At that point, anyone else who attempts after the passes are secured will just get a message saying they are already in a group. The first person to secure boarding passes for the group will get the confirmation. With boarding passes split across two booking windows, if you dont get a pass for the first group at 7:00 am you can try again at 1:00 pm. We expect that the Virtual Queue system for Rise of the Resistance is only the beginning, and soon even more attractions will be using it. Again, do all this BEFORE even going to Hollywood Studios so you arent panicking once you are there. At 7AM, you do not need to be in the park to grab a boarding group, you DO need to have a Hollywood Studios parks pass . You can check if it is your boarding groups turn by looking at the same Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Request Access with Virtual Queue screen in My Disney Experience and looking at My Queues.. If both devices let you into MDE at the same time when you are at home, I see no reason why they wouldn't at the park. You will get on the ride, and a lot sooner than you think. Ranter. If there is no more room in the Virtual Queue for a particular distribution time, a message will show on the Join Virtual Queue screen saying that distribution time is complete. In general, the Rise of the Resistance ride puts you in the middle of a fight between the First Order and the Resistance. Either way, we got to say hi to Stitch and Mickey. I get it, waking up before 7:00 am on your vacation is not the most pleasant idea in the world. Will they allow parents to do a "baby swap" ? 15. Rise of the Resistance only has 46 guaranteed boarding groups today, February 19. Make sure you are online at 7:00 am on My Disney Experience to get a boarding pass. In July and August, Rise of the Resistance has spent 20-40% of the day closed as problems were being resolved. Individual Lightning Lane Selection and Standby Line for Rise of the Resistance. 1 hour is good to aim for because it gives you leeway in case you run into traffic or there are transportation delays (this is likely). Hi Cara, that is a great question and honestly, something that I've never tried before. Backup boarding groups are not guaranteed the opportunity to ride. Demand will be too high. . Showing up this early allows you to do the majority of the Hollywood Studios attractions before the long lines start. I get by with it just fine. Here are the steps you need to enter a boarding group for Rise of the Resistance: A new trick to make getting a boarding pass easier is to confirm your party before 7 am or 1 pm when distribution times start. I wanted to get on that attraction as soon as possible. If that happens, you can forget about a low number boarding group, and possibly forget about ANY boarding group at all. Make sure to stay updated here for the latest strategies and what differences there are for Boarding Groups between the two parks. It's Not a Ride; It's an Experience. The Backup Boarding Groups include groups higher than that, and those are not guaranteed to ride that day. When it had a 6:00 am opening it was the same thing and they sometimes sold out in less than 1 minute at 6:00 am!! Remember, this new procedure is valid for both the 7 am and 1 pm distribution times. Do you need to tap the "select all" box above your name? 7. Rise of the Resistance Boarding Groups become available once at 7AM and again at 1PM. Today's the day. 12% of computer owners use a cloud backup service like Backblaze as their primary backup, and among those who do: 52% say their service automatically backs up all the data on their computer. I want to know what you think about the virtual queue in use for Rise of the Resistance. Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is one of the most unique rides Disney has ever built. Go later, in time for the 1:00 pm distribution. Do you have to wait in line once your boarding group is called? This happens first at the 7:00 am window, then again at 1:00 pm. The last time I checked that is the exact description of brunch. . Conversely, some people seem euphoric while in a state of delirium. These difficulties and improvements are normal as Cast Members need time to get a handle on running a ride this complex, and as the weeks go by, we should start to see more and more improvement. On the other hand, VIP tours start at $425, so when paying this incredible amount of money, they feel they should get preferential treatment. Again, we are talking about the regular boarding passes for Rise of the Resistance, the ones that guarantee you a spot that day. Rise of the Resistance boarding groups are only accessible via the My Disney Experience mobile app. Our experience has always been the more people trying at once, the faster we've gotten boarding groups. If Rise of the Resistance is having issues and delays throughout the day (which is likely), by the time the afternoon slots come, the ride could be backlogged, which means inventory is less and they arent going to have as many passes left to give to guests. Its usually a more reliable connection and is better equipped to handle thousands of other data requests simultaneously, something we cant say is always true about Disneys network. This is a complicated question, and before the park closure, I would have said not to wait and to go see the Rise of the Resistance ride right away. Disney has been using the virtual queue and boarding groups for the new attraction Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance since opening day. You will then be given a boarding group number and an estimated return time. Do you have to be on Disney World property? How Long Will Disney Use Virtual Queue for Rise of the Resistance? If it opens at 9:00 am, get there at 8:00 am. The queue should be ready at exactly those times.For the first time slot, you dont have to be inside Disneys Hollywood Studios, you can be at your Disney hotel or nearby the park.For the 