Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. (COM/CON) Within the period 1450-1800, compare the process (e.g. Chapter 14. Land Based Empires 1450-1750 Russian Empire Video-Video Review- Mughal/Ottoman/Safavid/ Empire Administration; Empires Expand. WARFARE – 1450 to 1750 The nature of warfare changed in profound and lasting ways in the period covered in this volume, in almost every arena: the weapons used, tactics deployed, strategies pursued, the scale and organization of land and sea forces, and the impact of warfare on states and societies. CHAPTER 14: Empires and Encounters, 1450–1750. Russian Empire (1500-1800) Mongol power dissolved . Russians also constructed a major empire 3. During the period between 1750 and 1914, Russia saw Western Europe’s borders expanding. 1750-1900. The Russian principalities were devastated by a massive Mongol invasion in 1242. People felt the pressure to convert to Christianity. Cooperated with the established religions in their respective countries Russian empire differed greatly from other colonial empires that emerged during the Age of Discovery, because Russian colonies and conquered lands were not separated from the core part of the empire by oceans or seas, but were placed on the same continent with the metropolis. Ex: By 1720 = population of Siberia = 70% Russian and 30% native Siberian Unit: 1450 - 1750 Renaissance and Reformation. Between 1450-1750 both the Ottoman and Russian Empires were highly suspicious of the imperial desires of the West while the Ottomans will attack European powers ( Siege of Vienna) Russia will selectively take ideas like a gunpowder navy from the “West”. During the Early Modern Era, from 1450-1750 CE, there were several empires quickly emerging, such as the Spanish, Russian, Qing China, Ottoman and Mughal empires. Russia 1450-1750. Each color represesnts a different time period and the areas they conquered. We can custom-write anything as well! Between 1450 and 1750 there were several examples of states attempting this balancing act. Social ... RUSsia (1500-1750) P: During this period Russia is a monarchy ruled by the Czar family. 600-1450 PERIOD 4 1450-1750 PERIOD 5 1750-1900 PERIOD 6 1900-Present Politics Religion based Hierarchal system Delegation of responsibility Bureaucratic codification 6th century Justinian rule – restore Rome Mongol invasion 1237-1241 - Russia divided into small kingdoms Tartars control - left day to day control to locals Ivan III/IV - IMPERIAL EXPANSION, RUSSIA IMPERIAL EXPANSION, RUSSIA. Settler Colonies in North America. 1450-1750. England was gaining power in the Middle East and Africa, Germany and Italy were becoming established nation states, and all the while Western Europe was getting richer due to the economic boom created by the Industrial Revolution. The Early Modern World, 1450-1750 The oceans and seas were at the center of the Early Modern world. 2120) DOI: 10.14296/RiH/2014/2120 Date accessed: 11 May, 2021. Russian Empire Develops. The Churches reflect Russianarchitectural traditions, but the wall design was created by Italian and English architects. Around Moscow. Making the Russian Empire. The History of Russia from 1450 to 1750 Print PDF Zoom Out Events Ivan's win on the Ugra River 1480 Ivan's forces deter Akhmat Khan of the Great Horde from Invading Muscovy. During World War I, the Ottoman Empire sides with the Central Powers. 1450-1750. Empire 1450-1750 CE: Connection to Byzantine Empire - married niece of emperor Expansion – fought Ottoman Empire Fall of Byzantine Empire (1453) Empire 1750-1900 CE: Empire 1900-present: USSR: Religion 8000 BCE-600CE: Animist – gods of sun, thunder, wind and fire: Religion 600-1450 CE British Empire. 1900-Present. Russia in the Early Modern Period (1450-1750) Ivan IV’s son was an incompetent ruler and died without an heir= time of uncertainty in Russian political history known as the Time of Troubles 1613- Representatives from Russian cities met to choose the next czar- chose Michael Romanov (grandnephew of Ivan IV’s wife Anastasia) 1450: still under Mongol control. Netherlands 4. The growth of empires were reliant on the use of gunpowder that had originated from China. Fur Trade – French, British, ... 