Exotic pets are singled out due to lack of cultural acceptance only. Think about that. So once again, as my argument approach addresses the approval of pet dogs and cats, blaming exotic pet owners for the actions of so few is like blaming all dog owners for puppy mills and fighting rings. So what! You may care for your animals like any pet owner, but owning an animal that really hasn't adapted to living with humans seems very cruel to me. If you manage to get a tiger to not kill you every chance it gets you haven't domesticated it, you've just tamed it. Tags: Alice Blue-McLendon, Exotic Animals, pet talk, 2023, Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. We should remember that there are also a lot of exotic animals in countries with extremely poor protection for animals; and when animals in these nations become a business, the lows and cruelty of humans has no bounds, Here's the thing, exotic pet ownership is a multifactorial topic. Cats, often not considered to be domesticated because most of them are not -directly- selectively bred, run, hunt, and find mates. The common exotic pet owner, if exotic pet ownership were to become normal, would not purchase (legally) exotic animals from poachers anyhow. I did show up to court with my ferret, and thankfully the case was dropped after I explained that my ferret was no filthier than anyone else walking their dog. Sadly, I'm not sure that we're going to win this fight. It is not realistic to assume that all cat keepers are aware of the commitment involved that should be carried out with all pets in captivityin fact most people view cats as 'easy care' pets that don't require much attention from the owner. I just named a slew of exotic animals that are no more disease-ridden than dogs and cats yet when talking about disease, everyone wants to talk about macaques. I learnt new things here. It doesn't mean that we should do it to other animals. Argument 3 is pretty good, but we can't say with certainty that NO exotic pet has EVER harmed the environment. Now, lets look at whats happening to exotic pets worldwide. Your first 2"arguments" don't really support exotic pet ownership - you're just claiming that "normal" pet owners do bad things, too. The point is that you shouldn't be judging me if you're fine with owning cats. The exotic pet industry is worth $15 billion a year. The least pet-friendly cities were also the . We build large, resource-consuming homes that we dont need on top of the homes of hundreds of other animals. In most states, many exotic animals are not allowed to be owned as pets, period. im impressed that u know how to put fake info. We're talking about exotics. It's not democratic I know that much. [1] At its peak the facility encompassed 170 acres (69 ha). Common household pets also contribute a great deal to the pet trade so always ensure you find a reputable breeder. Exotic Pet Statistics | Lion, Tiger, and Big Cat Attacks and Fatalities in the United States (1990-2, Diseases from Exotic Pets: Separating Fact From Fiction. The escape of 50 exotic animals near Zanesville, Ohio, last month brought into the spotlight the complex issues, as well as dangers, of keeping wild animals as domestic pets. More than 2.7 million cats and dogs are euthanized in shelters annually. It also is important for owners to be realistic about their exotic animal choice and to put the needs of the animal over their desire to have an attractive and unusual pet. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on December 01, 2017: "I'd really love for you to expand on your point as to why owning a domestic animal could ever be the same as owning an exotic one. It can be easy to succumb to the allure of having a beautiful spotted cat as a pet, but theyre just not suited for households, Blue-McLendon said. Do they have outdoor areas?. So basically, the logic being exercised here is that since domesticated animals are not supposed to bite or kill humans, their consistently occurring attacks and even fatalities are not relevant, and only reflect on the individual. Exotic animals are beautiful and fascinating creatures, but they rarely make great household pets. I wouldn't let her go and I was a crying mess. Feeling selfish for owning my cats and rethinking ever owning a pet again after reading this. Some animals, such as big cats, cant be kept domestically in an ethical manner. That said, I am an animal rights nut, but also a pragmatist. I was so touched and scared Mochie was alive. Well, the truth is that no animal has! The domesticated cat is established in all 50 states, and there is a powerful lobby to not only stop cat removal for the protection of wildlife, but currently owned pet cats are routinely released to add to the devastation of invasive feral cats which include excessive small animal predation, diseases spread by feces to wildlife, and adding to the number of animals that motorists have to swerve past to avoid emotional upset. The only special permits required are to move llamas, cattle, bison, domestic dog, horses, ferrets, goats, poultry, sheep, and pigs on the state's roads. She's also perfectly happy and healthy because we play with her and take care of her PROPERLY. Despite the small number of bad scenarios involving exotics, people still hold exotic pet owners, as a whole, 100% responsible for every incident individual owners cause, but dog owners are never blamed for attacks and fatalities caused by other dog owners (this means that there would have to be zero exotic pet-related incidences in order to ease peoples fears, and sometimes even that isnt enough!). With owning a domestic animal like a dog or cat, it is different and the same. Her cat Pumpkin enjoys stretching out in the office while mom researches the best information on how to care for their fellow furry friends. But these animals still maintain more acceptance as pets than exotic pets like small wild cats that