Asmodeus is a tyrant who sees chaos and its agents as the multiverse's greatest threat, so it makes sense that a cleric of his would be similar. By his own accounts, Asmodeus states that all of his actions are based on necessity. In the wake of the Spellplague, when many were questioning if the gods were angry or had outright abandoned them, Asmodeus's faithful provided their own answers and a god to give them the absolution they sought. When he found the shard of evil in the abyss, he stole it from the demons that inhabited the area, and they still seek to get their hands on the power that was stolen from them. Unfortunately, the bands of Asmodeus had to be called to these worlds to vanquish invading demonic hosts, and proved generally succesful in doing so. [195], After the Spellplague, Asmodeus and a coven of warlocks known as the Toril Thirteen performed a ritual where the Lord of the Nine marked all tieflings in the world as his descendents. Greater deity Nessus [111], While Tiamat's "true" self was in Avernus, another aspect maintained and shifted domains elsewhere, but during the Spellplague fell into the hands of an empowered Bane. The evil cleric PC is hard to integrate if you have traditional good characters. Knowledge, Torment, Tyranny, Civilization The gods exist in multiplicity, but Asmodeus is unique. [171][172], Only Graz'zt could say if he had truly severed ties with Asmodeus or was secretly colluding with him and either answer didn't preclude him from changing his mind later. Tempting souls can be done in a few ways. +20 to hit). [32], At the time, the archdevils acted in a fairly obvious manner to achieve their goals and, at the culmination of their scheming, two factions crystallized: that of Baalzebul with Belial, Moloch, and Zariel under him; and that of Mephistopheles with Dispater, Geryon, and Mammon under him. [28] As for how the existence of this form would impact his origin stories, the fact he was currently of serpentine shape did not require that he was always this way. Youll need the most powerful artifacts you can come across, godly boons, and some way to substantially weaken Asmodeus before you even come close to standing a chance. [74], Asmodeus also hated the gods of the upper planes for essentially leaving him to run the Blood War, he and his devils alone saddled with the dirty work of keeping them and the multiverse safe from the demons. Greater deity[note 1] This idea was never considered canonical, but an allusion to it resurfaced in a vague reference decades later in the Book of Vile Darkness, where it is stated that while Asmodeus is the oldest devil in the Nine Hells, he may not be the original ruler. Since you are the DM running a god-level encounter for your players, Im assuming you have enough experience to meddle with a stat block and get it to your liking. [213], In any event, it was by the goodwill and kindness of He Who Was that he allowed his archangels to rise to nearly equal exarchs and demigods in power. Rumors of various deities of Hell allying to wrest Baator from Asmodeus occasionally emerged but never came to fruition. While it would be a bit extreme to say that Asmodeus has a past shrouded in mystery, there are definitely historic disputes over his exact origin. He stole away a sliver of the Abyss's black heart, which only tightened the grasp of evil on his being and would eventually cement the transformation of he and his followers into devils. Remember, Asmodeus is one of the keenest strategic minds in the whole of the multiverse; hes studied the adventurers and prepared himself to not only defeat them but humiliate them. The chronology of the Blood War in Hellbound also states that Baator's Lords of the Nine only appeared in their positions around or slightly after the Blood War began, but also before the existence of deities. Baathion, an idyllic, verdant, shining world of unequaled goodness and brightness was erased, its beautiful forests, oceans, and even the beloved garden of the god burned and boiled away by hellish flames until all that remained was the black rock, unending fire, death, and torment of Baator. Cleric of Asmodeus. Home Plane [116] Mammon might very well be wealthier than Asmodeus and Fierna was his equal in terms of charisma. At their further questioning he unsheathed Punishment itself, at this time shaped like a mighty sword, an ultimate weapon of law Asmodeus allegedly invented himself. In others, (particularly more recently) he was believed to be a greater god,[46][39][47] and the most dangerous portrayals cast him as a primal embodiment of evil, aspect of some sort of metaphysical serpent concept,[34][48][49] or even an overgod similar in nature to the Lady of Pain. It instead implies that Serpent's Coil is shaped for the spiraling path Asmodeus fell, and that Malsheem sits at the bottom of that canyon. So, Asmodeus turned Baator into a place made for torturing the souls of those who transgressed the gods. Baator [114], The insidious words of his advisor Titivilus had inflamed Dispater's paranoia, convincing him that Asmodeus himself conspired to remove him from power. 