Rivers of Pakistan—– Punjab== Ravil, Chanab, Sutlaj. Which is the longest river in the sub continent? Mississippi is longest river of North America located in USA. The names “India”, Sindh (a province in Pakistan), Indian Ocean are derived from the name of this river. Location Map of Asia. Jehlum River. This river plays a vital role in Pakistan’s economy. Which of the following is the smallest planet in the world? Baluchistan== Bolan. Which one is the smallest river of Pakistan? Andaman & Nicobar Islands, a group of 572 islands/islets is the largest group of islands in India and also the largest Union Territory in India with an area of 8,249 sq. 5. The smallest river dolphin species, the La Plata river dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei), also lives in South America. 6. Either way the River Nile still tops the longest rivers in the world list. Eight important rivers together with their various tributaries comprise the river system of India. Twitter. Tick the Smallest district of the Himachal Pradesh? By. Chenab. ... Name the river in Pakistan whose annual flow is twice that of the Nile? Which of the following is the smallest river among five rivers of Pakistan? The smallest river, of Pakistan is Ravi. The name Pakistan is derived from the Urdu words PAK (meaning pure) and STAN (meaning country). Data Darbar. Today GK Current Affairs Questions 2021 with answer for competitive exam blog to increase your General Knowledge. How many rivers are there in India? The fifth river outlet is situated on the left side of the dam and was completed in April 1976.People from Hazara division living across river Indus gave sacrifices and left their lands and homes for the sake of dam construction.These people are now settled by government of Pakistan in Khala Butt Township Haripur, Pakistan. It just have 90 km of length and it also consider as the smallest river of India and flows through the Arvari District of Rajasthan Subject: General Awareness Exam Prep: AIEEE , Bank Exams , CAT Job Role: Bank Clerk , Bank PO (b) The capital of India. Nearly half of the land water is drained at which place? The Ravi River is the smallest river among five other rivers of the Indus basin system flowing in Pakistan. PakMcqs is the Pakistan's largest Mcqs website, where you can find Mcqs of all subjects. The smallest river, of Pakistan is Ravi. km and a total length of 2,880 km (in India 1,114 km). Answer is = A. Parts of the Indus River also flow over Indian soil. The Kalash people are Pakistan’s smallest religious community and, every year, they hold a series of incredibly colorful festivals. Sindh == Indus, Hub. • Keenjhar is the largest man made lake in Pakistan. 4. 8. (c) The largest river in the Punjab. Highest mountain in Africa : Kilimanjaro (18,000 ft. high) The Largest Island : Greenland (8,27,300 sq. (c) The new state of Pakistan. There is a hot springs resort at the lower end of the canyon. • Trich Mir is the highest peak of Hindu Kush. Indus is the largest and longest river of Pakistan. ... Pakistan. Fish River Canyon, Namibia. Ravi River In Pakistan. River Nile. Answer is = B. • In Pakistan, first woman bank was established in the year 1989. 7. Arabian Sea How many rivers Pakistan have? India-Pakistan border is also known as International Border (IB). Also Read: Computer MCQs for Jobs in Pakistan COLEST, HIGHEST, LOWEST, BIGGEST, TALLEST, SMALLEST AND OLDEST IN PAKISTAN . Answer & Solution. Population: 34.0 million. • Manchar Lake is the biggest lake of Pakistan. Roe River. 10. (c) Jugga Singh. Amazon. MUMBAI: India reported its smallest daily increase in coronavirus infections in nearly three weeks on Saturday, with deaths still near the 4,000 … Question 19 of 27. Alphabetical List of All Countries in Asia. The river in Pakistan whose annual flow is twice,that of the Nile is river Indus,. Zambezi I River. This post has been divided into two sections, Around the World and Inside India. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876, in Karachi and died on The Kalash people, Pakistan’s smallest religious community, occupy three isolated mountain valleys in northwestern Pakistan. Tarbela dam is in NWFP (Abotabad) on Indus river. Also known as the franciscana, it inhabits the coastal waters of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. SMALLEST: ⮚ Smallest Bird is Hummingbird ⮚ The smallest country (area) is Vatican City ⮚ The smallest continent is Australia ⮚ The smallest planet is mercury ; MISCELLANEOUS: ⮚ The Longest River is Nile, Africa ⮚ The longest River Dam is Hirakud Dam, India ⮚ Longest Train is Flying Scotsman ⮚ The longest Epic is Mahabharata C. Barhamputra. From Gilgit, it is possible to catch a 14-hour Natco bus, crossing the stunning Shandur Pass, to Mastuj. Home MCQs General Knowledge MCQs Quiz _____ is the smallest river of Pakistan ? People also ask, how many big rivers are in Pakistan? A. Indus. Below is a list of some of the most important Longest, Largest, Highest places around the World and in India.. Best and extensive list of World Superlatives- The Largest, Biggest, Longest, Highest and Smallest in the World.. 