they are small and smooth and leave no residue or smellits so weird. Ill guide you through everything you need to know. We of course teach them the right way to touch the cats, to give them their space, etc. The most common reason is digestive issues. Hyperthyroidism. Medical issues, from a simple upset stomach to something as dangerous as a feline cancer, will typically manifest first in your cats droppings. The tumors may be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), and they may grow slowly or quickly. You dont need to worry if it only happens sometimes. Territorial marking is a common behavior in cats, especially if they feel threatened by the presence of other pets. You may not be able to notice if your cat has underlying health issues. Cats are territorial in nature and will often mark their territory with urine or feces. Therefore, introducing your new pet should happen gradually. Your cat just likes consistency in the household and it makes them feel happy and safe. But, is this true does it happen? Likewise, they cover their waste in their litter box. Some will need prescription medications, such as metronidazole or prednisolone, to control inflammation. An ordinary poo shouldnt be solid or loose, but something in between. One of our cats has been leaving little poop nuggets throughout the main areas of the house - I'm not 100% sure which one is doing this, as it typically happens late at night when we're all asleep. Sphincter incontinence in cats is a condition that occurs when the sphincter muscle of the anus becomes weak or damaged, causing it to leak feces. Black Cat With White Undercoat: How Rare Are Smoke Black Cats? It makes sense, really, when you think about it. So you should regularly visit your vet, clean your cats litter box, and give it the attention it needs. Sanitary trim: Keep the cat's fur around her bum trimmed to make it easy for her to touch or clean there herself. Privacy Policy. Your Cat May Simply Be Acting Out of Boredom. Diarrhea is normal if it was only a one-time occasion. This is why its a must to pay attention when you clean the box, as this is where you are going to see the first signs of trouble. In either case, make sure to take your cat to your vet for an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. If your kitten is not straining to defecate, but is still leaking poop, it could be a sign of diarrhea. A black cat indoors jumping out of a silver litter box. Lastly, we recommend using pet grooming gloves to remove poop leftovers and give your cat a nice massage during her bath. Disclaimer: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links; we will earn a commision, at no additional cost to you, if you make a purchase through one of our links. House soiling or inappropriate elimination can indicate that your cat is struggling with pain or discomfort caused by an underlying health issue. Also theres never any fur or litter dust on them, so it doesnt seem like theyre being tracked out of the tray. Small, hard balls of poop are considered abnormal and unhealthy because they can be an indicator of constipation. So, if you find your cats behavior has changed, it means there is something wrong. You may be scratching your head trying to think of ways to get rid of this awful mess, right? Worms (intestinal parasites) Pancreatic disease. Digestive issues are the most common reason. This will usually affect the shape and sometimes even the consistency, as diarrhea will often accompany such conditions, but there is no guarantee of this. while your cat is pooping around your house, there is dried poop on her. And If your kitten is also straining to defecate, it could be a sign of constipation, which can be caused by a variety of things, including a lack of fiber in the diet. Some factors that could affect how much a cat midden include the size of their litter box, the type of litter used, the frequency of scooping, and the presence of other cats in the home. There could be many reasons why your cat is not digesting food properly. Keep us posted - and, hopefully you will eventually hear from other members who may have experienced the same thing. If your kittens anus is swollen and leaking poop, it could be a sign of a number of different health problems. This can be frustrating for fur parents, especially since the stain and odor of cat poop can be challenging to clean off. You may notice occasional fecal balls in your pet's bed or deposited around the home. You can make a really simple homemade remedy out of essential oils. Diet changes, the condition of their litter, or more pressing health issues such as worms can all affect your cats potty schedule, so its something to keep in the back of your mind whenever you are changing the litter box just to be on the safe side! This can lead to irritation, inflammation, and infection of the anal area. Your vet may have some ideas on how to treat the diarrhea. They're very gentle with animals and are kind kidsbut they also tend to be loud and constantly want to say hi to the cats, which I'm sure the cats don't love (though they do have an area to hang out in where the boys are not allowed). To prevent diarrhea, dont give your cat dairy products like milk or yogurt -- many cats cant digest them properly. Why is it important to wear gloves while cleaning up the poop? But, what if you have problems with your cat pooping, what can you do? This behavior is often caused by stress or anxiety. There may be occasions when your cat cannot make it to the litter box. Feb 4, 2014. You may also want to consider adding another cat to their home for companionship. 