In contrast, his NP refunds quite well. Still, her unsynced cooldown limit her a bit, while her overall survability competes with applying her steroids for offense. Santa Altera's performance for a welfare is spectacular, with incredible damage output and a very welcome niche in serving as a superb swap in Servant. Notably though, Helena is one of the strongest AoE Casters when it comes to pure NP Damage, provided her NP Damage Up buff actually triggers (fortunately at 80% odds). With heavy competition from both Scathach (Assassin),Gray(in the future) and Scathach=Skadi's Quick support buffing her Quick peers, there is little offensive performance to be gained from Katou Danzou in the long run. His raw damage is incredibly high and terrific for one-shotting small bosses, but it is offset by his extremely poor survivability. While he can achieve rather impressive numbers against the right enemies, his damage output against either Non-Evil or non-Human enemies is pretty much nonexistent, and his NP generation and Star Generation are on the lower side amongst Assassins. On the other hand, Bediveres skills all last for one turn aside from his mental debuff resistance buff, meaning he has quite poor sustained damage, and building up another NP burst turn often takes a lot of time. He is primarily an AoE Quick Rider damage dealer, with the capability of providing some offensive and critical support to allies. Van Gogh, a Foreigner with a non-damaging NP, is one of the more unique supportive Servants in the game. Fighting saber-faces significantly increases her usefulness. Her burst damage is impressive, and she is remarkably durable given her access to both a guts and an Invincibility. To top it off, he has an out of place Buster AoE Noble Phantasm with a lackluster Attack Down overcharge effect, compounded by his abysmal base Attack and complete lack of offensive self-buffs. He can operate well in most generic team compositions, and thrives in more specialized setups such as Critical-centric teams or stall teams. However, he is rather reliant on his Noble Phantasm to deal meaningful damage, and his skill set isnt quite powerful enough to make Tier 1. Although her command card shuffle is unique, in practice it is not particularly powerful, and only after its upgrade does it become a more desirable skill to use (since it can choose to exclude one Servant's cards from the shuffle). Jing Ke is quite useful during the early phase of the game. Defensively, Vritra only has a Guts skill, although this still provides her with a bit of extra survivability. Her skills can provide a single target with up to 50% NP Gauge, and the remaining members with 30% NP Gauge, enabling quick access to Noble Phantasms for the party. Raiden Main DPS. Her relatively low damage can at least be compensated for via offensive support, grails or high level CEs in case wave 2 is especially beefy. Which servants, if they were to appear on your support list, would impress you if they were lv 120. Carmillas weakness ultimately lies in her frailty and her own diminished Assassin modifiers. Carmilla is something of a rarity, being a strong release servant whose Rank-Up Quests bolster her already solid core performance. As the first welfare Servant of the game, Halloween Elisabeth has a highly straightforward and vanilla skill set which works both in her favor and against it. Boasting a whopping 50% instant NP charge, extraordinary base stats, three steroids jammed into her kit and an AoE Buster Noble Phantasm, Ishtar has everything she needs to make herself useful for farming events. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. She also provides an ATK buff for all allies that further boosts Good-aligned Servants (up to 40% value), making her a notable support in specific compositions. With enough stars and maybe Merlin buffs she can deal absolutely disgusting amounts of damage. Being Ruler-class, as she reaches NP5 easily due to Welfare status, she can hit high enough damage values even without class advantage to clear a wave for farming. Check out the change log for details on tier list changes!A full tier list change log history can be found here. He also boasts high hit counts and strong base NP Gain, which enables him to synergize well with Quick Supports. Double Servant compositions are considered. But that should be no surprise, considering his only damage boost is a minor passive and his attack stat is low. Modify tier labels, colors or position through the action bar on the right. C0. Additionally, he performs well as a Buster Critical Damage Dealer thanks to a combination of on-demand Critical Absorption, high natural Critical Damage, high base stats and the ability to do Buster Brave Chains. 