If the sale involves pre-ordered or made-to-order goods, you must ship within the timeframe you specified in the listing. However, the following situations are not covered: Items that violate eBay's prohibited and restricted items policies But with Seller Protection, if the transaction meets our requirements, we’ll help keep your balance intact. Top Rated Sellers receive enhanced visibility in eBay search results and exclusive seller protections. For details, see PayPal Checkout Basic Integration. As a recommendation, sellers should keep all evidence of the transaction and sale, keep track of shipping and delivery, and have a solicitor just in case a large amount is involved. Use the /v2/payments endpoint instead. If you do not respond to PayPal’s request for documentation and other information in the time requested, you may not be eligible for Seller Protection. However I don't know how much to send as I don't know how much he will be charged for buyers protection. Seller Protection protects you from chargebacks, reversals, and claims for the full amount on eligible payments due to an unauthorized transaction or an item not received. An authorized payment places funds on hold to be captured later. The paypal site says: 'No PayPal transaction fee for you. PayPal is not an ideal method to use without its Seller Protection service, but even in the case of the protection, some cases are ruled in the buyer’s favor. By becoming a Top Rated Seller, you will also be eligible to receive a Top Rated Plus seal that will be prominently displayed with your qualifying listings. The seller pays the fee. Items eligible for Top Rated Seller protections must be: Listed on eBay.com; Eligible for eBay Money Back Guarantee; Transactions not eligible for protections. There’s no charge for this service; we want your transactions to be secure. Use the /payment resource to create a sale, an authorized payment, or an order.A sale is a direct credit card payment, stored credit card payment, or PayPal payment. With Seller Protection, you can carry on with your business knowing that we have your back. Most transactions on eBay are covered by seller protections. Plus, your eligible purchases are covered by PayPal Buyer Protection.' Deprecation notice: The /v1/payments endpoint is deprecated. If I want to pay for protection but the seller … These complaints can affect your merchant PayPal balance.
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