have no human fatalities on record. Don't like hunting for sport and would prefer much better gun control. All of these animals have instincts, some can be skittish, some don't even like humans, not unlike other 'exotic' animals like lemurs, foxes, and kangaroos. These animals are not commonly owned, but are popular . Exotic pet owners keep exotic pets for the same reasons that domesticated animal owners keep domesticated pets, which is the hope of a symbiotic relationship with their creature of choice. One needs to have an open mind to the pros and cons of the big picture putting aside opinions of right and wrong and realizing they are often arbitrary. Maybe I wrote it incorrectly, but I'm only referring to the U.S. as the sample size, and members of the public should have "uninvolved" next to it if I didn't write that. You think you're doing the right thing when in reality you're only promoting the problem. look it up, over a thousand people hunting snakes didn't even find a hundred snakes. Anyone that says a cat living indoors is completely different from a sugar glider, anole, gerbil, or parrot living indoors is incorrect. All animals are the same we just spent more time with dogs and cats. The only thing that needs to be addressed is whether or not the species fares well in captivity, and I'm certain that there's just as much 'evidence' for most exotic pet species as there are for indoor-only domesticated felines and possibly even dogs, despite their extreme willingness to live with us. Survival of many animals will depend on the preservation of habitat for the preservation of wildlife, not whether exotic animals socialized and raised as pets; however, it might well be the answer for the survival of many species. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on February 15, 2017: Whatever: You're existing in a fantasy world. Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The thriving industry is worth over $15 billion a year. Not all domestics enjoy humans and not all non-domestics only do so when trained. Maybe, just maybe, it is the sheep-like parroting of people like you, Sam, that is uneducated and unfounded. What you said is very true, when endangered species are taken from their natural habitat the ecosystem does suffer. Servals aren't typically aggressive, but they can be difficult to own as they are still considered "wild." Surely, it's a problem of humanity's own making, but our only option now is to provide the best home possible for these creatures. There were 91 incidents of death by exotic pets between 19902021. They only make exceptions for "sanctuaries" (no breeding, buying, must undergo rigorous assessment), exhibitors (zoos open to the public), educational facilities (colleges), and circuses. It might surprise you to find out how many of these animals are kept illegally. It is a big problem, said Blue-McLendon. Keeping any pet is selfish. How many times have you heard of an animal, lets say an exotic cat or monkey, biting someone in the news? The only way to truly stop the trade is to eliminate the demand. I try my best to inform those who approach that they are part of the weasel family and related to polecats and minks. We are talking about exotic pets. You cannot just buy a baby tiger and expect it to be domesticated because it has grown up with humans-- it will still experience the natural instinct to hunt, run around, find a mate, and everything else an animal does in the wild. So why is one opinion acceptable and another is not? Total treatments between 2003-2012 because: Treatment needed between 2003-2012 because: W58 Bitten or struck by crocodile or alligator, X20 Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, X24 Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes (tropical), Combined total of reptile/inverts (this includes native animals): 1260. Also the cats/dog thing is not something worth discussing. I don't think there's anything wrong with exotic pets or cats. Also, what do you keep exactly? You are saying two wrongs make a right. Brazil has a similar situation with mammals. We avoid salmonella at all costs by cooking chicken thoroughly. You may be so in love with a serval, or a macaw, but wouldn't you rather see these animals happy? Visit only ethical and regulated captivity centers. He held her, and pet her. (And duh its obviously better than killing them). "If this is the case, then you should have no problem with more restrictive laws (often referred to as "bans")". Many indoor cats have behavioral problems, weight gain, and neurosis as a resultwhich is not unlike what occurs with inadequately cared for exotic pets or zoo animals. But aside from this, monkeys are one animal. I can tell you irrefutably that my "exotics" are easier to care for then my "domestics". Louisville, KY. "Any animal can bite". An adult Axolotl requires a 20-gallon aquarium due to the large amount of . Probably. Toxoplasmosis is even deadly to some marine mammals. Find out in this article. However, many exotic critters may not be legal to own where you live. You did great. But what does this mean for the animals and us? Michigan defines an exotic animal as any that is not domesticated in North America, and you cannot own them. The booming business in exotic pets is known. Many people also consider the ferret (Mustela putorius furo) a domesticated animal. You hide behind "free speech" unbelievable ! Despite expectations, will unforeseen deaths by domesticated pets ever end? Canadian pop star Justin Bieber, for instance, once owned a monkey, though the animal was seized in Germany when. All I can say is that dog and cat supporters, i.e. Singapore is one of the largest pet importers. So, its not just bites and scratches you should be fearful of. No one intends to harm animals by keeping them as pets even though this can unintentionally occur. African pigmy hedgehogs, even sugar gliders can make good pets. Is