5e To this, Asmodeus saw that the solution was punishment. Most aasimar follow their ordained path, but some grow to see their abilities as a curse. If you cant play the role you want to play, even god killer, then why bother? [8], Geryon served as a spy for Asmodeus during the Reckoning, seemingly siding with Mephistopheles only to blow his horn before the climatic clash and signal all the commanders to betray their leaders. [29], Each of Asmodeus's avatars held a Ruby Rod of Asmodeus as a badge of office. Archdevils[10] The acolyte has following cleric spells prepared: They are a SECOND level Spellcaster; a First Level Spellcaster would only get 2 Spell Slots. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). She can use her Profession (barrister) skill for Bluff and Diplomacy checks. [170], Graz'zt: The demon lord Graz'zt was believed by some to have once been an archdevil and a trusted advisor of Asmodeus. The most popular method is to form contracts with mortals in which they sell their souls for some offer. Favored weapon [171], Another was Malkizid, an exiled former solar under the employment of Corellon. [70] In truth, the Blood War was merely the continuation of an ancient conflict that perhaps predated even Asmodeus's own fall, a war of law and chaos that defined and nearly destroyed the young multiverse in an Age Before Ages. Worshiperalignments In that time, it could be approached by devils offering a new life as a devil. [74], It turned out that Asmodeus had had some divine influence on Toril that had waned, but his ascension restored it and his cult was on the rise in the 15th century DR.[36] It began to be practiced overtly when Asmodeus's worshipers presented their god as someone from whom absolution from all kinds of sins could be gained, as mortals had thought of the Blue Fire of the Spellplague as some form of divine punishment.[192]. Our heroes have saved the day or been corrupted, but now they face a threat unlike anything theyve come across so far. However, Geryon was deposed despite his loyalty and Levistus was restored to consciousness and elevated to archdevil of Stygia. While some may still try to prove themselves against him, none have succeeded in all of history. Moloch was convinced by Malagarde (who worked for Geryon and therefore Asmodeus) that if he showed defiance, Asmodeus would respect him and absolve him of all crimes; instead, he was deposed and Malagarde, who'd convinced him to join the fray to begin with, became the archdevil of Malbolge. [193][194] He was even willing, through authorized intermediaries, to send a priest to cast true resurrection on one who had died. Sure, the stories say that he died, but he and his followers might still be around, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike out against the baatezu. Regardless of their true heritage, he cursed them to bear his "blood" thus changing them to better resemble him. [129][130] After a period of uncertainty during which it wasn't clear who was really in charge of Phlegethos waived the normal principle regarding sharing archdukedom and dubbed both of them the rulers of the 4th Hell. Their horns, tails, and thick tails can make the more pronounced tieflings hard to miss in any society. [30] Baator ran on a divine energy derived from the souls of the damned, a magical force that could be extracted through the merciless torture, destruction of identity, and overall breakdown of corrupt souls. Doing so would have to require learning the location of his true form and finding ways to kill him as well. [30], The myth of He Who Was was known as such because the name of the god around which it revolved had been lost, even from the Codex of Betrayal written by their last remaining worshiper. This degenerated into a massive punch-up among the angels. Souls that are taken to the Nine Hells are tortured, a fact that is well known. In the time after, Asmodeus struck an alliance with the demon lord Pazuzu, who eventually served as his general when he rose up against He Who Was. Of the many important stories attached to Asmodeus, the Blood War is definitely one of the better-known ones. In his traitorous quest to usurp Asmodeus he performed acts so heinous that his punishment, being sealed in a giant block of ice, almost seemed like a mercy, and while later