Subsequently all the other mitigating rules of the Torah, such as hataras nedarim, apply. Updated: Super Simple One-Bowl Cake 2 days ago Shiloh Musings. FBI reaches out to Hasidic Jews to fight antisemitism – but bureau has fraught history with Judaism - The FBI wants to hear from Hasidim, or "ultra-Orthodox" Jews. Sinai in giving us a choice. We need only value the instructions given to us - instructions for living with integrity, for realizing human potential, for embracing reality - and dedicate ourselves to fulfilling them in everyday life, in order to experience a life truly worth living. R. Shlomo Yosef Zevin and Yeshiva Students being Drafted to the Army, views of women, and more 4 days ago Israel Book Shop. A proud Litvak sharing a Litvish perspective and hashkafah, in a world where it is often drowned out by louder voices. This coming Shabbos, April 17 th (corresponding the 5 th of Iyar on the Jewish calendar) is Yom Ha’atzmaut - Israeli intendance day. Hirhurim - Torah Musings. The Verdict 2 weeks ago About Me. FBI reaches out to Hasidic Jews to fight antisemitism – but bureau has fraught history with Judaism - The FBI wants to hear from Hasidim, or "ultra-Orthodox" Jews. Dialogue For Torah Issues and Ideas - Volume 6 Winter 5776/2016 Dialogue I Dialogue II Dialogue III Dialogue IV Dialogue V It's been 2 long years since the last issue of Dialogue. Denying the Reality of Physics 14 hours ago Rabbi Pruzansky's Blog. Daily Reyd - Torah Musings says: July 10, 2015 at 8:04 am Fraud? Dialogue For Torah Issues and Ideas - Volume 6 Winter 5776/2016 Dialogue I Dialogue II Dialogue III Dialogue IV Dialogue V It's been 2 long years since the last issue of Dialogue. Daily Reyd 1 hour ago Clips of Past & Present Rebbes. It's also a collection of sources of Jewish humor--anything that brings a grin, chuckle, laugh, guffaw, or just a warm feeling to readers. ... Hirhurim - Musings. Shabbat 75: Keeping the chilazon alive 1 year ago Daily Reyd 4 days ago In the Pink. Parshiyot of Miracles and Wonders by Rabba Claudia Marbach The World Wide War The WebYeshiva Blog. Well, the wait was well worth it. Sent by a friend. ... Hirhurim - Musings. 6 days ago Jewschool. 11 hours ago Yeranen Yaakov. Hirhurim - Torah Musings. Observant Jews Win Hamptons Eruv […] Of great significance is Rabbi, Dr. Norman Lamm's conceptualization and models of Torah U’Mada and Dr. Eliezer Berkovits who introduced me to the world of philosophic thought. There is one case where a person can become a pre-Torah nazir. Daily Reyd 8 hours ago Rationalist Judaism. This is the halacha le'moshe misinai of nezirus shimshon. Rabbi Gil Student is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of, a leading website on Orthodox Jewish scholarly subjects, and the Book Editor of the Orthodox Union’s Jewish Action magazine. Daily Reyd 1 day ago The Jewish Music Report. by editor via - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry Rabbi Moshe Rapps zt”l: by Gil Student via Hirhurim – Musings Daily Reyd: by Sarare via Yeshiva World News Tehillim: Rosh Yeshivas Kol Torah HaRav Shalom Povarsky Hospitalized Due To COVID-19: by Rafi G. via Life in Israel Interesting Psak: by ישי כהן via כיכר השבת Welcome to my blog. Hirhurim - Torah Musings. Hirhurim - Torah Musings. The nezirus of the Torah is not ‘real’ nezirus, it is a way that the nazir must act for the duration of his nezirus. Torah Musings. Beha’alotcha 2021 – Pointing the Way 3 days ago parshablog. The question was: Question: "I have heard from Rabbi Yitzchak Shinker, zatza"l, that one time there was an incident with a fatal illness, rachmana litzlan, and a great physician came and said "if he is a gentile, he will die, but if he is a Jew, he has hope, for it has been shown that this disease by Jews is not necessarily fatal. Hirhurim - Musings. He