Not knowing it was related to Nutrisystem, I continued to eat their foods while closely monitoring what I was eating. Here is the message I sent: The person on the phone stated some folks have a hard time with the sugar alcohols. When to see a doctor For some reason I decided to Google info on Nutrisystem and Diarrhea, as this is something I have been frightening for many years. I had surgery to remove lumps and they were benign. A couple of weeks and the problem was to the point of regular food would not stay in me. It happened to both of us and many of our acquaintences. But changing to a healthy diet has symptoms that can include intestinal gas, stomach bloating and cramping. I will have these items shipped out right away. It is April 28, I am just about done with week two after the Fast Five first week. I also am aware that this is a very old post, but wanted to add my two cents. has received 33 complaints, nine in the . It is January now and still having major gas problems. Consult your doctor before starting any weight-loss diet. While most people shouldnt experience nausea while on the Nutrisystem diet, it is a possible reported side effect for some folks. I enjoyed your post. I said OK but when TEN MINUTES PASSED AND SHE DID NOT COME BACK ON THE LINE. I had to force myself to eat due to extreme nausea. God forbid this contributed to the stomach cancer folks have reported in this thread but it does sound very suspect that the two events coincided. After 4 days I was in the Dr. s office. Nausea, heartburn, or bloating can have many causes, but for people with diabetes, these common digestion issues shouldn't be ignored. I have written, frequently, about the fact that crisis prevention starts with the first contact points for customer service. That being said, the results are very well worth any short term discomfort. Normal Side Effects From Switching Diets, Within a few days, I started feeling completely different. Nutrisystem protein shakes also offers a Money back guarantee within 14 . Tip: Many people who have gastrointestinal symptoms find that switching to a lower-gluten diet beneficial. Honestly, just better product labeling would have allowed me to make a more informed decision. I ended up having to throw rest of them out. The packaged food that you are eating is going to contain a lot of preservatives in order to keep it from spoiling. Then, my husband died. How that works: When you eat food, it travels to your small intestine where most of it is absorbed. I realize this is a really old post however I just started Nutrisystem and Im on day 8. How about getting rid of those toxic ingredients and using plain sugar in lower quantities as I am now doing. Stomach cancer may cause symptoms similar to GI disorders. Anger, anxiety, sadness, elation all of these feelings (and others) can trigger symptoms in the gut. I researched the topic and found this article. This food will make you sick. This shows that you are simply not going to be taking in all of the necessary vitamins and minerals while on the program due to the restrictive nature of any plan that is based on a reduced-calorie diet. I think I am just going to throw this stuff out because I cannot keep it in me more than 30 minutes. Dont be alarmed when you begin experiencing a slow-down in results as it is completely normal. But I very foolishly did not make the connection until today. [May 17 email from Me to Nutrisystem Dietary Services]. Im so sorry for all of you who also experienced illness. If one tiny component goes wonky, you may experience a range of symptoms, including gas, bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhea or acid reflux. Your new diet is too low in fat. I have bloodwork done every 6 months due to osteoporosis. Nutrisystem helps you lose weight by providing you with its own foods so you don't have to do any counting or measuring. Again thank you so much!!! The condition is a malabsorption syndrome as the bacteria cause damage to the small intestine and create an environment in which they (the bacteria) preferentially absorb your nutrients. While these side effects are typically minor, you should still be aware of them. or so I thought. We noticed that when we stopped eating nutrisystem foods all symptoms stopped, we called the company and asked what was going on with the food and we were told that probably it was due to the sugar alcohol that they now used and to give it a chance to kick in. We tried for another few months but I almost ended up in a hospital with dehydration from all the diarrhea and my husband missed many days of work because of the stomach cramps and excessive flatulence. Megan Ayala is a passionate blogger, and parent of two. Ditch sugar-free sweets, jams, and canned fruits that are made with saccharin, and dial back your intake of the sweet stuff with the help of these 30 Easy Ways to Stop Eating So Much Sugar, instead. Thank you Jonathan.. SHE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ME EXCEPT TO IGNORE A PAYING CUSTOMER AND MAKE ME EVEN MORE ANGRY, FRUSTRATED AND WANTING TO CANCEL!! Hope, I will be refunded because its not worth the trouble or health risks. Since I started nutrisystem last month, Ive been having stomach cramps and a lot of gas. Food allergies, on the other hand, involve the immune system. They seem to forget to disclose a lot of information until after the fact. This month, I switched to the a la cart program. Excess hydrogen can be an indicator that your body isn't fully digesting your food. I had and still have diverticulitis, looks like surgery is ahead for me. They must have changed their food formulations since because I had GI symptoms within three days of starting the