He became an important friend and spiritual advisor to the Romanov family, particularly Tsarina Alexandra.The implications of their friendship would have catastrophic consequences for the Romanov dynasty. See this event in other timelines: A Soviet depiction of the tsar surrendering the crown. Michael Romanov is elected tsar, beginning a new dynasty on the Russian throne Go to Romanov in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed.) The February Revolution was a largely spontaneous uprising that brought about the abdication of Nicholas II and the end of tsarism in Russia. Grigori Rasputin was a Siberian starets (faith healer) who arrived in St Petersburg around 1904. The Orontid dynasty, also known by their native name Eruandid or Yervanduni, was a hereditary Armenian dynasty and the rulers of the successor state to the Iron Age kingdom of Urartu (Ararat). They first came to power in 1613, and over the next three centuries, 18 Romanovs … Romanov Dynasty 1613: After several years of unrest, famine, civil war and invasions, Mikhail Romanov is coronated as czar at age 16, ending a long period of instability.The Romanov dynasty … The House of Normandy designates the noble family which originates from the Duchy of Normandy and whose members were counts of Rouen, dukes of Normandy, as well as kings of England following the Norman conquest of England.It lasted until the House of Plantagenet came to power in 1154. Grigori Rasputin, the Siberian faith healer with links to the royal family. The Romanov family was the last imperial dynasty to rule Russia.
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