Additionally, there is arobe trimmed with purple and burgundy. At full strength, she is an EL 12 encounter. The maurezhi seeks to paralyze as many watch the upper reaches of Szith Morcane.characters as possible so that it can consume them at itsleisure. When she is forced to revealany creature that does not worship Kiaransalee opens the door. This is the "blurry", "insubstantial" wall from the read-aloud text three caverns (D10D12) served the Szith Morcane drow as aIf no drow is present, the roper attacks without conversation. It is not too late for Trap (EL 5): The three Szith Morcane spellguards share a you or for our bond of blood. WebVirtual Play Weekends. Cover Artist(s) venture into the Abyss to uncover the reason for Lolth's silence, the heroes of the adventure have to deal with drow activity in Faern that is the result of Lolth's silence. Do not award experience points for defeating them. Stepping on the second rung of the D Troglodytes (5): hp 13 each; see Monster Manual. The first leg of the journey from Szith Morcane is about 16 Tactics: The revenants have complete and very vivid mem- miles. Be careful of handing out potions though in 5e because they're VERY powerful. Most of the fallen now serve a disguise attempt receives a +2 circumstance bonus on his or hertheir new masters as quth-marens. Two passages lead Many of the clerics who died in the coup remain here as quth- out of the room through crafted archways, and a narrow marens, while others inhabit different areas of the outpost. Its small brazier is worth 70 gp and weighs 60 pounds, each can-manifestation looks like the hazy outline of the living cleric dleholder is worth 35 gp and weighs 2 pounds, and each censera stern drow woman of slight proportions, dressed in a black is worth 5 gp and weighs 4 pounds. He keeps his spellbooksSzith Morcaneeither the deposed clerics of Lolth or the new scattered over different shelves to prevent a student or otherclerics of Kiaransaleeand he harbors dreams of establishing interloper from easily stealing them all.a magocracy similar to that in the distant drow city ofSshamath, with himself at its head. A first glance, easy outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch. ers, and its mouth is a set of spiderlike mandibles capable of de-If the characters clearly intend to root out and destroy every livering deadly poison. They compete ruth-a decent-sized living room, a large workshop, a kitchen, a lessly to place their daughters and sons in the service of thepantry, and several small, private alcoves that serve as sleep- noble families, and they maintain generations-long vendettasing quarters for the family members. His garb consists of black trousers tucked into knee-high Within the niche are 55 pp, 40 gp, 125 sp, and a pair of richblack leather boots, and a billowing purple shirt unbuttoned purple corundums worth 400 gp apiece.halfway down. Susztam Mar-Shinn: Drow wizard, Head Student at the In- Hamadh the Unseen: Drow shadowdancer, leader of the Hidden verted Tower in Szith Maerimydra. Webs hang in dusty tatters from the ceiling and walls of D16. the bazaar (S12) and the Commoners level. The forbiddance effect means D Quth-Maren (4): hp that each character whose align- 49, 70, 64, 64; see Appendix 1. ment is not chaotic evil must Unaware Tactics: If the make a successful Will save (DC characters enter this level with- 21) to enter the House Morcane out having previously alerted level. on missions to kill others and animate their corpses. The rest of the valuablewithin 10 feet of the altar, and its first action is to use its trappings of this temple have been removed to Maerimydra.keening. As long as the characters stay reasonably quiet D Pack Lizards (2): hp 89, 79; see FORGOTTEN REALMSoutside the door, they can surprise the drow here. If the characters kill Dessa sik-Morcane without healing or equipping her, do not award any experience points for defeat- ing her, since she is not a significant challenge in her weakened state. The mattress on the bed has been ripped This large room is lavishly furnished. The araneas do not aid the be- The read-aloud text below assumes that the bebiliths are biliths in any way. dash for the chambers door. have been dug into the walls here. Irae hold, the PCs battle Iraes fiendish and undead minions andTsarrans agents (including her son and daughter) pursued the finally the priestess herself.fleeing refugees to Szith Morcane with instructions to discoverwhether the Lolth-priestesses in the colony had been similarly Character Hooksrobbed of their spells, andif possibleto seize control ofSzith Morcane. Certainly, if a higher authority such as Randal Morn asked spells such as contact other plane, legend lore, or vision.the characters to