10. Pakistan Geography Mcqs (107) Pakistan Dams (8) Pakistan Deserts (10) Pakistan Islands (1) Pakistan Lakes (10) Pakistan Mountains (22) Pakistan Rivers (22) Pakistan Records (229) Biggest in Pakistan (8) First in Pakistan (135) Highest in Pakistan (9) Largest in Pakistan (21) Longest in Pakistan (6) Oldest in Pakistan (9) Smallest in Pakistan (6) 9. India is an Asian Country that has the same name as the worlds smallest ocean, the Indian Ocean. The System comprises six major rivers, that is, the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and Kabul, and their catchments. The Fish River Canyon is located in south Namibia. The river starts its journey from the Tibetan plateau of the Kailash mountain range. NWFP== Kabul, Sawat, Zhob. Asia is the largest continent in the world with a total area of 17,212,000 square miles (44,579,000 sq km) and a 2017 population estimate of 4,504,000,000 people, which is 60 percent of the world's population, according to the UN's World Population Prospects, 2017 Revision.Most of Asia is in the northern and eastern hemispheres and shares its landmass with Europe; together they make up … Sutlej. malik best First Tallest Longest Shortest Smallest Highest in Pakistan, Mountain Rivers Deserts 0. Forming in the upper region of the Himalayas, in Lahaul and Spiti, Chenab river flows across the districts like Ramban, Doda, Kishtwar, Jammu, and Reasi, reaching the lands of Punjab as well as Pakistan. 8 Which is the longest river of Pakstan? Field observations for estimation of ELA of the majority of Karakoram’s glaciers are not available due to rugged glacier-covered terrains and lack of climatic data above 5000 masl. (a) The capital of Pakistan. The river system of Pakistan originates from the great snow covered Himalayans and the Karakoram Ranges. 4. Who is the only Hindu in Mano Majra? Located on the Yangtze River … Question 20 of 27. Ravi River. ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has purchased the coronavirus vaccines for the first time and the first batch of 0.5 million Sinopharm vaccines will arrive in … Bulloki Headwork was constructed on River Ravi originally in 1913 and Ravi River is the smallest among the five main eastern tributaries of the Indus, which takes its origin from India and in Pakistan it enters near village Tadyal, Kot Naina, Tehsil Shakargar of Sialkot. The Ravi is the smallest of the five main eastern tributaries of Indus. Where is Hulun Lake situated? A. Kabul B. Ravi C. Chenab D. Sutlej. 10. The Indus System is one of the largest river basins of the world, covering an area of 11, 65,000 sq. B. Ravi. It is the largest canyon in Africa, and is a huge tourist attraction who visit to witness its immensity and grandeur. (d) The new state of India. It is stretched from Jammu and Kashmir at the north to the Zero Point between Gujarat in India and Sindh province in Pakistan… 9. Indus River. 12. The Volga (3530 km) is the longest river in Europe. km (in India it is 321, 289 sq. This is a list of rivers wholly or partly in Pakistan, organised geographically by river basin, from west to east.Tributaries are listed from the mouth to the source. Which One Of The Following Is The Largest River Of The World?As per Pakistan ... Read more Which is the smallest river of Pakistan? A. Indus B. Ravi C. Chenab D. Sutlej Related MCQs:Blue River is located in?White River is located in which country?The river Indus flows from which city?Sukkur barrage on the river Indus was built in_____?Nile Is The Longest River Of The World. Equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of alpine or valley glaciers represents mass balance. It is 6,853 kms long and comfortably lodges some deadly species of snakes, spiders, crocodiles. It just have 90 km of length and it also consider as the smallest river of India and flows through the Arvari District of Rajasthan Arvari river is a small river in the Indian state of Rajasthan. Mercury. Multan Mosque's four minarets . 5. Pakistan … 7 Which dam was first built in Pakstan? Mars. Answer & Solution. TNN / Jan 1, 2021, 09:18 IST. Abdul Qadeer Khan is the creator of Atom The bomb of Pakistan. Indus River. Pakistan is the fastest urbanising country in South Asia, and the world’s sixth most populous country, with a projected population of 335 million by 2050, and an annual urbanisation rate of 3.06%. Pakistan’s Karakoram region has a large variety of glacier types. RELATED ARTICLES MORE FROM AUTHOR C. Chenab. Name the longest river, of Pakistan is Indus,. It rises in the Himalauans in Himachal Pardesh (India) and flows west – Northwest past Chamba, turning Southwest at the boundary of Jammu and Kashmir. • Largest coal mine is in Quetta. The Indus River is around 3200 km long and has twenty tributaries. Hutchinson, Kansas, US. Which is the second smallest river in Kerala? This river plays an important role to both India and Pakistan and one of the most important river in Pakistan. 