program. A feeling of fullness after eating just a few bites. colonoscopy came back ok, 1 polop present but no reason why iron level is so low. 8. Headaches. Weight Watchers Ozempic: Did They Purchase Sequence? This call was made Thusday, July 26th at 4:02pm. Fiber can cause gas! Mary Gregg, R.D. I am a new customer who was supposed to be on the sixth day of his Nutrisystem plan, but I have had to revert to eating easily digestible foods today until the extreme gasiness Ive been experiencing subsides. Her mission is to share the most accurate and up-to-date information with her readers. It comes in powdered form to be mixed in water. This could be from a lack of fiber, not enough water, or a host of other issues. Thank you Jonathan for reaching out to me and I am sorry for the situation you are in. After all, studies have shown that many people are sensitive to various preservatives and chemicals like nitrates, aspartate, and sulfites. THey also said that they would put those foods on a 72 hour recall? It has been 2 days since I packed it all up and called it quits with Nutrisystem. It encourages you to eat every 2 to 3 hours in order to keep your metabolism revved up. At the same time, the program decreases your overall calorie intake via its. Eating foods high in fiber makes you feel less hungry, which is great for weight loss. Since many of Nutrisystems prepared foods include preservatives like nitrates, you may experience side effects from them including headache, lightheadedness, and nausea. Talk to your doctor before starting any diet, and report any potentially serious side effects or discomfort right away. This is nothing to be alarmed about as it is completely normal. My cousin was on Nutrisystem and developed stomach cancer over a period of three months. Last Updated: January 10, 2023. God help me get this mess completely out of my system and with no permanent damage done! [A final authors note: The good news is that Ive been able to continue dieting on my own, now down six pounds. Please read the email below, in reverse chronological order, of course. Make more sense to take the time to make and eat food without artificial sweeteners and the like. So curious if they charged you the 125 cancellation fee as well. There are 13 essential vitamins, and vitamin B12 and D3 deficiencies primarily cause hair loss, says Dr Babbar. From food sensitivities to inflammatory diseases, any number of things could be contributing to your symptoms. In fact, clinical data show that obesity is clearly linked to an overall increased risk of cancer. My husband did Nutrisytem for a year. Well today after eating only Nutrisystem food I searched on line for its side effects. DO NOT EAT NUTRISYSTEM! Occasional digestive symptoms usually aren't an issue -- maybe you just ate too much in one sitting or you've got a virus that will pass -- but chronic digestive issues can indicate an underlying issue. The FIRST sign of discomfort STOP before you end up in the hospital like I did! I did pretty well for the first month, but now I am having a difficult time overcoming the side effects of all of the fillers and artificial ingredients. Although its convenient, the food tastes awful and the gas, bloating, and abdominal pain was unbearable. One of the biggest flaws associated with the entire program itself is the abundance of preservatives that you will be taking in on a daily basis. Over the weekend I bought other items to offset the NS with, such as applesauce, chicken salad, prepackaged jello, etc., and will be doing a combination of NS and other foods. Lack of appetite. Hormones can become out of balance. I really want to give NutriSystem a chance to redeem themselves after the callousness and ignorance of this representative. She kept saying you want to cancel because you couldnt signin? She was condescending which made me even more frustrated and angry which is SOMETHING NOONE SHOULD HAVE TO PUT UP WITH FROM CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! 2. Had it broken loose, I could have bled to death. It was the only difference in my diet that could explain this massive bloating, gas, pain, nausea and cramping. Get editors' top picks of the day, the most interesting reviews, news stories and videos. Down 5 lbs but a lesson learned. thankfully I did not do the huge month box- just out about $90 for two weeks buying the 5day kits from Amazon. SIBO generally presents as bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain, although there are asymptomatic cases. This connection goes both ways. Extreme gas, bloating. By signing up, you will receive newsletters and promotional content and agree to our. I use some of your other publications and website as examples. Both sensors have been clinically studied and are recognized by the National Institutes of Health, so I'd trust them if I had a gluten or peanut allergy. Trying 17 day diet. Each serving is equivalent to 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw of approved veggies, which include: Bell peppers. SHE ALSO TRIED TO TELL ME THAT NUTRISYSTEM WAS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR WEBSITE!!!! Tonight, I had a severe attack of diarrhea after eating NS Chicken Alfredo. I know from years of dieting that I cannot tolerate sugar alcohols. While fiber is an essential component of a well-optimized diet, getting too much of a good thing is rarely a good thing. Again, thanks for sharing your experience. My son and I regularly donate to food banks, etc., but I would not do that to anyone. Which foods affect stool color? So I started another course 3 days ago. If you prefer DIY and cooking to meal delivery, WW (reviews, cost, coupons) or Noom (reviews, cost per