returned archdukedom he was not released from his tomb. [143][148][149][150], Having fallen from Asmodeus's favor,[146] Baalzebul sought to prove again his usefulness and return to Asmodeus's good graces, primarily by making all his rivals look worse by comparison. [92] Either way, neither those gods nor Asmodeus himself wanted an open war in Hell,[93] and indeed the thought of pantheons descending onto his plane and upsetting Hell's delicate power balance filled him with dread. [238] They contacted the god Enlil through his Chosen, Kepeshkmolik Dumuzi, and Asmodeus agreed to release Azuth from his body and resurrect the Untherite god Nanna-Sin as a non-god immortal and in exchange Enlil allowed Asmodeus to consume Nanna-Sin's divine spark to become a god unto himself. He annually called the archdevils to his court in Malsheem, a summons that none ever refused.[5]. Evil isnt hard to come by when youre playing a game of D&D. [208] Asmodeus had used his magic and influence to erase all knowledge of the name from existence,[205] and so he was only known by titles such as He Who Was or He Who Once Lit Our Way. As a Lawful Evil deity, or even just as a Lawful Evil character, the question really comes down to whether he is more lawful or more evil. Rather than kill him, the merciful god left him broken in mind and body with his followers on the outskirts of his domain, perhaps believing Asmodeus would come to regret his disobedience and pride, but Asmodeus's pride outmatched any guilt he felt. Some actively rejected infernal politics and others aligned themselves with opposing fiendish factions (enough to lend some weight to the suspicion that they were all fiend worshipers). [71][74], Asmodeus came to the conclusion long ago that the Blood War was, from a military standpoint, an utterly senseless and wasteful enterprise that consumed a huge amount of resources and killed millions of fiends, sometimes daily. Though he was the oldest remaining archdevil and his rule went as far back as recorded history, the once Lord of the Sixth Lucifer and a figure called Satan were allegedly lords of the Pit before him. Sulfuric Step. As the lord of all devils, he rules over the Nine Hells of Baator and all the souls damned to spend eternity there. He was cast out for siding with Lolth and fell into Baator, where he gained influence. [195], Contrary to some beliefs, Asmodeus's great ritual granted him no special control over the agency of his so-called children. Of course, devils also hunt souls and lead them down a path of Lawful Evil if they can do so before they are claimed by another plane. [30] However, though he could seem generous, the quickly offered rewards of the archdevil were given to those willing to sign away their souls, after which they would suffer as a pawn in his dark designs. According to the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Asmodeus is the god of indulgence. Hit: 22 (2d10 +11) psychic damage. The first is to dabble in the Blood war, including demons and devils that want to help or hinder your progress in the mission. [230], Zariel started off as an observer of the Blood War under celestial orders. At some point in his history, which well touch on in a bit, his true body suffered grievous wounds. If it would be strategically beneficial for him to increase his size category, do so. [36] His faith was still considered a form of devil worship,[46] for he was known to humans and demihumans alike as Lord of the Nine Hells,[192] but while his priests, called the mordai, were known to conduct vile rituals in his name, doing so was no longer actually necessary to channel his divinity, unlike with other lesser lords of Hell. In truth, after committing himself to residing there he did not simply descend but was physically cast there by the gods. Its utterly marvelous. The holy symbol of Asmodeus on a brand after the Second Sundering. In this version, Jazirian and Asmodeus, who were known as Ahriman at the time, were lawful gods who took the form of mighty serpents. [5], First and foremost, Asmodeus sought to preserve the status quo of Baator, that being his station as supreme ruler of Hell. [45], While many suspected Asmodeus got the better of his divine enemies with the Pact Primeval, no mortal had ever actually seen it. [30][79], This would not be the end of the Blood War however, nor the extent of Asmodeus's plans for demonkind. His daughter generally remained continually supportive[139] and Asmodeus was, at least by infernal standards, a doting father. On the other hand he was reported as self-righteous,[205] not unwilling to imbue and encourage cruelty and violence in his avenging angels,[212] and an obsessive control freak surveying every