20. Every Indian considers river as a god and do worship under the name of the rivers. Name the third smallest country by area. km. Shanghai is China's most populous city, and with its 34 million residents, is also among the largest in the world. Inner Mongolia. Thus, the state is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. Known locally as the Bhulan, the Indus River dolphin now swims in the lower parts of the Indus River in Pakistan. (a) Iqbal Singh. Biggest mosque in Pakistan- Faisal Mosque Islamabad. Which one is the smallest river of Pakistan? Harrapa city, is situated on the bank of Ravi. _____ is the smallest river of Pakistan ? This has impeded the growth of the sector. (d) Lala Ram Lal. Beside above, which is the shortest river of Pakistan? Which of the following are the tallest minarets of Pakistan: Faisal Mosque's four minarets . Its main origin is from Himalaya’s mountains, flows through Jammu & Kashmir then enters into Shakargarh (Tehsil of Sialkot), Pakistan (covers about 640 km distance). Which is the largest group of islands in India? Name the largest river drainage basin of the world. Gray above and pale below, this little dolphin grows only 1.2–1.7 metres (4–5.6 feet) long and weighs 20–60 kg (45–135 pounds). GK & Pakistan Current Affairs Quiz 17 April 2021 for NTS, PPSC, CSS, FPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, PTS and All other Govt Jobs & exams. The total length of river Ravi, is 715km. Tallest building of Pakistan- Muslim commercial Bank Building (Karachi). Species of non-native Tilapia have become established in the river.They have been implicated in the decline of the Ghariyal (Indian crocodile) population in the river. Ravi River . The river originates near Mansarovar in Tibet and then runs through India, Pakistan and then meets the Arabian Sea. Which is the smallest river of Pakistan? Solikamsk, Russia. Pakistan has one of the largest contiguous irrigation systems in the world, known as the Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS). A. Indus B. Ravi C. Chenab D. Sutlej Answer is = B. Also Read: Islamiat MCQs For Jobs in Pakistan First Five year plan of Pakistan- (1955-1960) First Pakistani who climbed mount Everest- Nazir Sabir (2000) First Pakistani who draw Pakistani flag in North pole- Numira Saleem First emergency was declared in Pakistan- July 25, 1948 First rocket launched by Pakistan- Rahbar First missile launched by Pakistan- Hat 70 The following table lists 48 independent nations in Asia in alphabetical order. Hong Kong and Macao are two special cities of China. The highest mountain peak : Mount Everest (Nepal); 29156 ft. Neptune. The Indian Ocean got its name from the country of India. Facebook. Answer: The Chairman Of Senate . B. Kabul. 6. The island is the smallest inhabited river island in the world, that stands in the middle of the mighty Brahmaputra. A. Kabul B. Ravi C. Chenab D. Sutlej. (b) Nooran Baksh. The rivers then flow to India except the Kabul River that enters Pakistan through Punjab. Arvari River. River Nene. (d) The smallest river in the Punjab. D. Sutlej. Option: B Explanation : The Ravi River is the smallest river among five other rivers of the Indus basin system flowing in Pakistan. Being an agricultural country with heavy population growth, there is a great stress on water resources to meet the food and fiber requirement for … Which is the smallest river of Pakistan? Godavari . (Largest) Mangla dam is in AJK on Jehlum River (Highest) Warsak dam is in NWFP near Peshawar on Kabul river. Ten of 18 mammalian orders are represented in Pakistan with species ranging from the world's smallest surviving mammals, the Mediterranean Pigmy Shrew, to the largest mammal ever known; the blue whale. Mangla Dam. Name the Pakistan’s longest river. It was located in modern-day India and Pakistan, and covered an area as large as Western Europe. 7. The longest and the largest river in Pakistan is the Indus River.Around two-thirds of water supplied for irrigation and in homes come from the Indus and its associated rivers. Highest, Longest, Tallest, Largest, Smallest places form an important part of questions in competitive examinations like XAT, IIFT, IBPS, TISS, Bank PO etc. Oldest forest of Pakistan- Janipur (Found between Loralai And Ziarat A. Indus B. Kabul C. Chenab D. Sutlej Related MCQs:Blue River is located in?River Sawan is located in__________?The Orange river flows in____________?Nile Is The Longest River Of The World. The total length of river Indus is 2900km. Which is the longest river in the sub continent? Pakistan is endowed with a rich and varied flora and fauna. Danube is the second longest river of Europe: Oxus River is largest river of central Asia, also called Amu Darya. 