month, free trial) might be a better diet for you. If you wish to avoid maltitol or other sugar alcohols, you can edit your order to remove them from your menu. It takes time and effort to log everything you eat, but if you really want to get to the bottom of your symptoms, food journaling is worth it. Sadly, as maddening as this is, it seems to happen more and more to us as consumers. I have been on NS. Wow was I surprised what came up. Jayme. "Nutrisystem made me sick!" - Bad Nutrisystem Reviews Instead, increase fiber gradually in your diet over a few weeks. Today by lunchtime my stomach was cramping horribly, I was nauseous, and the gas was extreme. To me that is a rip-off. According to the Mayo Clinic, adding too much fiber too fast can cause these. Although I am out the $$ for the food I order from Walmart, at least I wont have to go through the customer service hassle that so many have commented on. Thank you for saving me a lot of pain, discomfort, and aggravation. They are both getting chemotherapy. Have you had any tweets regarding this? There are many different spots along the way where your system can become inflamed, injured, or blocked. If you're receiving this message in error and want to talk to a crisis management expert today we apologize, and ask that you please dial 866-772-5552. I know that I have issues with sugar alcohols and avoid them when I can. As for the items that you received that contain sugar alcohols, please let me know what you would like to replace them. NurtisystI had exactly the same as you did. I called and spoke to a counselor and told me it could be from the Sugar Alcohol and avoid certain foods. I was shocked by how much weight came off and how fast it came off. -Lindsay (Lost 47 Pounds). We will also add a $25 coupon applicable to your next shipment for your inconvenience. I ordered my breakfasts, lunches, and a few snacks for the next month, and will make my own healthy dinners. Nutrisystem Basic Plan Reviews, Menu (Bad?) When we were told to make other choices that did not contain sugar alcohols, we simply canceled membership because there wasnt much we could order. I am prone to constipation so never really put 2 and 2 together. Im not willing to proceed and end up in the hospital with worse symptoms. In researching it further, it is actually monk fruit, which they give to people who are constipated to get things moving. Nutrisystem came off as not caring and now Ive had to shell out 180$ to my doctor to figure out what is going on. If you have too much or not enough of any hormone that affects your digestion, such as gastrin or peptide YY, symptoms may appear. After week of Diarrhea, I googled Diarrhea Nutri System. There is clearly a break down in the process. Brings on symptoms within minutes of consuming even a small amount of an allergy-inducing food. These preservatives are common in prepared foods, and while they are FDA regulated, their presence, along with higher fiber content, may cause side effects in certain people. I have been on Weight Watchers for over a year and have lost and kept off 31 pounds but I sort of was at a stalemate with WW so I decided to try NS to lose the remaining 20 pounds. This has been a very expensive lesson to learn. Ive never had any digestive issues until I started Nutrisystem. I tried everything to gain access and was then required to use CAPTCHA. I have about 10lbs to loose and tried the 5 day product a month ago. Ive been on this food for 4 days, Once I told her I was having migraines and SEVERE gas (kept me up for 3 nights) she became rude and told me shes never heard of that. Needless to say, I quit NS completely and will not try it again until and unless they remove sugar alcohols from their foods. in a package that requires NO freezing! Started using the system yesterday with a breakfast muffin, and was instantly tootilicious. You can also drink low-sodium vegetable juice as an alternative. And when your vitamin B12 levels are insufficient, your hair follicles might not be able to generate new hair effectively. However, to help control hunger, many of the meal items are high in fiber. I was planning to go to the doctor, because I have always had a cast iron stomach and never experienced anything like this before. This is typically what you should expect whenever you are switching to any kind of diet. For example, I personally don't react well to large portions of dairy, but do just fine with half-and-half in my coffee. Thanks for helping me weed this out! She finally put me on hold and said I will put you on hold for a moment. There is no evidence that Nutrisystem causes cancer. I have already sent an email to their customer service and would call them tomorrow. 4. While the Nutrisystem does pack in a lot of satiating nutrients including a lot of lean protein and fiber to help keep you feeling full, you are bound to experience some hunger pains during the early going. The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotion. Well since that is what is cheap and they can develop it with a bazillion year shelf life that is what you get. Most of the time, these symptoms are temporary. The signs and symptoms of gastritis include: Gnawing or burning ache or pain (indigestion) in your upper abdomen that may become either worse or better with eating Nausea Vomiting A feeling of fullness in your upper abdomen after eating Gastritis doesn't always cause signs and symptoms. Cindy, sorry your daughters had similar experience. I decided at the beginning of the year to start Nutrisystem around the beginning of May, in time for summer. I joined NutriSystem in March of this year, almost 6 months now. Splenda and all those sugar substitutes are all toxic.