2019415 This is a Tier List of FGO(Fate/Grand Order) Craft Essence. Welfare SR Servants are assumed to be at NP5, 10/10/10 Skills. We update this guide daily, so check out the latest changes with the 3.6 Tier List! While it is by no means bad, his skill set and base stats do not provide enough firepower to back up his Buster-centric kit, resulting in a mismatch in identity as he ends up being just decent at both surviving and doing damage. Her Noble Phantasm is notable for having three trait bonuses (Neutral, Human attribute, Shadow Servant), which provide decent coverage and come into use quite often. She is technically capable of NP looping with Skadi, and is the only AoE Saber who can fit the bill, although her refund amount makes it rather difficult to do consistently without access to copious amounts of NP Support / MLB CEs. Her ST Arts NP deals decent damage against Saber and Threat to Humanity enemies, boosted by her own ATK buff and the in-built ATK buff that activates during the NP. Jaguar Warrior has a steep cooldown on her first skill, which also contains her only survivability option (albeit a very strong one). Finally, he is also able to grant an ally the Target Focus effect while decreasing Crit Rate for all enemies. With Skadi in the roster, she is definitively an impressive NP looper, although without Skadi, her performance is notably less remarkable. His NP Gain as an Arts Servant, however, is somewhat middling, and the relatively low hit counts on his NP make it so that he requires an extra chain after his NP to get notable refund. With strong NP Damage from her various Quick boosts, Ishtar packs a strong NP5 welfare punch even amongst the crowded Rider Welfare Servant list. Furthermore, the lack of an Interlude for her Noble Phantasm results in a somewhat underwhelming damage output per NP activation. She does bring utility to the party by providing a delayed stun mental debuff (via the Terror status effect), although this is also somewhat unreliable even at maximum level. She also does not function particularly well outside of Arts teams, and even in Arts teams her performance is not strong enough to elevate her to the next tier. Last but not least, Cu has very poor availability compared to other low rarity Servants due to his status as a Story Locked Servant; thus, on average, most players will end up with a lower NP level Cu Caster. Nevertheless, Robin remains one of the best F2P damage Servants and will carry Masters through many tough fights. Just, dont turn him into a Rare Prism before seeing his full potential. With a skill set fully dedicated to making male bosses utterly miserable and an incredibly fast NP generation rate, Stheno is best used alongside her sister - Euryale - to consistently lock down male bosses with her Noble Phantasm. Vritra, the serpentine diety, manifests as an AoE Arts Lancer. Her kit has a multitude of effects, giving her support, tanking, and offensive ability. Black Holy Grail. With 50 stars, it provides to an ally buffs for Buff Success Rate, Crit Damage, Star Gather, Evade, Ignore Invincible, and an additional 20% NP charge. That his NP Damage isn't as high as some of his competitors is also far less of an issue when Astolfo is buffed by Skadi. Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power him up. His damage is impressive for a three-star Servant, and he comes with a 1 turn Evade for some survivability. All of his utility also comes at a cost, since EMIYA also lacks any form of survivability outside of throwing an ally into Danger via his Taunt. The Queen of the beach France's swimsuit alternative has a solid kit with an emphasis on critical support. What makes her stand out is her ability to completely subjugate non-Lancer male bosses thanks to a combination of high bonus damage against Male enemies on her single target Noble Phantasm, NP spam potential, and Charm-locking capability. Her third, arguably most valuable skill, provides a targetable 30% charge to an ally with a rare 40% buff success rate buff. Or is it because hes an easy to use farmer for all players? Thankfully the 2004 Mystic Code can be used to bypass this problem most of the time, as long as its just the one wave. Against enemies with Evil alignment, his Noble Phantasm will hit particularly hard, thanks to his Tactics and Innocent Monster attack buff. As Buster options are typically few against Casters and Assassins, this added flexibility is a welcome addition. Fielding Caligula is usually not worthwhile given there are other Berserker alternatives but dedicated Masters can extract some incredibly juicy damage out of him with the right team composition. Her AoE NP will remove offensive buffs from enemies and decrease their Critical Rate. Kazuha Support. Her launch era competition has received massive upgrades (Charles Babbage for example) while many Berserker or Extra Servants can deal more damage than her. Overall, she is not quite as effective as her former self, but she still has most of her kit intact, the pros of being 0 Cost, a 5% bond point sharing bonus for new Main Quests and select events, and a cool new suit. If deployed for any purpose outside of her one-hit-wonder NP then she will need heavy defensive/cleansing support to stay alive. EMIYA covers a lot of ground many servants of his caliber cant manage. A walking definition of a niche Servant, Stheno has two roles that she can do quite nicely: being a prominent member of the Charm-Lock snek team, and being a support for Divine Servants. As a whole, Muramasa's high intensity focus on an onslaught of NPs and critical blows, and the high values of his buffs make him a standout among Servants in both farming and challenging scenarios. Still, Hokusai's potential damage (especially against Human attribute opponents) makes her a very strong pick for most mixed class (Challenge) Quests, as all her steroids will then provide enough damage potential to offset any lack of class advantage., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Her highly defensive skills and the powerful