Secretary of State - May 4 Election Browsers that can not handle javascript will not be able to access some features of this site. counties with elections Tuesday. GENESEE COUNTY, Mich. - Next Tuesday, May 4th, voters in Genesee County will once again be heading to the polls. See also: Michigan state legislative special elections, 2020. Race Analysis. Summary. Results: Election results can be found at WWMT. Election Division - Genesee County Clerk's Office 900 South Saginaw Street Flint, MI 48502 (810) 257-3283 The City Clerk’s Office, located in Flint City Hall, will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through May 4, providing absentee ballots over the counter to Flint voters. Voter turnout was low, as most counties had only one or two items on local ballots. The Election Department is responsible for overseeing the printing and distribution of election ballots and conducting national, state, and county elections. Share to Pinterest. May 25, 2021 ... Special Reports Election 2020. To vote in the state of Michigan you must be a U.S. Citizen, 18 years old by election day, and a resident of the State of Michigan … A special election will be held on May 4 of 2021 ... ALL eligible and registered voters in Michigan may now request an absent voter ballot without providing a reason. Biden received 96% of those votes, and the State miraculously went to him. Polls are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday May 4. February 2000 Election Results The outcome of the 2024 presidential election may be on the ballot, too. Gov. Section 2. May 4, 2021 Election ... To see your voting status, you can visit « Notice of registration for the special election. - May 7, 2021 - Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America: At 6:31 in the morning on November 4th, a dump of 149,772 votes came in to the State of Michigan. His comments came Friday on his new online platform he set up to communicate with his followers. Posted: May 4, 2021 / 10:42 PM EDT / Updated: May 5, 2021 / 03:46 AM EDT LANSING, Mich. (WLNS)– Election results for the 2021 Michigan May election are listed below: Ingham County on a Charter Amendment Change ***** Charter Amendment Ballot reads: "Shall Chapter XI, Section 5 of the Village of Franklin Charter be amended to. MAY 4, 2021 SPECIAL ELECTION Notice of Registration - Special Election - May 4, 2021 Notice of Public Accuracy - Special Election - May 4, 2021 Notice of 2021 Special Election May 4, 2021 UNOFFICIAL SPECIAL ELECTION RESULTS - MAY 4, 2021 In Allen County there is only one countywide issue and that is the renewal of a property tax for Children Services. On May 4, 2021, all registered voters in the Northville Public School District will have the opportunity to vote on an Operating Millage proposal that would renew the current millage rate of 19.2383 mills on all non-homestead property for five years, 2022 to 2026. The Elections Division is responsible for the supervision and certification of all elections that take place within the county. Michigan Voter Information Center; Lenawee County Government Directory; Past Election Results; Special May 4, 2021 OFFICIAL Results. From the 14th day prior to election day, a voter must register in person with the local clerk and provide residency verification in order to vote in the upcoming election. Feb 8th 2019 Michigan Pond Hockey Classic CANCELLED. Michigan Voter Information Center; Lenawee County Government Directory; Past Election Results; Candidate and Proposal List for Special May 4, 2021 Election. DEARBORN HEIGHTS — The D7 School Board hosted a town hall event to notify residents about the purpose of the special election on May 4 for a bond approval. August 8, 2000 Election Results. June 2000 Election Results . 10/8/10-- Wyden's polling numbers have improved in recent polls, and he seems to be comfortably above 50 percent now.This may be something of a missed opportunity for Republicans. Recording results of the special election in Michigan's 4th District The public is also invited to speak. When you find the ballot style that you wish to view, simply click on the link to display the information. Before a ballot may be issued for absentee voters; you must request one by applicaiton. Michigan Voter Information Center to see if you are registered to vote in Michigan. Share to Twitter. Next Election(s) in the City of Grand Rapids August 3, 2021 - Special Grand Rapids Public Schools Election LAST DAY TO REGISTER IN ANY MANNER OTHER THAN IN-PERSON WITH LOCAL CLERK (168.497) - JULY 19, 2021. Phone 517.279.4306. DEARBORN HEIGHTS — The D7 School Board hosted a town hall event to notify residents about the purpose of the special election on May 4 for a bond approval. August 5th, 2014 Primary Election Results Finding your spring Election Day results has full results from the five U.P. … CONTACT US. The suit alleges the “tally tape” shows Joe Biden receiving more votes than ballots that were actually cast for him. document seq 1.00 May 4 Absentee Ballot Applications Available.pdf. KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Tuesday, May 4 marked the May election in Michigan, and several items were on the ballots for southwest Michigan communities. Shawnee Township residents will be seeing a 3-point-5-mills additional property tax for police services on the ballot. November 3, 2015, General Election Results August 4th Local Primary Results May 5, 2015 Special Election Summary Results November 4, 2014. May 2021 Newsletter.pdf. ... Where do I vote? St. Clair County Clerk - Elections Division 201 McMorran Boulevard, Port Huron, Michigan MI 48060 Phone: 810-985-2159 • Fax: 810-985-2241 Email: SCC Elections What's on … Notice of Election for August 3, 2021. FLINT, MI — Voters in Genesee County will have a range of tax proposals to decide on for Tuesday’s special election. Email 10/30/10-- The days of a close race here are over.Gillibrand is polling around 55 percent, and is a prohibitive favorite to retain her Senate seat. Several school districts have millage renewals and … Sample Ballots for the August 3, 2021 Special Election Identify the municipality and the precinct you would like to view a ballot for. Early Voting for May 4th, 2021 Primary/Special Election. This time for a special election … The Livonia Public Schools Board of Education voted unanimously to move forward with a “zero tax rate increase” bond proposal during a May 4, 2021 election. Applications for the Nov election will be mailed on September 1, 2021 Michigan Aug. 4th Election: Congressional, County Primaries. While blasting the two states, he also referred the 2020 presidential election as "fraudulent." 2021 Election Information May 4, 2021 Special Election. WEST MICHIGAN — Several West Michigan municipalities and school districts have proposals up for consideration in Tuesday’s election. August 3, 2021 Special Election. Listed below is information about the May 4, 2020 special election in Emmet County. The most publicized race has been the Lima Mayoral battle as long time Mayor David Berger decided he was not running for 9 th term. The bond would be for $6.4 million and go directly to school enhancements. Biden received 96% of those votes and the State miraculously went to him. 2018 MAY 8th Special Recall Election - City of Wayne. A special election for Michigan House of Representatives District 4 was called for November 3, 2020. Some functions of this site are disabled for browsers blocking jQuery. The highlight, according to board members, is that the district would garner $186 million for needed improvements without raising the … ElectionSummaryReportRPT.pdf. 2021 Election Dates May 4, 2021 Special Election For more information on the Oak Park Schools bond proposal, please CLICK HERE. Write-in candidates will not be reported on the application until verified by the canvass of the election. Special May 4, 2021 Ballot … Includes Reports and Results: Ballot Language - August 3, 2021 Election . November 4, 2014 General Election; May 6, 2014 Primary Election; 2014 Special Elections; 2013 Elections. 12220 Fillmore Street Room 130 West Olive, MI 49460 March 2000 Election Results. The City of Kalamazoo, Michigan. February 24, 2015 Special Election Results; November 4, 2014 General Election Results; August 5, 2014 Primary Election Results; February 25, 2014 Special Election Results; November 5, 2013 General Election Results; August 6, 2013 Primary Election Results; May 7, 2013 Special Election Results; November 6, 2012 General Election Results Applications for the May election will be mailed on March 1, 2021; Ballots for the May election will be mailed beginning March 20, 2021; November 2, 2021 – REQUEST AN ABSENTEE BALLOT.

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