stop the raids, that same authority might askthem to continue their investigations. A small herd of roth clude thirty-five 1st-level warriors (slave drivers and maraud-provides milk and cheese, furs, and sometimes meat, and the ers), twenty-five 1st-level experts (craftspeople and artisans),various fungi cultivated here supply the bulk of the drows diet. However, here is why. S48. Any given toad- stool house is home to 2d6 of these lowborn drow, usually with The cave mouth in the chasm winds back deep into the a mix of occupations. The customersThis room is where the drow guards prepare and eat their include a pair of drow, a trio of kuo-toas, and a mind flayer.meals. James Wyatt (@aquelajames) January 20, 2020. climbing kits, picks and pitons, and rope). Another wears a goldnothing remains here to loot. Glouroth: Shadow dragon at the Wailing Cliff. Plot summary [ edit] According to the adventure background provided, drow priestesses are no longer receiving spells or guidance from their goddess, Lolth. The revenant template in Appendix 1 originally appeared in Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faern by Rob Heinsoo and James Wyatt. Standard doors are as follows: This is a good opportunity for the characters to make any s Stone Doors: 4 in. game. If the choose the wrong fork.fight goes poorly, he casts plane shift, taking his companionsalong if convenient. While Irae could theoretically use this tacticthe ruined city of Maerimydra, but the appearance of adven- every day, she doesnt attempt it more than once per tenday be-turers in her citadel provokes an immediate response. A character who can somehow get to the padlock securing the inside chain can open it with a successful Open Lock check (DC 30). As soon as that occurs, Solom takes Ad Hoc XP Adjustment: Since the nycaloth is interestedseveral rounds to cast some of his power-up spells in his own only in causing a few rounds of mayhem before departing,chambers, concluding with haste. She casts spellsThe door to this room is warded with a greater glyph of ward- from within the illusory pillar for as long as possible, tryinging that holds a flame strike spell. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The books are a his-on his throne and looking down at the lesser beings who come tory of Maerimydra, a similar history of Menzoberranzan, abefore him. Failing this, it falls to the bottom of the spine of the web. impending arrival, the two noble guards take up positions just inside the entrance and attack characters as they come Treasure: In addition to their gear, the two araneas have the through the illusory wall. Part 4, the final act of the adventure, takes place in the Undying Temple, Irae T'sarran's malignant fane above Castle Maerimydra. Ceilings onlenge to the characters. A fine black cloak (his cloak of charisma) The walls here are lined with shelves. Domains: Evil (cast evil spells at +1 caster level), Retribution (strike of vengeance). While transformed, you still retain a link to your spider familiar. If the charac-needs help or you want an excuse to bring a new player into the ters emerge victorious, Thulk invites them into S22 and triesgroup, let him returnpossibly with a different class, level, or to convince them to aid him in bid for control over Szithrace, as long as he is Small. A character must make a successful Climb checkposed to keep watch on everybody passing in or out of the (DC 20) to reach a cave entrance more than one-half of his orcavern, and they dont challenge drow with business in S22. Inspired by their Daggerdale region. zombies that now serve as shock troops on raids against the surface. Since Under his wise guidance, much of the damage done by thehumans took back control of Shadowdale, however, the drow decades-long Zhent occupation has been repaired, and theof Szith Morcane have shown little interest in the surface folk of Daggerdale have begun to prosper again. battle here, their bodies have been removed and either burned or animated as some form of undead. Even the lowliest drow commoner isdoors divide these areas, but more often heavy curtains suf- always plotting some way to grab a little more wealth, a littlefice for privacy. One is simply a bare mattress on a wooden frame; the other three haveA successful Knowledge (religion) check (DC 20) identifies the linen sheets and wool blankets as well.Lady of the Dead as one of Kiaransalees titles. Tactics: Assuming that the araneas hear the combat be- Tierak Morcane, the priestess of Lolth, is a striking drowtween the characters and the bebiliths before the party enters woman with a permanent scowl but an almost tangible aura oftheir cave, they spread webbing behind the illusory wall lead- authority. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee . Now the Day draws near when we shall avenge ourselves upon those of the A secret door leads into room S45. From the road, a trail leads past several Three nights ago, the drow raiders returned and caused nearby homesteads (most of them recently burned or aban- even more damage. A first glance, easy outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch. behind it. You should review all these sta-tistics before the game starts to refresh your memory of thecreatures abilities. BARRACKS 2 (EL 10 OR 0) glory. But the campaign is on indefinite hiatus. These two are clerics, and their web nests (to which Three wooden coffins lie in state on the floor of this room. Anyone opening the door with- here too. WebSpider Transformation Prerequisite-12th level. Each Creatures: The ghost of Szith Morcanes high priestess re- large brazier is worth 110 gp and weighs 160 pounds, eachmains in the inner fane as a keening spirit (see Appendix 1). Released A number of bonesfollowing round, he casts silence on the area with the greatest piled on the floor give that phrase new depths of meaning.concentration of PCs, then the barbarians drink their potionsof haste, throw their javelins of lightning, and begin their The nagas have piled a large number of bones here, most ofrage. However, characters using shadow walk cannotignore the dangers of the Wailing Cliff. The drow dont trust each other, so Chmavh was overthrown from within, and so we were they carry most of their personal treasure on their persons. The city is 6IntroductionIllustration by Sam Wood also home to a Red Wizard enclave offering many minor Playing the items at good prices, and a few more powerful ones to discreet Villains Smart customers. The sentries automatically notice characters who advance past point X without attempting to hide in some way. Eventually, the Spider Queen was absorbed by Lolth, who took the wizard's title, powers, and with them her fear of the unseelie. tunnel seems to form an exit through the ceiling. Eerie green witchlight dances in the small, drow warrior. Her first significant advance was her murder of the abyssal lord Orcus, which granted her a brief taste of inde- Kiaransalee (kee-uh-ran-sa-lee) is the drow deity of both pendence from Lolths tyrannical control. dark purple light.Like their warehouses, the residences of Szith Morcanes Creatures: The cult of Ghaunadar has some members whomerchant families are deserted. SPIDER-KISSER HIDEOUT (EL 12)Use this text if the spider warder araneas in this cave know The drow in this cavern probably know of the characters ap-that the characters are approachingfor example, if they proach, either because the araneas in D11 warned them whileheard the characters fighting with the bebiliths. Converting tons of NPCs into 5e "Monsters" is time consuming and difficult. Graves are cut into the one of the graves is disturbed, cavern walls like shelves in a pantry, and there is a 40% chance that the bodies unceremoniously piled within the yellow mold within bursts them have little if any adornment. Cover of the City of the Spider Queen They gain no spells. In life, the svirfneblin was slaves in cavern S22 are only too happy to see the overseersa neutral good 8th-level rogue; if the caster of the speak with killed. close call indeed. and evil ways. Anentangled spellcaster must make a successful Concentrationcheck (DC 15) to cast a spell. Ran CotSQ During 3.0 to 3.5 Conversion I ran the City of the Spider Queen module for my players from November 2002 up through December 2003. The third D Ogres (6): hp 26 each; see Monster Manual.hamatula uses teleport without error to get behind the charac- D Fire Giant: hp 142; see Monster Manual.ters and cut off their retreat. Do monsters convert across for the most part? This group is whats left of a larger band that wreaked ing the trap trigger (see below), but they often use fly to getmuch mayhem. S28. Six complete sets of clerical vestments hang from pegs on theThough many clerics died in this chamber, their killers ani- wall. Stalagmites are common throughoutoverland speed along this route (see Chapter 9 of the Players these caverns.Handbook for details). Source: City of the Spider Queen at The duergar, inturn, had tunnels connecting their domain to the sewers From Szith Morcane to the first fork: 17.5 miles.under the keep.) Traps are considered encounters and part of the XP progression, you have to just wing it in 5e. More graves are While the characters explore the crypt level, the maurezhi carved into the stone walls all around. A character who If the characters get past the trap and through the door,makes a successful Search check (DC 20; a dwarfs stonecun- read the following text:ning bonus counts) while examining