1:00 pm distribution time, guests must be inside the park to get a boarding pass. Guests still must wait until 7 am (or 1 pm) to join the virtual queue, however, you can confirm your boarding party up to one hour earlier at 6 am or 12 pm. We think when used properly it is a huge time-saver and a much more convenient way to ride one of the most popular attractions in theme park history, plus all the others in Hollywood Studios. Get a boarding pass at 7:00 am during the first distribution group. Now of course those are the numbers for just the first distribution time slot at 10:00 am. This is approximately how long it takes to load the app up to the home screen, depending of course how fast your phone is. 9 percent who own a computer back up their computer once a day or more often. Since the objective is to get to Hollywood Studios early before opening, I would rule out any Disney World public transportation. Recently its even been less than 1 minute after opening the Virtual Queue. Back Up Boarding Groups. With the Rise of the Resistance boarding process, you have to be checking your status in the app constantly. Its really an unknown at this point, and I dont think Disney even knows yet. At official park opening, not before, you can take out your phone and book a Rise of the Resistance Boarding pass from the My Disney Experience app. If and when Disney starts using it again, it has all the information you need to join the virtual queue and get into a boarding group. Having online boarding group distribution, also means you can secure a pass, then show up to the park later on. 2010 - Backup Awareness Month - June 2010. If the standby queue was running with a normal queue, the line would be hours long, and imagine how angry those guests would be every time the ride broke down. Disney created the Virtual Queue to give guests the opportunity to enter boarding groups without having to wait hours in line for their desired attraction. How Many Times Can I Ride Rise of the Resistance? Right now we have no idea how many people are going through the ride, but it is significantly slower since the reopening. A backup group does not guarantee that you will be able to ride Rise of the . devRant on iOS & Android lets you do all the things like ++ or -- rants, post your own rants and comment on others' rants. If you wanted to change to the Magic Kingdom for example that morning, that park might already be at capacity for the day. This issue is still not resolved with park hopping now back at Disney World since you cant change parks until 2 pm. Overall we are happy Disney decided to use the virtual queue for Rise of the Resistance, though we wished it was more reliable. That means if you waited to show up until the official opening time or shortly after, there is a good chance you wont get one and might end up not riding Rise of the Resistance that day. Little did they know that would be the first of an uncountable number of trips we would take. Throughout the summer, there were some great days for Rise of the Resistance capacity, with few problems occurring. There is no advantage to confirming your party at 6 am instead of doing it at 6:55 am for example. If you only have 1 day to visit Hollywood Studios, then I wouldnt risk it. My boarding group was called just before the clock struck 3:00 p.m. If Disney could get some things tightened up on the maintenance end, and make Rise of the Resistance a bit more reliable, all 100% of guests there for the park's opening would get a boarding pass. As of now, there is no advantage to getting a VIP Tour for Rise of the Resistance. They also removed the dividers from the queue. It was used a little bit, but there was never the tremendous demand for Star Wars Land as originally thought and so it was phased out after a few days of operation. Regular boarding groups will start filling up as normal every morning, immediately upon park opening. Now that Disney is opening the virtual queue at 7:00 am, it isnt necessary to arrive 2 or more hours early anymore. They absolutely can ride it, but they are subject to the boarding group system just like every other guest. When you are finished hit Confirm Party.. Things are still in motion a bit as Disney continues to modify the experience, but here are some new factors to take into consideration. This is a controversial subject from both sides as regular guests obviously dont like the idea that some people can just skip the hassle and get right on the ride. We have an update and some clarification on how the Backup Boarding Groups will work for Rise of the Resistance. Good Morning and Happy Resurrection Sunday. Its important to remember that you arent guaranteed to ride if you are in one of those groups. If you only care about Rise of the Resistance, you dont need to get there early. In a time where IP-based coasters are the name of the game, the Imagineers flipped the script with Rise of the Resistance. This is a new change and different than when riding during the first 11 months of operation. Its also not guaranteed these backup groups will be available every day. Right now, however, there are just too many mechanical issues with the attraction. Our recommendation is that since boarding passes still run out extremely fast (within seconds), you still want to be online for that first booking window at 7:00 am if its really important to you to get on this ride. We've never had technical difficulties unless the wi-fi wasn't working well, and in that case we recommend using your cell data instead. Yes. No, not at this time. That combined with a lower hourly capacity doesnt make for the greatest guest experience. From everything weve tested so far, you can be off Disney World property and in the Orlando area and still have access to the virtual queue. If you want to get a Rise of the Resistance boarding pass at the 1:00 pm distribution time, reservations can NOT be made from outside the park. Thats right, you now can join the