2. Pebble poop, or pellet-like stool, may occur when very hard stool breaks apart into smaller pieces. You are probably already familiar with what your cats poop normally smells like. Your cat might dislike her litter box because you do not clean it regularly, or you might have changed the litter and she is not comfortable with the new texture, scent, or quantity. Anal sac tumors are tumors that grow in or near the anal sacs of cats. Investigate we did, and we ended up coming short, but we're now regularly on the lookout for any odd litter box cues so we can be more informed if this ever happens again. However, this is usually seen by a mother cat who is grooming her kittens. You can learn a lot about your cat's health from their poop. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. What specific issues can cause a cat to leave poop nuggets in your house? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Dr. Zay explained that another factor could have to do with the actual length of a cat's legs and how much space there is between their bum and the litter - if your cat is experiencing either poop or litter (or both!) Also read: Do Cats Poop Where They Sleep? These wet wipes can also be used to moisten the dry feces as well. It also promotes fermentation and creates a gel that keeps poop from breaking into pieces. In general, however, most cats will midden several times a week in order to mark their territory. You must log in or register to reply here. Arthritis, hip dysplasia, or other chronic ailments make it uncomfortable for cats to jump in an out of litter boxes, cover their poop, or self-groom. That said, if you see strings of white, then this could be a sign of worms and you will definitely want to get that addressed. But he has intermittently (and now it's up to nearly once a day) dropped small (raisin-sized) nuggets of poo around the house. The cats are of course a part of the family and I will do whatever is needed to try to fix this, but I'm worried about what might happen if my child on the spectrum starts finding these poop nuggets before I can get to them, as this has been getting more frequent. While certainly cute and cuddly, your little cat is a well-designed predator, and Nature has taught them to be aware of any changes in their surroundings. You might want to try Burts Bees Hypoallergenic Cat Shampoo, which has a pH suited for cats and is formulated without sulfates, colorants, strong scents, or other harsh chemicals. And if your kitten has a swollen anus that is leaking poop, it is likely suffering from an anal sac impaction. Some cats do things to show you how they feel including leaving poo on your floor. 1. Or your cat may simply be bored and looking for something to do. This site is owned and operated by D Three Ltd. D Three Ltd is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Cats are instinctual predators and as such have a strong urge to mark their territory. Various snacks can affect the color and consistency or your cats poos, so you always want to consider any extra snacks that they might have had or new food before panicking. This chart shows feline body conditions. I think you might want to keep an eye on what his behind looks like right after he has used the litterbox, and see if/when you can find 'stuff' still left on his behind. Pulling poop out of its litter box isn't normal feline behavior. Yes, cats do eat their own poop. If it matters, they only leave the nuggets on the hardwood floor - never on the furniture or carpet, so I do think the cat has some awareness of when it is happening. If you notice a stray that seems to be spending a lot of time in your yard, then this might be what is causing a potty issue at home. There are a number of reasons why cats may mark their territory, including to: Read also: My Cats Vomit Smells Like Poop. The Cat Is Sick and Is Not Able to Properly Digest Its Food. Look closely at your cats poop. For example, if you give your cat food containing unnatural colors, the color of its stool will change. If you are using wet wipes, it is recommended to use a wipe formulated for cats to prevent harming your cats fur and skin. This happens because your dog can't hold its poop properly. Why is Your Cat Leaving Little Poop Nuggets on the Floor? A cat can be given a number of things to help it digest properly. It's just these annoying poop balls that have me wondering why? Your furry pal might be scared by loud noises coming from a construction site nearby, sudden loud explosions from fireworks, or an unfamiliar visitor at home. Visit Your Veterinarian Your cat is leaving poop nuggets around the house for one of two reasons. The most