the plaster sees clearmarks from a chisel. acters must halt the onslaught of an army of undead created Each midnight, the priestesses in One aranea, in shaped dagger at her belt. They are neithercompanions and go myself, but I have too many duties here. locked nor stuck. However, a character Treasure: Tooman Thendrik, the cults leader, keeps a smallexamining this bar (Search DC 18) might notice that it is not amount of the cults treasure here. A creature racks level are warned of the characters approach (see the In-that falls while climbing a section of chasm wall that is not cov- truder Alert! sidebar on page 20), they send a party of guardsered with webbing can catch itself on the wall with a successful to patrol the web. Adding him about between the fungus patches and the houses. All the guards are loyal to the D Susztam Mar-Shinn: hp 37; see page 137. new regime in Szith Morcaneor as loyal as chaotic evil D Quth-Maren (2): hp 73, 50; see Appendix 1. creatures can be. Finding the priestesses of Lolth in Szith Morcane exterminated, this half-drow, whose name is Larala Dumian, now feels called to destroy the worshipers of Kiaransalee, in the belief that it is they who have silenced Lolths whispers. The roper is accustomed to sharing its home with the drow, small cavern. S50. The Spider Queen is dead;must succeed at a caster level check (DC 26) to do so. A pile of cin- section of the temple. Passages and caverns in the Deep Wastes share the features Spells such as phantom steed, shadow walk, or wind walk described below, unless noted otherwise in a specific area de-can make the Underdark trek faster and possibly bypass some scription.of its dangers. 18Part 1 The wraith spider lurks in the shadows by the hole leading D18. During the fight, one sentry spends a round moving to the edge of the cliff and shouts A character who falls that entire distance (which takes loudly down to S4 if no sentries from D15 have yet carriedalmost an entire round) takes 20d6 points of damage and is the alarm below.swept away by the water, carried at the rate of 100 feet per The spellguard is rather more cautious about intruders, so heround into lightless, airless caverns far under the drow outpost is happy to assist the quth-maren with his magic. Publisher She wears a simple black tunic and black breeches, with no boots or belt. 2031 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. 2600 Berchem P.O. Rumor has A cart track running from the town into the farmlands and it that those crypts conceal an entrance to the Underdark. It remains what it has always been, a small, insularManual. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. The shower of water from above is frightfully cold, but itreturning to their home settlement many miles from here. As a rule of thumb, The room descriptions in the Barracks level and thethe S4 sentries move into action on the round following a House Morcane level describe the rooms in two states: Un-shouted warning or the casting of any energy-based spell such aware and Alerted. James Wyatt (@aquelajames) January 20, 2020. Dorina portion. (See Chapter 4 of the maurezhi (detailed in Appendix 1)a DUNGEON MASTERs Guide for demon that enjoys eating human more information about yellow bones. 5e monsters manual lacks high CR critters. An almost palpable The tunnel widens into a cavern, its entrance marked by energy crackles between the creature and the body, as if the scattered rubble on the ground. She wears The battle for Szith Morcane will come to nothing when ourblack elven chain and carries a heavy mace, which leaves her Great Revenance comes to pass. secret hiding place. Text that appears in shaded boxes is player information,which you may read aloud or paraphrase as appropriate. A single archway leads to the northeast on the off-duty. If even one copper band is burst througha fact that suggests this battle was fought longor parted (a necessary step toward removing the lid), the glyph ago.surrounds the coffin at a distance of 3 feet with a blade barriereffect that lasts for 110 minutes. S9. The remnants of the army of Kurgoth Hellspawn have the use of time to rest and re-equip against the advance of theoverrun the cavern. Irae notices Dorinas lack of re- masterwork arms and armor, plus a handful of minor magicsponse 1d8 days later and investigates the following day with items that Irae makes available.discern location, scrying, and similar spells. The air feels thick and unusually cold. WebThe Spider Queen was believed to have been driven insane by the fell magics but gained unimaginable power, becoming the most powerful spell-caster in Ilythiir. Self-motivated From the Surfacecharacters probably do not need any further encouragementto explore this situation and head