virtual queue and get your rise of the resistance boarding pass without even going to the park. Disney was originally hoping this would only last through the holiday season in 2019 and that after that they would have the technical issues under control and be putting out fast loading times. This will eventually change in the future, but for now, enjoy that one ride and come back the next day if you want to go on again. How Do Boarding Groups Work for Rise of the Resistance? Best Hollywood Studios Transportation for Rise of the Resistance. The only issue I have with the boarding system is the timing. Even after the Disney parks reopen, guests are limited to one ride per day on Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance. Backup Boarding Groups Disney began offering what they're calling "Backup Boarding Groups" on December 16th. The backups are only used once the previous boarding groups have gone. Things have gotten much slower lately though since reopening, though the average per day in 2021 is around 150. You are able to get a boarding pass for Rise of the Resistance during 2 separate distribution times throughout the day. Among those who have ever backed up all data on their computer, nearly three in five (58 percent) use the cloud as the primary method to back up all of the data on their computer, 38 percent use an external hard drive, and just 5 percent use network-attached storage . For a short period of time, Disney was allowing guests who were part of a Disney World VIP Tour to skip the virtual queue and walk right on to Rise of the Resistance. This might change in the future, but for now, you can only ride once. The Boarding Groups are essentially virtual queues for riding Rise of the Resistance. At 7 am or 1 pm when the virtual queue opens, just refresh the same page and click the Join Queue button. Keep checking the Hollywood Studios hours to make sure you know what time the park opens on the day you go. When it first opened up it was rumored that Disney was only getting 800 or so people through the attraction per hour. Want to get on Disneyland's new Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance ride? The app will tell you if you are a part of a regular boarding group or a backup group. There is no way Disney can stop using boarding groups at this stage because Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is still too unstable of a ride at the moment. Inside the Magic is the worlds largest website for fans of Disney World, Disneyland, Marvel, Star Wars, and more. This means you can save a spot in line, go do something else, then come back when your turn is ready. Others who dont have their own account, such as children, should be added to your account as guests. Here are some more answers to general strategy for using the virtual queue for Rise of the Resistance: Before the closure, weekdays (Monday Friday) were by far the best days of the week to visit Hollywood Studios for Rise of the Resistance. The problem is that 2022 will have big crowds unless the current health crisis really ramps up. Our strategy is a little bit different now than before the park closure. They would waste all the time in line. Well update you in the coming days to let you know if any other changes are made, which in our opinion is highly likely. Getting up that early is no longer necessary. So if initial groups go up to 109, and you have boarding group 110 or above. Those extra seconds could mean the difference in riding or not. The worst-case scenario happens and My Disney Experience (or Disneyland app) isnt working right when you are trying to reserve your boarding pass for Rise of the Resistance. There was no way we were going to get on the ride before noon. 2 of them are 11 years old, so could use our work cell phones to get a boarding group. Yes you can use Rider Switch for Rise of the Resistance. Can I simply wait to book a Rise of the Resistance boarding group later in the day? If you arent a fan of the Virtual Queue, youre going to have to bear it some time longer. Some will tell you this is not the case and you can still show up a lot closer to the listed opening time and still get a boarding pass for that day. Trust us, Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance lives up to the hype, and it will be totally worth the extra hassle it takes right now to get to experience it! So, we set off for the Magic Kingdom. This does not (and should not) change your touring plan. One of the big benefits is being able to go to another park if you had a long wait for Rise of the Resistance. in Writing from Spring Hill College and working in Ft. Myers, Phoenix, and Miami. If you do just this, you will greatly increase your odds of getting passes and a low number at that. The Disneyland version of Rise of the Resistance is also using boarding passes, and while the strategy is slightly different there, the basic rules still apply in both parks. I have so many amazing memories going to Disney with my family and friends and it has been interwoven into my DNA. Getting rid of the virtual queue is likely due to launching the new Disney Genie service and integrating the Lightning Lane paid attractions. Thats why we say to use the cell network on your phone. As long as you have tapped into Hollywood Studios at some point before 1 pm you can now attempt to grab a backup group from elsewhere on Disney property. There are other boarding groups in line at the time, so there will be a wait. Still, after crossing the threshold, I decided to see if I could join the queue. Follow a Hollywood Studios Touring Plan. No, at least not for the first distribution time of the day. If you don't get into the first set of boarding groups, you may be assigned to a backup group. 3:00 p.m sooner than you think are 11 years old, so could use our work cell phones get! Of Disney World since you cant change parks until 2 pm people trying at,! 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