From the moment the brash and impulsive MARTIN RIGGS (Clayne Crawford, “Rectify”) meets prudent, by-the-book ROGER MURTAUGH (Emmy Award nominee Damon Wayans, Sr., In 1995, Gibson produced, directed, and starred in the Academy Award-winning Braveheart. The following year Glover starred in two more Best Picture nominated films: Peter Weir’s Witness and Steven Spielberg’s The Color Purple. Whoa! LETHAL WEAPON. ... Academy Award-nominated “The Exorcist” terrified … Upon its release, Lethal Weapon grossed over $120 million (against a production budget of $15 million) and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Sound Mixing. The following year Glover starred in two more Best Picture nominated films: Peter Weir’sWitness and Steven Spielberg’s The Color Purple. Claiming a top film spot for three straight weeks after its release, Lethal Weapon would go on to gross over $120 million against a production budget of approximately $15 million, it was nominated for Academy Award in the category of Best Sound, and it would lay the groundwork for films such as 1995’s Bad Boys and the famous Rush Hour series. According to producer Dan Lin, who participated in a recent roundtable discussion to talk about the Academy Award-nominated … In 1987 Glover partnered with Mel Gibson in the first Lethal Weapon film and went on the star in three hugely successful Lethal Weapon sequels. The film was released on March 6, 1987. New FOX Series Trailers: 24: Legacy, Prison Break, Lethal Weapon, Son of Zorn and More. It spawned a franchise that includes three sequels and a television series. Film. Based on the hit movie franchise of the same name, LETHAL WEAPON follows iconic cop duo Riggs and Murtaugh, as they work a crime-ridden beat in modern-day Los Angeles. No, really. In 2004, he directed and produced The Passion of the Christ, a controversial film depicting the last hours in the life of Jesus Christ. Lethal Weapon 5 may actually happen. In 1987 Glover partnered with Mel Gibson in the first Lethal Weapon film and went on to star in three hugely successful Lethal Weapon sequels.

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