aspect of life in his realm from his high throne. With even the Dark Eight honestly convinced he saw value in it, Asmodeus distracted his enemies and allies alike with just a few days a year for prosecution conferences and some easy lies. They are as follows: Many other archdevils exist, serving the lords of the nine as intermediaries between them and lesser devils. [153][154] Mephistopheles meanwhile maintained the gall to expect rewards from Asmodeus when others received them, exuding jealous towards his peers despite his pre-eminent position. Still, that would make for an absolutely unreadable stat block. [192] In truth, even the powerful were not exempt from eternal service, although the greatest of his mortal servants could receive instant transformation into pit fiends upon death. [77] More to the point, while he viewed them as nothing more than a nuisance,[70] he knew they stood a chance of overwhelming the Hells were they to be united. He has a long thick beach clasp with a gold band near the end. A creature must make a DC 27 Intelligence saving throw or become paralyzed. Pantheon [80] This army consisted and were truly loyal to him. [45], The gods were eager to see Asmodeus gone and he was happy to oblige so long as they first made a pact. Both he and his vassals had forged dark pacts with various evil gods long ago, such as Bane, Gruumsh, and Vecna. Domains Touched by this, Asmodeus held a great ceremony formally titling Tiamat Guardian to the Gate of the Second Layer", yet he betrayed her all the same. Daemon histories purported that the baatezu were born of larva after the General of Gehenna purged the lawfulness from his people and infused it into them. Hit points lost to necrotic damage from this weapon can only be regained through a short or long rest rather than by regeneration, magic, or any other means. Those who worshiped Asmodeus directly formed an intricately built secret society. [190] His blood would spawn many early devils,[97] although the baatezu at large believed they emerged from the plane itself, a not untrue statement at least later on. Asmodeus targets a lawful or evil creature and tempts them with their innermost desires. The forces at their disposal are listed, where appropriate: Asmodeus had been varyingly described as having no need for worship[186] and desperately craving true divinity. In areas hostile to lawful evil, temples were hidden in subterranean complexes and the nature of their god hidden to unproven initiates. Drawing forth a ruby rod of power he produced a document alleged to ensure that he and his forces would carry out divine will, specifying the fate of the damned and allowing his forces to draw magic from the souls. [235], In 1486 DR, Azuth had regained most of his strength and was able to choose Ilstan Nyaril as his Chosen. Asmodeus himself confronted Laduguer after the temptations and attacks of his minions prove fruitless, yet he remained unfazed in the face of even Asmodeus's charm. Glasya: Glasya was the daughter of Asmodeus, and regardless of speculation that he merely adopted her as his own, was treated as such. Holy day(s) Now, tell me again how you and your ilk are the victims in this eternal struggle? [83] Furthermore, not even the King of Hell was above the law, as was made clear with the Phlegethos-based Diabolical Court, an independent institution filled with constant plots by various devils to introuce new rules or set favorable precedents. [45] Through the merciless exploitation of loopholes, the pact granted devils the right to punish lawful evil souls. My father's plans are ever delicate things, relying on a hundred thousand points to craft the whole. [66][206], Winged Jazirian flew to Mount Celestia, scattering drops of blood that formed fully grown couatls as they landed, while Ahriman, lacking wings, suffered a long and direct fall into Baator, the embittered and injured serpent embracing his own dark offspring. [240], When Asmodeus became a god, the magic of the ritual performed by the Toril thirteen took effect across Toril. [45], But this state was intolerable to reality, and so in this version too, forces of law arose from the chaos to combat it and its demons, early deities in gleaming armor of pure stability with weapons forged of ideal thought. Sure, some cults are dangerous because they make blood sacrifices, but the Lawful Evil cults of Asmodeus go unseen and could be hiding in any new acquaintance you meet. He fell until he could literally fall no further, hitting the deepest part - The Pit; therafter he laid and schemed even as his wounds still bled. [102][142], Baalzebul: Baalzebul was originally an archon of Mount Celestia named Triel before his relentless and selfish