The effectiveness of the agreement as it relates to the West Hercules is also subject to the financing banks’ approval. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Hoping for a dry well near Troll. In Norway, oil firm Equinor exercised additional wells on the West Hercules semi-submersible rig in Norway adding $26 million in backlog. West Hercules can run parallel drilling operations and is designed with a dynamic positioning system and a water depth capacity up to 3,000 metres. WEST AQUARIUS Current Position Where is the current position of WEST AQUARIUS presently? West Cameron Block 462 – After installation of a tripod platform, the Hercules 211, a shallow-water jack-up rig, is scheduled to be on location at West Cameron Block 462 during August 2008. Vessel WEST AQUARIUS is a other type ship sailing under the flag of Panama.Her IMO number is 8768775 and MMSI number is 356691000. Vessel WEST MIRA is a Platform, Registered in Norway. Get the details of the current Voyage of WEST MIRA including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO … Kallinika in front of the West Hercules oil rig in Toutatis near Træna Requirements for long-lasting protection of Lofoten. 28/11/2019 For the first time, an exploration well is being drilled where the objective is not to find oil or gas. With regards to the rig West Taurus, the lease is expected to be rejected as part of Seadrill’s Chapter 11 Proceedings, and redelivered to SFL. View Seadrill Limited rig portfolio. Offshore rigs and supply vessels are now a part of MEST’s targeted business sectors Having supplied high skilled personnel to the oil and gas industry in Norway since 1997 via its subsidiary PAM Offshore Service The rig started its $178,000 a day contract with Kosmos this month and is expected to stay with Kosmos until January 2021. By 2020, the protection plan for Lofoten and the Barents Sea will be revised. The location and map have been taken from the application for consent to drill (Søknad om samtykke til leteboring med West Hercules på Gjøkåsen 7132/2-1 PL 857). The effectiveness of the agreement as it relates to the West Hercules is also subject to the financing banks’ approval. 4 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION At the time of the incident, West Hercules was drilling the Gjøkåsen wildcat for Equinor in the Barents Sea. ON & Offshore services – MEST is your reliable partner Oil rigs such as West Hercules and oil tankers such as Maersk Edgar are examples of recent succesful projects. – Delmar Systems, Inc. successfully completed the 100th mooring line release using RAR Plus Releasable Mooring System (RMS) during a release at Equinor’s Lanterna location utilizing Seadrill’s West Hercules semi-submersible drilling rig. The West Hercules rig is being used for the operation.Photo: Seadrill. The licence organisation for the 7132/2-1 wildcat in PL 857 was as follows. Whilst the information provided on this web site and Seadrill social media channels is given in good faith by Seadrill Limited no warranty or representation is given concerning such information which must not be taken as establishing any contractual or other commitment binding upon Seadrill Limited or any of its subsidiary or associated companies. West Hercules is expected to complete a three-year contract for Husky Oil China Ltd for operations off China in May 2012.

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