mastering physics answers from rest.Watch the turns. Position! 2. Click the "Intro" tab. 4. 20 minutes. Briefly explore this sim. Explore changing his mass and the type of ramp. b. AirResistance! c. Gravity!
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