common causes include dehydration, kidney disease, and constipation. Your cat's litter box should be at least 1.5x their length for them to comfortably maneuver. This is useful to know, though keep in mind that changes to this from time to time may occur, especially when they are getting treat such as tins of tuna or a little bit of whats on your dinner plate. As such, if you start noticing your cat leaving little poop nuggets everywhere, it could be due to behavioral issues or an illness your furry friend is trying to hide. Since cats are insanely clean animals, I started to ask myself questions about Grey's behavior: could there be a specific reason she wasn't cleaning herself correctly? #1. New pets can really stress your cat and sometimes they will even mark their territory which you definitely do not want! Healthy stool is dark brown in color, but not too dark, as blackish poop can mean blood in the stool. Sometimes, it comes and goes quickly. Not being taught how to use a litter box. This is Fluffy the cat's tree, move along". Cat Leaving Little Poop Nuggets (Why & What now?) If you are pregnant, ask someone else to handle the mess for you. Extremely smelly cat poop could be a sign that your cat's diet needs to change or that your cat has some kind of illness or infection. Supposing that you have a stray cat, itll show unconventional behavior. They are passionate about grooming themselves, hate being dirty, and loathe anything that doesnt smell good to them. if its a behavioral problem it could be anxiety or not enough litter boxes. Although cat poop should normally be dark brown, this color can sometimes be influenced by your cats food. I can find it where she was just laying down. For instance, if you bring in new furniture, let a stranger move in, or dont pay enough attention to them, they can get stressed quickly. Cats stool can also be of no shape, which is a clue of diarrhea. So, if you see your cat leaving poop nuggets in inappropriate places, then clearly something is not right. Treatment options are limited but may include surgery and/or radiation therapy. Keep in mind that bath time can be a frightening experience for cats, so make sure to provide treats and reassurance. Use cat shampoo, bathing gloves, wipes, and odor removal to keep the litter box clean. How to Prevent My Cat From Pulling The Carpet? Cats can be picky when it comes to their litter box. If youre unable to bear the scent of your cats excrements, its probably a shout from its stomach. However, Dr. Zay shared that there are a few other reasons that Grey's uncleanliness could have been occuring (spoiler: none of them seem to fit for Grey, and it's still a mystery as of now why this went on a couple times a week for about eight weeks). Your cat is leaving poop nuggets around the house for one of two reasons. Cat Pee On Your Fabric Couch? Stock up on some disposable gloves and that way, whenever you have to handle the occasional mess, then you wont have to worry about it making you ill or otherwise compromising your health. Any lesion that disrupts the anal sphincter, such as an anal wound or mass, can interfere with its function. Cat feces can contain parasites that can cause toxoplasmosis. Recommended: The best affordable Pretty Litter alternatives on the market. Will milk help her poop better? There could be many reasons why a cat would leave random small nuggets of poop. This behavior went on for about two months before it stopped (hopefully for good), but I decided to chat with Dr. Zay Satchu, cofounder and Chief Veterinary Officer of Bond Vet, to see if there was a possible explanation for this sudden increase in Grey's post-bathroom issues in case they were to arise again. Your cat simply doesnt feel comfortable doing their business in the litter box and makes a quick detour to go somewhere else. Does he by chance have a bit longer hair 'back there"? Treatment typically involves manual expression of the anal sacs or surgery. Yes, vinegar can stop cats from pooping (What about in your carrier? If you have noticed cat poop around your house you may be wondering if this is a spiteful move by your cat or maybe there is another reason? It may pee or poop on the bed or the floor. It could be too much solid food or not enough liquid. but gets twitchy when one comes out i have no idea what to make of it. It seems the main causes of this are usually stress, dehydration, or needing more fiber. Max sat there and he wandered what he would be like if he looked a little more normal, if he had normal looking eyes that didn't look cat like in appearance. In general, however, nerve damage can cause a wide range of symptoms including pain, paralysis, muscle weakness, loss of sensation, and changes in appetite and behavior. They can prescribe pain medications or suggest environmental modifications to help your painful cat use their box. A vet told me that he may not have proper nerves "back there" and can't always feel there is still more that he needs to eliminate. Dog dropping poop randomly incontinence many other things can cause this disease like muscle damage, poor diet, parasites, and medications. Did You Know: Canned pumpkin is good for your felines digestion if given in moderation. If you have enough fiber in your diet, your stool should be soft, well-formed, and easy to pass. Most cats will poop at least once a day. Treating the cat with your pets favorite foods and vitamins will help to strengthen the digestive system of the cat. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC, an Internet Brands company. Like any poo in the world, cats feces smell bad. Constipated dogs are likely to leave little poop balls because releasing small amounts is easier than releasing the entire fecal lump. If your cat has diarrhea, it's more likely that he'll end up with poop on his britches. Some common causes are changes in their environment, such as a move to a new home, or the addition of a new pet or baby to the family. If you suddenly change the type of litter you use, that could be the cause of them deciding to poop outside the box. It might be best to visit your vet if you notice such changes in your cats poop size. Site Help | "Lending a helping hand is fine. Click here). For more, we recommend reading up on our home remedies for deworming my cat. J. JLynDitz229. Unlike with other pets, litter box training comes naturally to our feline pals because it is their instinct to bury their waste in sand or dirt. Often cats use this technique to mark their territory. . . They dont like to be filthy or wet; thats why they groom their bodies all the time. Domestic cats will still feel extremely put-upon if changes are made at home, such as new people or even furniture. If the poop is too hard to remove, you might need to spray it first with cat dry shampoo or trim the clinging feces off the fur. This may lead them to change their attitude and leave poop nuggets away from their litter box. Oral Tumors 10. But, what happens if this doesnt work? It is a common problem in cats and can be caused by a variety of factors including trauma from fighting with other cats, parasites, and poor diet. They should not be overly dry, but rather moist, brown, and in appearance very much like little logs of wood. But, is this just rumors, or is it fact? We have two indoor cats - sisters from the same litter - who are about 9 months old. But, what about if your cat poops in your bed? (Which, Grey, if you're reading this, let's not? Lastly, too little or too much litter can be problematic for your furry friend, causing her to do her business elsewhere. Inappropriate elimination can sometimes be linked to fear. Usually hard little balls, but occasionally really icky stuff :0 He is also tail-less, whether by birth or accident I'm not sure. Small, brown, and solid, with a fairly consistent brown coloration. Muscle weakness can make it difficult for the sphincter to close properly, leading to leakage. Keep in mind this is just a general sort of test, but it should not be overly dry and the size and shape should be fairly consistent with what youve been seeing when you clean the litter box. Diarrhea. Use a vet-approved cat shampoo made with natural ingredients. Cat leaving random small nuggets of poo. Drinking more water is one key way to reduce constipation. Washcloth: Use a soft washcloth and dip in the warm water. You should talk to your vet about any poop problems your cat has, but this chart may help you figure out what may be causing them: The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA): Diarrhea, Constipation., Veterinary Information Network: Constipation and Megacolon, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Tapeworms,Irritable bowel syndrome., American Animal Hospital Association: Intestinal parasites., Merck Veterinary Manual: Constipation and Obstipation.. 1 - Medical Issues. Cats can eat their poop. Also, most cats do not like scented litter or the presence of strong chemicals. Loose stools may occur from time to time, but if this is a regular thing of late, then its a good idea to check with your vet to make sure that your cat has not fallen ill. Other solutions include hairball remedies such as Laxatone, which can help with constipation. I hope this is not just a coincidence and she . We adopted a bonded pair of one year old cats in February. Mme Coco has always done what we call 'ploppies'! Poop can show much about what goes on inside your kitten. Some options include: There are many reasons why cats get stressed or anxious. The severity of the incontinence will dictate the course of treatment. If you check the above reasons and your cat still leaves poop nuggets, its probably a medical issue. But he was grateful to have his friends and family, and he was glad he was accepted, and he was safe, and he was comfortable. All cat lovers like to pride themselves in the fact that they know their cats well. When this happens, there is no way for the cat to hold its bladder and bowels in place, which leads to leakage of urine or feces from the anus. Cat Articles | Home & Forums | Such as, a bicycle exercise on her legs or even gently massaging her stomach. After doing this for a week she has been poop free for 6 days now. This should help them with their stomach issues. Seniorboy used to do this although he was a fair bit older than your boy and in his case, it was mainly because he couldn't hold the high pooing squat for long enough to get out a decent poo due to arthritis - it was just too much strain for him so all that popped out was a small piece. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Mediterranean, Low-Fat Diets Are Best for Heart Problems, Least Amount of Exercise You Need to Stay Healthy, Nerve 'Pulse' Therapy May Help Ease Sciatica, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Solving and Preventing Cat Litter Box Problems, Cat Litter and Litter Boxes: Automatic Litter Boxes, Flushable Litter, and More, Small, hard, dry poop that has a lot of hair, Stomach or intestinal bleeding. HAirball medications might also help. There wasn't litter stuck to her fur, but her behind definitely looked akin to a newly potty trained toddler who can't yet wipe well enough. Cats can be very finicky in terms of their litter box and/or the type of litter used. This is often linked to a behavioral issue such as anxiety, stress or theyre not happy with the litter box. I don't think she even knows they are slipping out. Your Cat May Be Trying to Mark Its Territory. Diarrhea that lasts for 24 to 48 hours probably wont cause a problem unless you have an older cat or a kitten.But if it lasts longer, your cat can get dehydrated, which can be dangerous. Try to get to the bottom of this cats can be finicky sometimes, even about the slightest change in their routines. These cats have slender and muscular bodies, crystal blue eyes, and distinctive color points in 7 Steps To Housebreak A Cat If you love cats, but hate that stinky litter box, then you may want to ponder the idea of housebreaking your feline (aka going outside). - Higher fiber diet: does anyone have any suggestions on food for this? More milk/formula, or something like pureed prunes or pears should help. The Shopper's Guide strengthens the local commerce of the Southern Berkshires, providing an affordable and effective way for buyers and sellers to exchange goods and services. So I really doubt that's the cause because aside from us never feeding them human food as an extra precaution we don't leave any out anywhere for them to get into should they ever change their minds. Another reason is it feels threatened by a recent houseguest. What does it mean when a cat poops on your bed? Cat Sphincter Incontinence Colitis. Call your vet right away if the diarrhea is black or bloody, or if it happens along with fever, vomiting, sluggishness, or a loss of appetite. Trauma to the Soft Tissue 7. Call the vet right away, Food intolerances, inflammatory bowel disease, Can vary, sometimes soft, frothy, greasy poop with mucus and/or blood, Not smell too foul, though some odor is normal, Changes to their diet or food allergies or intolerances, Over-grooming, which leads to extra hair in the digestive tract, Feline megacolon -- when the colon gets very large and its muscles no longer squeeze, making hard, dry stool build up inside, Something blocking their colon, such as string or bones, Problems inside the colon, such as tumors or narrow places. If your cat seems bored, try giving them new toys to play with or more interactive toys that require them to think and solve problems. I'm a big skeptical that this is the problem since when they use their litter box their poop seems very normal, and am a bit nervous to change their food given the vomiting bile incident I mentioned earlier. If the cat is otherwise healthy and has access to a clean litter box, the most likely explanation is behavioral. One of our cats has been leaving little poop nuggets throughout the main areas of the house - I'm not 100% sure which one is doing this, as it typically happens late at night when we're all asleep. $44.95 Arm & Hammer Fresh Spectrum 360 Adult Dog Dental Kit, 3 oz. First off, these arent full-sized poops, theyre almost like rabbit droppings, about the size of a large raisin. She can be giving me kisses, and a little hard poop will fall out of her bum. To stimulate your cats bowel movement you can use some simple techniques. But, what is middening, is this related to your problem? Sometimes, your cat might have difficulty passing out all the feces, leaving some of the waste hanging on her fur around the bum. JavaScript is disabled. You will need some gloves (Click here to see their availability on Amazon #Ad) to gently massage your cat and clean off the unwanted feces. How Long Can Newborn Kittens Survive Without Their Mom? Face or Jaw Trauma 8. Dislike of Litter or Litter Box. Things to Consider When You See Little Poop Nuggets. How voluminous that stool is depends on your cat's diet and the moisture content of the food, hence cats on a canned diet produce big bulky poops compared to those on dry kibble and their hard nuggets, and cats . Once your furry companion is rinsed and cleaned, dry her with a soft towel. Privacy -Designed by Thrive Themes One of them (we're not sure which - might even be both) has been leaving little nuggets of poop around the house and we don't know what to do or how to stop it. Some digestive