it ethical to support 10 "good owners" if you're also supporting 50 "bad" ones? Domesticated cats are the biggest threat to the environment by far. Site Policies, Veterinary Integrative Biosciences (VIBS), Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology (VTPP), Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), Stevenson Companion Animal Life-Care Center, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH). The incident happened . She chose to stay right in front of the house, waiting for me. width: 100%; I agree with exotic pets should be allowed. It's true we've damaged their environments, but our goal should be to fix those environments not make them our pets. He went to his car, Jezzy just chilling in his hand. Anyways, now if kids want to pet him I ask them to ask their parents. Are they allowed to exercise? No. I agree full heartedly that cheetahs taken from their natural habitat harms the ecosystem, and I will repeat how much I agree with that time and time again, but it is also important to remember that not all exotic animals are endangered. Most exotic pets do not pose a threat to the environment and those that don't have as severe of a footprint as many domesticated pets. Why would we condone such a horrendous treating of animals? Dr. Alice Blue-McLendon, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences and director of the Winnie Carter Wildlife Center, says that it is also important to differentiate between exotic pets, which can be kept ethically in domestic settings, and wildlife, which should not be kept domestically. I hate the mentality of banning everything that isn't accepted by the general population, and think you do a great job of fighting it. The US imports the most marine aquarium fish in the world. Where I'm going, the county next to my county has bans as bad as California! Basically, whenever any animal of the exotic description harms anyone, the reaction is that all the animals should be banned. } TikTok is filled with accounts showing off exotic animals that aren't typically house-trained, like . Captive wild-animal attacks often make the news. This means there's less vegetation which means animals that rely on the vegetation die. North Grafton, MA 01536, Tufts Initiative for Human Animal Interactions, Comparative Pathology & Genomics Shared Resource, Tufts New England Regional Biosafety Laboratory, Clipping Your Pet's Nails - Cautions and Clippers, How to Use Pill Pockets to Give Your Pets Medication, Summer Environmental Dangers For Your Pet. Let the authorities handle it and stop thinking all American pet owners need to be punished by having their pets banned due to the actions of criminals. Dogs are normally trained not to bite by their mothers, and any dog that does bite was either raised in a puppy mill or their mother was taken away from them too young. I guess there can be some expectations, but that's probably very small. In my 5 years as a keeper my exotics have cost me less in food, vet bills and time than my domestics have. As a result, Charla Nash had the first. Exotic animal = anything other than a dog, cat, or common farm animal. This is a statement, not an argument. I am not calling you cruel, that's what keeping them seems like to me though. It is often the case that those who oppose exotic pet keeping on the grounds that they are unsuitable for captivity do not logically consider the welfare of traditional pets, applying their same logic. Guinea pigs, hamsters and numerous farm animals merely tolerate humans, and sometimes barely that. Or maybe they'll let you pet the cubs and play with them but then what happens when they get bigger they get replaced with tiny little cubs, which were again taken away from mom. Exotic animal bedding and cages cost between 500 and 8,000 dollars on average. Animals dont even need to attack to hurt or kill. Of course I thought ticket. For example, in Vermont you'll need a permit to own an anaconda, but not to keep a pet alligator. Should a tiger escape and eat 2 school children tomorrow, my point is that these situations are extremely RARE. He said that she was quite beautiful asked me some questions about why I had her, how long, and where I was from. We often associate them with funny behaviors like eating bananas and throwing feces. 75% of human infections started with an animal-borne disease. This is because there is no government agency responsible for tracking the ownership and sale of privately owned exotic animals. so its kinda confusing if we should let them go but they could get captured or something bad happens. people should be allowed to own wild animals if they take care of them if they are going extinced they should breed them to help. Call 401-273-0358. Because my ferret supposedly has rampant diseases. I never mentioned the pet trade. Domestication is an arbitrary concept that cannot be strictly defined. Many myths about exotic pet ownership are perpetuated by animal rights groups and public ignorance. One could also argue that, even if the very best care is provided to an animal, merely purchasing the animal supports the trade, which in turn supports the improper care provided by less-experienced owners. Between 20162019, its numbers grew by. You make good points, and they appear objective and almost irrefutable from a relativistic point of view. Well, it can get a bit dangerous. 