writes a popular column on issues of Jewish law and thought featured in newspapers and magazines, including The Jewish Link, The Jewish Echo and The Vues. Daily Reyd 8 hours ago Cross-Currents. Well, the wait was well worth it. Daily Reyd 2 hours ago Morethodoxy: Exploring the Breadth, Depth and Passion of Orthodox Judaism. Vayikra 2020 – Accepting What is Offered 3 days ago Drew Kaplan's Blog. Jewish Humor Central is a daily publication to start your day with news of the Jewish world that's likely to produce a knowing smile and some Yiddishe nachas. I am a former pulpit rabbi and current educator living in Yad Binyamin, Israel with my wife and kids. From across the spectrum of denominations: Future of Faith in America: Judaism An Ancient Jewish Lamp Workshop in the Galilee Shutting a Window on Toronto’s Yiddish Past? A proud Litvak sharing a Litvish perspective and hashkafah, in a world where it is often drowned out by louder voices. Anticipated Pew Jew Study: Key Preview. Rabbanit Bina is one of the pioneers of learning and teaching Torah to women, breaking ground by learning Talmud and teaching women to learn. Daily Reyd 17 hours ago YUTOPIA. It will be the 73 rd anniversary of the return of Israel into Jewish hands. It’s Moving Day 8 years ago Jewlicious THE Jewish Blog. Tentative Table of Contents for Forthcoming Collection of Essays on Tannaitic Texts, שלשים לכח 5 days ago ON THE FRINGE—AL TZITZIT. Louder is not necessarily more correct or better. Daily Reyd Explorations. Online on Shabbat: where is it leading us? PODCAST: Rabbi Brovender: Why are there 5 books to the Torah moderntoraleadership. Musings of a Litvishe Yid - בס"ד A virtual shtick Lita (piece of Lita - Jewish Torah Lithuania) in Cyberspace. Jewish Humor Central is a daily publication to start your day with news of the Jewish world that's likely to produce a knowing smile and some Yiddishe nachas. The first narrative of this week's portion references the covenant made on Mt. Butto's Map Illustration 1 day ago me-ander. Musings of a Litvishe Yid - בס"ד A virtual shtick Lita (piece of Lita - Jewish Torah Lithuania) in Cyberspace. Is the Average Jew Mayim, Lena or Jason? (We made aliyah in July 2008.) Bracha Leah Stern 11 Kew Gardens Lakewood, New Jersey 732-363-6214 Summary and Personal Date of Birth: 3-4-1989 Yichus: Father is a yeshiva educated day trader who learns two daily sedarim in BMG. There is and must be a middle ground between the claim that all my values are “masoret” and therefore inarguable, and the claim that all values are equally legitimate Jewishly and the only issue is legality.. Another way of saying it: There is and must be a middle ground between authoritarian Daas Torah and postmodernist halakhic relativism. Daily Reyd 1 hour ago My Right Word. Louder is not necessarily more correct or better. Sadigura Yerushalayim Rebbe In Meron - Iyar 5781 10 hours ago Mystical Paths. The concept of Torah from heaven means that God wrote the words of the Torah. Hirhurim - Musings. Recent Events and Their Geula Basis 16 hours ago Beyond BT - Torah … by Rabbi Aryeh Klapper. SINAI AND TZENIUT Among my early influences were two pioneers of American Elementary Torah … Parashat Naso The Price Paid for Peace Rationalist Judaism. Hirhurim - Torah Musings. Parshas Beha’aloscha – The Pain of Exquisite Empathy 3 days ago YUTOPIA. The Arab Shuk! The celebration of that day in Israel has been moved forward to today in order to prevent Chilul Shabbos that any such celebration would surely entail. It's also a collection of sources of Jewish humor--anything that brings a grin, chuckle, laugh, guffaw, or just a warm feeling to readers. Hirhurim - Torah Musings. Kuma Hashem – Meyer Klatzko – Composed by Benzion Klatzko 3 days ago the Seforim blog.

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