problems in cats can reduce by adding supplements to their diet or by giving the cat probiotics.77. It's either a behavioral problem or a health issue. Under normal circumstances, a cats waste should be firm and malleable; it should not be rock solid or mushy. So, you just help it feel safe by showing that your house is safe territory. - Dehydration: They currently only have one water bowl, and I'm quick to always refill it before it runs empty. They simply place a vinegar solution in their garden to stop local cats from pooping in their yard. It is possible to carry out "fecal scoring" based on a cat's poop look, but there may be no need to get into such a detailed, formal way . But if its more common for your pet, you should contact your vet. cats with anal sac disease, the sphincter muscles of the rectum dont work properly. Middening is a behavior in cats in which they urinate or defecate outside of their litter box. Bringing a new cat to your house may lead to some undesirable poops all over the house from your old one. For example, cats with arthritis might leave poop nuggets in the wrong places because it is too painful for them to lift their back legs to get into the litter box. Thanks if you use my links, I really appreciate your support. Thus, if your cat starts leaving poop nuggets around your house, something is clearly not right. Any sudden shift in your pets pooping habits could mean a problem that needs to be addressed. (What Now?). So, now you know what middening is and how it relates to cats and why it is done. Why is my cat leaving little poop nuggets? A young cat poops more than an older one. For some cats, deworming medication or probiotics may also be needed.. the nuggets come out involuntarily. They loveee their cat food! Pooping or peeing in certain places is a normal way to send messages to other cats or creatures in the area. He's 6 yrs old and acts healthy in every other way. One possible cause of sphincter incontinence in cats is muscle weakness. Here are some of the common reasons a cat may leave little poop nuggets outside her litter box: Territorial marking is a common behavior in cats, especially if they feel threatened by the presence of other pets. If you have tried these tricks to stimulate bowel movement and it hasnt worked. Users Also Ask: Why Is My Cat Making Weird Mouth Movements? If your cat is showing any signs of nerve damage, it is important to have them evaluated by a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the cause and begin appropriate treatment. It also helps to make sure they gets more exercise and drinks more water so that waste will move through their system more readily. Your Cat May Simply Be Acting Out of Boredom. That is because lactose can help the intestines absorb enough water to moisten and soften the bowels. May be benign ( non-cancerous ) or malignant ( cancerous ), and to! 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Have a strong urge to mark their territory ( why & amp ; Hammer Fresh Spectrum Adult. Wet ; thats why they groom their bodies all the time and she trying to mark territory! Ways to get to the litter box & amp ; Hammer Fresh Spectrum 360 dog!, however, most cats will poop at least 1.5x their length for to! The type of litter used out i have no idea what to make to! Because releasing small amounts is easier than releasing the entire fecal lump Where she was just laying down of. Feel comfortable doing their business in the fact that they know their cats well and drinks more water that! For this can show much about what goes on inside your kitten has a swollen anus that is because can. And she to leakage change in their garden to stop local cats from pooping ( about! It relates to cats and why it is done cats cant digest them properly pureed prunes or should... One possible cause of them deciding to poop outside the box a common behavior cats. One possible cause of sphincter incontinence in cats in which they urinate or defecate outside of their box. Sisters from the same litter - who are about 9 months old on the.. Newborn kittens Survive Without their Mom of their litter box should be soft,,. Litter dust on them, so it doesnt seem like theyre being tracked out of Boredom visit! Appearance very much like little logs of wood, itll show unconventional behavior and safe prednisolone, to give their... Itll show unconventional behavior i have no idea what to make sure to treats! To handle the mess for you some digestive problems in cats, to give them their space,.... Gets more exercise and drinks more water is one key way to touch the cats, give! Cats or creatures in the world, cats feces smell bad what on. Cats waste should be at least 1.5x their length for them to change cat leaving little poop nuggets... On the floor visit your vet, clean your cats poop size their diet or by giving the cat Sick. With a better experience color, but rather moist, brown, this is often caused by stress anxiety... Least 1.5x their length for them to change their attitude and leave poop nuggets in inappropriate places then! & amp ; what now? what middening is a behavior in cats is muscle weakness litter or the?...