50% of pets in the US are considered exotic. Lets explore the chances of your pet escaping. Emmas passion for animals started at a young age. View history. Unlike traditional pets like cats and dogs, exotic pets belong to species such as rodents, reptiles, or amphibians. That is my opinion. the picture up the page is of a genet. you could try and stop selfish people and inspire selflessness. Thats why products like the wireless dog fence exist. what about a tiger the size of a house cat, wouldn't that make a great pet? Then there are skunks, which tend to be considered exotic pets even in states where they are common in the wild, but in my experience they are (when descented) very similar to ferrets, which are fairly normal pets now. .toggle-text { margin-right: calc(50% - 580px); To me this is indefensible. What do you expect from a wild animal like that! @media only screen and (max-width: 719px) { Ten years ago, exotic animal owner Terry Thompson returned home to his 46-acre farm near Zanesville after a year-long stint in prison on a federal firearms conviction. Domesticated pet owners enjoy their freedom and I just want the same thing. Where should we draw the line with what is in need of being eliminated to provide an instant resolution to the bad stuff associated with it? I'm moving the NC too, and be SURE to find one of the few remaining counties that doesn't have bans. all have formed invasive populations in the wild). 5. I wanted to respond to Sam's comment on the dangers of the exotic pet trade to their indigenous ecosystems. I'm fairly confident you can't.". they are shy and often don't like contact with humans, they need a big space, they self harm if they are moved from a location. Promptly after releasing them, he shot himself. The exotic pets market is growing. Emma is a lover of all animals. My little 6kg dog and my cat would do far more damaged to me or anyone else if they attacked than any of my exotics. You say your arguments are irrefutable, though there is an ability to debate the point. Tools. Leaving alone the subject of inherently dangerous animals like tigers, even harmless exotics like ferrets have been persecuted for the exceptionally rare circumstances where a case emerges with a child injured by one. We don't have exact data for exotic pets, but an aggressive macaque, tiger, or bear is going to have a much higher likelihood of killing someone than a traditional "domestic" animal would. If you have an exotic pet, you are most likely promoting the exotic pet trade. They would have to provide for themselves, be wary of predators yes, but at least they would have freedom. Companion animals | Exotic animals | Formulas/Calculator - Source: 2017-2018 U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook. i am cringing so hard right now at this. This is ultimately why your analogy to extreme sports fails - if something goes wrong during a skydive, the only one who will bear the consequences are the skydiver and his family, who presumably understand the risks involved. I understand what Melissa is saying however I was talking about the impact exotic animals have on our eco system. Minnesota Otherwise, great article I enjoyed reading it and it helped me a ton with an argumental essay on this topic. I agree with some comments, saying that you need to have the resources, time, knowledge, and having the proper living situations to have be allowed to keep an animal, exotic or domestic. Mas Agung Wilis/NurPhoto via Getty Images. It likely impacts humans. No one intends to harm animals by keeping them as pets even though this can unintentionally occur. It might not sound like a lot, but these are only the officially reported cases. My point is why contribute to the selfishness? Owning an exotic pet comes with a whole lot more responsibilities. all over the place. Median home list price: $449,950. So many people are lied to, and you never truly know what that animals history is. No, bans do not make exceptions for 'good' owners. Cats are not tame when they are raised without human influence. 3. You Are Helping Greedy People Make Animals Extinct ! In some countries, keeping exotic animals is more common than domesticated animals. they're happiest when they are around people companions. There is little or no difference between subjecting a domesticated pet or an exotic pet to captivity. I do support reasonable regulations on dangerous exotics, but never full-out bans or ridiculous, impossible-to-meet standards. They are a domesticated animal dived from the European polecat. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 19, 2017: What a scary story Daisy, I'm glad everything turned out OK, but what unnecessary stupidity these laws are. Exotic animals subsist on aspects of their environment that cannot be fully replicated in a domestic setting. Why would a reputable breeder be responsible for the actions of unscrupulous people who kill their animals to sell to the wildlife parts trade (if that even happened in this country)? Some say that the difference between "wild" pets and domesticated pets is that the former are inherently dangerous. Many behavioral and physical disorders that are seen in cats are often secondary to stress from lack of appropriate stimulation. Exotic pets can cause a serious amount of damage, but well get to that shortly. There are few veterinarians that can treat your pet, food, and shelter may be expensive, or the animal needs specific or time-consuming care. Out of those species, over 85% were imported via the pet trade. I am happy I came across it. I've lived with cats and dogs in my youth. But the animals are dangerous because for example tigers can kill someone. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Domestics '' little or no difference between subjecting a domesticated animal dived from the European polecat true we 've their..., reptiles, or common farm animal to provide for themselves, wary! Argument 3 is pretty good, but at least they would have to provide for themselves, be of. N'T. `` tigers can kill someone formed invasive populations in the?..., would n't you rather see these animals are beautiful and fascinating creatures, but never full-out bans ridiculous... As pets even though this can unintentionally occur on record with funny behaviors eating. No one intends to harm animals by keeping them as pets even though this can unintentionally occur owned a,... 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