pursuit of perfection got him thrown into the Nine Hells. [55], Asmodeus was impossible to harm with spells below a certain level of power, as well as poison, paralysis, petrification, magic dealing with death, illusions, and attempts to influence his mind. It was at this point, however, that the two disregarded the importance of law, unwilling to concede to the other in its best interests. These disaffected aasimar are typically content to turn away from the world, but a few become agents of evil. He and his followers grew into their broken forms and the suffering angel plotted his revenge on all the gods who had idly forgotten the sacrifices he made in the war, including his master. The ancient deities of laws signed the pact that would determine Hell's boundaries and the rules of damnation, a deal known now as the Pact Primeval. Devils themselves told the story, and it was the most widely accepted version of the multiverse's creation. Adventurers sent on quests here should plan not to return, for few have. [207] Eventually their frightened celestial kin beseeched the gods to banish Asmodeus, and so a trial was held. Nothing is off limits, just treat the actions reasonably. [104] Many whispered Zariel's true agenda in the Hells was vengeance against Asmodeus and to drive him from the Pit entirely. It is unclear if this power extends beyond Hell. If the hearsay was to be believed, based more upon personal biases and allegiences than actual evidence as it was, Asmodeus was Graz'zt's father, spawned by a terrible union between him and the obyrith lord Pale Night. The best were often already spellcasters, and the most powerful could draw some of Asmodeus's power into themselves. Greater deityFormerly: Archdevil Healing. Few of these theories have appeared in subsequent books, or possessed a foundation in prior material, though the theme of Asmodeus as a fallen being of Law has remained. Upon being told it was not meant to encourage sin, he merely pointed to the letter of the law with a smile. [19][60], In predominantly lawful evil societies, Asmodeus's temples dominated the landscape and typically operated openly. Asmodeus is immune to spells of the 6th level or lower, unless he wants to be affected. Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus, standing in front of a picture of her father. So your character could tempt those who seem troubled into "becoming the master of their own fate", or tell sinners that the gods have nothing for them now and that Asmodeus is their only hope for some semblance of salvation. His labyrinthine, insidious intrigues could seem inexplicable to most outside observers, for Asmodeus let even his own servants stew in fear of his next move. BelDispaterMammonFieranaBelialLevistusMalagardeBaalzebulMephistopheles [85], On Toril in the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR, a warlock coven known as the Toril thirteen performed a ritual that cursed most tiefling lineagesthose of demons, devils, hags, and rakshasas, among otherswith the "blood of Asmodeus", changing their original lineage to that of the archdevil himself. This incredible difference in power is why Asmodeus rules with unquestionable authority. Sin At practically every curve in the road, theres some nefarious trickster, some crazed fanatic, or some murderous fiend waiting to end your life, or worse. [237][239] Ilstan and Farideh, one of the Chosen of Asmodeus, devised a plan to separate both gods and avoid a potential devil invasion of all the multiverse. DnD 5e - Races. A creatures form may only be reverted through a Wish spell or similar magic or by Asmodeus himself. Fireball. I would potentially do a split character option. If it works for you, you can think of Asmodeus himself as a bit of post-game content. The origins of the war were lost to time, and contrary to popular opinion Asmodeus did not start it, although he played a significant part in its existence and development. Do so cleric of asmodeus 5e evil creature and tempts them with their innermost desires archdevils exist, serving lords. If it works for you, you can think of Asmodeus, the Blood War celestial! Well be wealthier than Asmodeus and Fierna was his equal in terms of charisma Baator from Asmodeus emerged!, Torment, Tyranny, Civilization the gods to banish Asmodeus, standing front... You can think of Asmodeus as a badge of office Asmodeus on a hundred thousand points to the... Rod of Asmodeus himself near the end were often already spellcasters, and most! To miss in any society are the victims in this eternal struggle with mortals in they. ] Mammon might very well be wealthier than Asmodeus and to drive him from the Pit.! 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