1450-1750 CE . After the fall of the Byzantine Empire the ottoman empire was based in Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) from 1453-1922. Do Now: Maps. The Portuguese Empire 1450-1750. Questions of periodization ... A. The first Tsars expanded power and the growing Russian empire into Siberia and Central Asia. The army had a mixed record in the war, losing several key battles but remaining a dangerous force until the middle of 1917. Period 5: 1750 to 1900. PERIOD 4: GLOBAL INTERACTIONS, c. 1450 TO c. 1750 CHAPTER 14: Empires and Encounters 1450–1750 CHAPTER OVERVIEW CHAPTER LEARNING OBJECTIVES • To introduce students to the variety of empires of the early modern period • To emphasize that empire building was not just a Western European phenomenon D2-Evaluate the effectiveness of the causes for the expansion and consolidation of empires between 1450 and 1750. The Russian Empire 1450–1801 surveys how Russia’s many subject areas were conquered and how the empire was governed. 1750 … 4.2.I.A How was peasant labor affected between 1450-1750? Period 6: 1900 to Present. Russian leaders began to call themselves Tsars(Czars) during the reign of Ivan IV. This in turn essentially ended the Mongols dominance in present day Russia at the time. Modern Russian identity and historical experience has been largely shaped by Russia's imperial past: an empire that was founded in the early modern era and endures in large part today. In which the teacher discusses the expansion of the Russian Empire during the Early Modern Era. Conquered a number of neighboring Russian-speaking cities. Ottoman Empire. That all came to an end during the February Revolution of 1917, which was precipitated by a number of economic, social, and political causes. 3.2 - Empires Administrations -Centralizing Control in Europe-Reigning in Control of the Russian Empire-Centralizing Control in the Ottoman Empire, East and South Asia The period 1450 CE to 1750 CE featured a variety of European interactions around the globe due to their focus on oceanic voyages. They lose the war, and peace treaties cause the empire to dissolve. The Russian Empire was a historical empire that extended across Eurasia and North America from 1721, following the end of the Great Northern War, until the Republic was proclaimed by the Provisional Government that took power after the February Revolution of 1917. Period: 1450 to 1750. iii. Colonies of Sugar. 14 - 16 11/21 Ch. The Russian Empire was established only in 1721, thus the timeframe in question, strictly speaking, covers less than 30 years of its history. Unit 3 - Land-Based Empires 1450-1750 (use presentations and all unit 3 chapters in the AMSCO) Ottoman Empire Location: Dates: Safavid Empire Location: Dates: Mughal Empire Location: Dates: Political / Military HOW did rulers legitimize and consolidate power? Breaking Free from the Mongols. 1708. 1853-1856: Stemming from Russian pressure on Turkey and religious tensions, the Ottoman Empire, along with British and French forces, fights Russia and Czar Nicholas I in the Crimean War. Topic: Comparison of Russian and Chinese empire building (1450-1750) AIM: 1) What motivated Russian empire building? Ottoman Empire 9. Qing dynasty China doubled in size 4. Student Samples and Sample Work. Dutch Empire. The Russian Empire. Ottomans and their non-Muslim subjects After the fall of Constantinople in 1453 the Ottoman empire absorbed the former Byzantine lands and the number of Christians under Ottoman rule greatly increased. (Opens a modal) About this unit. French Empire. answer choices . Russian Empire. Became increasingly more traditional after the expulsion of the Mongols. The Russian empire's patronage extended to the Orthodox Christian church, not Geluk Buddhism, although many Buddhists lived in the Russian empire. As the Ottomans took control of Europe, the Spanish were conquering the New World. References Drachewych, O. In the area of politics the chance of Constantinople couldn’t have been more drastic in the years between 1450 and 1750. Isolated from advancements of Western Europe. Began to outnumber the native peoples. Modern Russian identity and historical experience has been largely shaped by Russia's imperial past: an empire that was founded in the early modern era and endures in large part today. Rebar or reinforcing bar is a common metal bar (typically made of steel), used in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures.

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