100. B. Kabul. The total length of river Ravi, is 715km. malik best First Tallest Longest Shortest Smallest Highest in Pakistan, Mountain Rivers Deserts 0. This river runs across the northern areas of Ladakh and some parts of Pakistan (Ghanghche district) for approximately 340 miles or 550 km. Welcome to our site, based on the most advanced data system which updates every day with answers to crossword hints appearing in daily venues. A. Indus. A. Indus B. Kabul C. Chenab D. Sutlej Answer is = A. Indus River is also known as A. Abaseen River B. Attock River C. Skardu River D. All of above Answer is = D. Name the logest river of Pakistan? Baluchistan is 43% of total Pak:. 6 Which is the largest Sufi Shrine in Pakstan and South Asia? taleemified - April 11, 2021. Suraj Tal (4883m) -Lahaul & Spiti district. 2. Larges Oil refinery- Pak-Arab Oil refinery. 10 Which is the lowest point of Pakstan? 6. you can also Contribute to Pak Mcqs. miles) The largest river (in volume) : Amazon (Brazil, S. America) The longest river : Nile (Egypt) Sifto Salt Mines, Canada. The longest and the largest river in Pakistan is the Indus River.Around two-thirds of water supplied for irrigation and in homes come from the Indus and its associated rivers. ... Name the smallest river in the UK? River Nile flows in the Northeast Africa and was known as the longest river in the world before some conflicting sources from a 2007 study gave the title to the Amazon river. It is a major branch of the Indus River… take online Mcqs Quiz test. World third longest river is Yangtze flows in China. Harappa and Mohenjo-daro were the two great cities of the Indus Valley Civilization, emerging around 2600 BCE along the Indus River Valley in the Sindh and Punjab provinces of Pakistan. ... Kaveri is in Indian peninsula and the smallest river in this peninsula and is considered as the most sacred river in Southern India. Bharathapuzha (209km) is the second longest river. Chambal Source Chambal is a major tributary of Yamuna river. who acts as president in the absence of president? Because the Mississippi river system includes the Missouri river and Red river. C. Chenab. Some of the tributaries of Indus river include Kabul, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej etc. WhatsApp. It flows through Ladakh and enters Pakistan. 9 Which is the largest lake of Pakestan? It is nearly twice the size of California. Smallest Division of Pakistan Karachi Shortest river of Pakistan Ravi River Largest Canal of Pakistan Llovd Barrage Canal Largest Hospital in Pakistan Nishtar Hospital Largest mausoleum in Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Tomb, Karachi Largest circulating Daily Newspaper of Pakistan Jang Which of the following is the smallest river in the world? And the smallest is the Maldives. Another small, isolated population can be found in the Beas River in India. Indus River is the largest river in Pakistan (3200 km) General Knowledge about Pakistan. The Indus River is not only a major river of Asia but it is the most important river of Pakistan. Option: B Explanation : The Ravi River is the smallest river among five other rivers of the Indus basin system flowing in Pakistan. This is a list of rivers wholly or partly in Pakistan, organised geographically by river basin, from west to east.Tributaries are listed from the mouth to the source. 6. Manchhar Lake. Harrapa city, is situated on the bank of Ravi. D. Sutlej. • Pakistan’s first geo … A. Indus. Image Source. Pakistan is situated in the western part of the Indian subcontinent, with Afghanistan and Iran on the west, India on the east, and the Arabian Sea on the south. These dolphins rely on echolocation to navigate, communicate, and hunt prey in the muddy river waters. The major cities of the Indus Valley Civilization, such as Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, date back to around 3300 BC, and represent some of the largest human habitations of the ancient world. 7. 8. Both these rivers also rank in the top 50 longest rivers in the world so it doesn’t make sense. The longest or not, the river holds its own royalness. The longest river, of Pakistan is Indus,. Similarly, it is asked, which is the second largest river in India? Smallest Division of Pakistan Karachi Shortest river of Pakistan Ravi River Largest Canal of Pakistan Llovd Barrage Canal Largest Hospital in Pakistan Nishtar Hospital Largest mausoleum in Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Tomb, Karachi Largest circulating Daily Newspaper of Pakistan Jang
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