secondary effects on her Noble Phantasm are particularly consistent with her role. Serenitys damage output is also quite poor, as she has no powerful buffs to salvage her Assassin modifier and low Attack, resulting in a damage output that is too low to kill Rider targets reliably. Based on the tier list by Usagi Sensei. In addition, he has a powerful NP Interlude to look forward to. She's relatively straight forward as a Quick damage dealer, and although her looping capacity isn't quite as consistent as other Quick AoE Archers, she will easily clean up any Saber waves that come her way. In addition, her critical prowess are only unlocked if her allies generate the critical stars she needs. If there is anything Robin has in spades, it is nuking potential. Outside of this niche, Mephistopheless performance is quite poor, due to a combination of poor card distribution for offense, extremely low damage output from his Caster class modifiers, and a lack of other good utility and steroids to make up for that. While her usage is quite limited outside of difficult male boss content, Euryales niche performance can outshine even those of higher rarity. A combination of Critical Star Gathering, Critical Damage, teamwide 50% Quick buff, instant 10 Critical Stars, good NP Gainand a powerful Single Target Noble Phantasm are all the burst ingredientsAtalanta (Alter) needs to demolish raids, short boss fights and powerful enemies. They additionally have some utility effects, including an NP Seal and the ability to fully cleanse debuffs from all allies. When Castoria hits, my Vlad is ready to go for ST looping action. Billy has a ridiculously strong Critical-focused kit that makes even some SSR Servants jealous. Bartholomew is technically capable of looping with the double Skadi setup as well, although he requires substantial support to do so. However, she suffers from her Alter Ego typing, making her a generally suboptimal choice for damage (despite it being her specialty), particularly against mono-class waves. Fortunately for Siegfried, many Servants qualify as a Dragon Servants, notably all variants of Altria and Elisabeth. While she is superb at it and has some uses outside of said role, the overall damage benchmarks become more competitive year by year, diminishing her niche over time. He is useful for newer Masters who need a glass cannon to get through early stages of the story, as well as alleviating farming trouble once equipped with starting NP Craft Essences. Additionally, his skills and generation stats offer very little sustainable usefulness and his kit lacks synergy with his prime role of dealing damage. Astolfo is slightly held back by their rather mediocre cards and base NP Gain, especially when compared to competing SSR ST Quick Sabers, although their NP and their higher utility in challenge quests are a standout. She comes with both a 30% NP charge and up to 10% NP per turn over 5 turns, which combined with her decent Arts buffs, give her relatively comfortable access to her NP. Her AoE Buster NP itself deals bonus damage against Divine enemies and can remove Divine enemies' defensive buffs before damage, and applies Burn to all enemies. His NP has both Ignore Invincible and Ignore DEF effects, while applying DEF down after damage for 3 turns. He also comes with a 30% NP Gauge charge move that also provides stars and a Crit Star Drop Rate buff, making him an effective farmer. Ryougi Shikis offense is not top tier, but on the other hand she makes up for it with her extreme bulk, capable of surviving for a long time on the field and continuing to use her Noble Phantasm. With the presence of Skadi in the roster, her Quick-oriented deck becomes even more proficient at both NP and Star generation, enhancing her raw performance as a damage dealer to impressive levels. Even then, due to the coverage of her kit, she fits into teams as a hybrid damage dealer and support very comfortably, being ready to start the party with anyone who's on board. The NEET princess appears during the summer event as an FPS master in scuba gear, being an AoE Buster Archer Servant. Furthermore, her star gather buff, combined with her self Arts and NP Gain buff, allow Nagao to easily fill her NP Gauge after an NP, often enabling her to fire twice in a row even without external help, especially if she can land Critical hits with an NPAA chain. Importantly, Astolfo also has a self debuff clear tied to their NP gauge-per-turn skill, which can come in handy in encounters with debilitating debuffs. fgo; fgo gamewith; fgo appmedia; fgo; fgo; fgo wiki; fgo; ; FGO | Craft Essence Tier List. Crane Returns an Idol's Favor, Fate/Grand Order Waltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOMFate/Grand Order Collaboration Event Pre-Release Campaign, Rabbits Reviews #354: Takasugi Shinsaku (5* Archer), MMM - Rambunctious Radical Revering Self-Reliance Reverses Reviled Rule, Returning Roll-able (Chaldea Boys Collection 2023), Hewwo weawwiful weowle. Her performance is notably less remarkable of Altria and Elisabeth finally, he primarily... In spades, it is offset by his extremely poor survivability sustainable usefulness and attack. Many tough fights lv 120 the best F2P damage Servants and will carry Masters many. This guide daily, so check out the change log for details on tier list of fgo Fate/Grand. 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