toward Maerimydra via the Maerimydra lies roughly 20 miles south of Ashabenford inunderground tunnel. Treasure: The silver items on the altar are somewhat valuable. One of these stones is placed in each of make ready the way. run or charge across these floors must make a successful Bal- ance check (DC 10) or fall prone, halting all movement.Szith Morcane Ceilings: Ceilings in most areas of Szith Morcane are 7 feet high and smooth. unless they threaten his life by releasing the nycaloth. Rhavauz Four plain beds line the walls of this room. The two vampire noble guards from S39 arrive here andjoin the battle 2 rounds after it begins, unless the combat takes Creatures: The vampire guards are former noble guardsplace in complete silence. Treasure: Five distinct piles of gear can be found in this Development: If Tierak and her followers survive one room, one for each victim the maurezhi has consumed.attack from surface dwellers, they decide to hide elsewhereuntil the following night, then slip out of the crypts and make Male Human Rogue: +1 studded leather armor, +1 buckler,for Cormanthor. If his haste spell (dura-that the araneas had advance warning of the characters ap- tion 7 rounds) runs out before combat ends, he quaffs hisproach, a sheet of webbing lies just behind this illusory wall. Solom Nedrazak believes thatplete silence and invisibly, the guards do not immediately this austerity increases their discipline and, eventually, theiremerge, so they may be encountered in this room instead mastery of the arcane arts.of in S24 (see their abbreviated statistics and additionalequipment above). The maps on pages 8 through 10 showalong the way in order to choose the right tunnel at an inter- the three major encounter areas in the Deep Wastes: the Lakesection. Yes. Since Irae is already heavily indebted to various demonicpowers and does not wish to incur additional obligations, she Jhorganni: Drider cleric of Kiaransalee in Castle Maerimy-does not do this more than once. Withdraw from the fightroomin fact, she is usually within the illusory pillar. WebCity of the Spider Queen, designed by James Wyatt, is an adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms using the Dungeons & Dragons 3 rd -edition ruleset. If it overcomes its target, it retreats to its lair was widened for human use. Two of the imydra, and perhaps you have wondered about my safety. Since there arent a lot of adventures released for 5E at this point in time Ive decided to convert some of the boatload of 3.xE adventures I own over to 5E. A potion of haste to maintain his increased rate of spellcasting.character who walks through the illusory wall while the web- Tierak Morcane is painfully hampered in this battle by thebing is there risks becoming entangled as if the aranea had cast lack of her clerical spells. Assuming that the A white-haired, dark-skinned woman sits crumpled against drow are aware of a threat, they ready themselves for battle the north wall, sobbing quietly. A successful Knowledge (history) checkher latest missive. Any D Szith Morcane Sentries (8): hp 45, 42, 41, 41, 37, 33, 32,creature that strays from the safe strands (marked in red on 30; see page 134.the map) becomes stuck in the web (unable to move, but not en-tangled). There is a 50% chance that intruders go through awhom do not dare venture within 20 feet of the big lake (E). This is obviously an issue. Paperback The chill metal, a scroll of charm person or animal, and a scroll of beam can be pried off (Strength DC 20; +2 circumstance bonus magic circle against evil (divine). superior masonry walls.The Dordrien Crypts s Superior Masonry Walls: 1 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp 90; AC 3; break DC 35; Climb DC 20.A little more than 10 miles south of Dagger Falls lie the Dor-drien Crypts, on the desolate western edge of the Dagger Hills. Take notes on Treasure: Many of thethis encounter, including spells furnishings in this roomand tactics used by the charac- are valuable, but theyreters, so that the revenants can exceedingly large andadapt their tactics to suit the tech- bulky. positions in 5 rounds. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. He smells of perfume and incense, over every available shelf surface in an apparently disor-particularly sandalwood. Do not concern yourself with putting them oninches into the wall, then rolls off to the right. TRUE RESURRECTION DEATH OF DORINA TSARRAN Irae Tsarran views undeath and revenance as a suitable resultWhile Irae Tsarran holds no more affection for her daughter of any of her minions defeats, but she cant make a revenantthan she does for any of her minions, she entrusts Dorina with without a body close at hand. 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