[42] They agreed to jointly approach the Emperor, but the superstitious and melancholic Rudolph flatly refused to talk about his succession. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for COOMODEL SE106 1/6 Scale Ferdinand II of Holy Roman Emoire Figure Chain Armor at the best online prices at eBay! In 1600 he married Maria Anna of Bavaria, who bore him four children. (Holy Roman Emperor) Ferdinand II was a member of the House of Habsburg and served as the Holy Roman Emperor (1619-1637), the king of Bohemia (1617-1619 and 1620-1637), and the king of Hungary (1618-1637). A good-natured, benevolent, affable monarch, he was imbued with the belief in the splendour of the imperial crown and the greatness of his dynasty. (9 1578 - 15 1637) , 16201637. [52][56], Rudolph II convoked the Imperial Diet to Regensburg and appointed Ferdinand as his deputy in November 1607. [109], Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg, Archbishop of Mainz, convoked the electors' meeting to Frankfurt. Ferdinand II (9 July 1578 - 15 February 1637) was Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungary, and Croatia from 1619 until his death in 1637. [73] They decided to support Matthias's election as King of the Romans (which could have secured his right to succeed Rudolph II), but the three ecclesiastical electors opposed the plan because of Matthias's concessions to the Protestants in Hungary, Austria and Bohemia. Quickly raising at least 30,000 men (he would later command at least 100,000), and fighting alongside the Catholic League army under the Count of Tilly, Wallenstein defeated Protestant forces in Silesia, Anhalt, and Denmark. The Armor of Emperor Ferdinand I is a suit of plate armor created by the Nuremberg armorer Kunz Lochner in 1549 for the future Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor. [107] Maximilian of Bavaria encouraged Ferdinand to adopt an aggressive policy against the Bohemian rebels, but Ferdinand again confirmed the Letter of Majesty and urged the Bohemians to send delegates to Vienna. [107] The directors ignored Ferdinand's acts and made further preparations for an armed conflict. [87][83] The Venetians abandoned the territories that they had occupied in Istria and a permanent Austrian garrison was placed at Senj. Supported by the Catholic League and the Kings of Spain and the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, Ferdinand decided to reclaim his possession in Bohemia and to quash the rebels. Er stammte damit aus einer Nebenlinie der Habsburger in Innersterreich (Steiermark, Krnten und Krain). Ferdinand erwies sich als schwacher Herrscher, der sich oft seiner Berater bediente um politische Entscheidungen zu treffen. [156] At his initiative, Ferdinand decided to unite the medical and law faculties of the Charles University in Prague with the theological and philosophical faculties of the Jesuits' local college to strengthen the Jesuits' control of higher education. , (1603). Lnder und Untertanen des Hauses Habsburg im konfessionellen Zeitalter. [112] Ferdinand avoided the rebellious Upper Austria and approached the assembly through Salzburg and Munich. * Richard Reifenscheid: Die Habsburger in Lebensbildern, Piper Verlag 2007, ISBN 978-3-492-24753-5 * Thomas Winkelbauer: Stndefreiheit und Frstenmacht. [116], Ferdinand concluded a treaty with Maxilimian I in Munich on 8 October 1619. [161] Christian IV raised new troops and stationed them in his Duchy of Holstein (in the Lower Saxon Circle of the Holy Roman Empire) and persuaded the other Lower Saxon rulers to make him the commander of their united armies in early 1625. Ferdinand was elected Holy Roman Emperor on 28 August 1619 (Frankfurt), two days before the Protestant Bohemian Estates deposed Ferdinand (as king of Bohemia). [37] In October 1599, Ferdinand set up special commissions, consisting of a prelate and a high officer, to install Catholic priests in each town and village, and authorized them to apply military force if necessary. In 1617, Ferdinand was elected King of Bohemia by the Bohemian Diet. Although he kept a frugal court, he was a bad financier who too generously gave away the greatest part of confiscated estates to his faithful followers. August 1619 dem reformierten Kurfrsten der Pfalz Friedrich V. verliehen. Ferdinand was born in Graz, the eldest son of Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg and his first wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria. Ferdinand III (1608-1657) reigned as Holy Roman emperor from 1637 to 1657. * Hurter: Geschichte Ferdinands II.. Schaffhausen 1850-64, 11 Bde. In addition, with the help of Spain and the league of Catholic princes of Germany, and through the victories of his generalissimo Albrecht von Wallenstein, he gained important successes over his German opponents and the king of Denmark. , . [73] Leopold invaded Bohemia in February 1611, but the troops of the Bohemian Estates defeated him. Habsburg, Katharina-Renata von Habsburg, Elisabeth von Habsburg, Karl von Habsburg, Gregoria-Maximiliana von Habsburg, Eleonora von Habs Maria-Anna von Wittelsbach, Eleonora Gonzaga, Hofburg Palace, Vienna, sterreich, Deutschland(HRR), Graz, Steiermark, sterreich, Deutschland(HRR), Graz, Steiermark, sterreich, Deutschland(HRR), , Kaiser des Heiligen Rmischen Reiches Deutscher Nation, Descendants of the first King of Portugal, D.Afonso I Henriques, The Founder, Charles II von Habsburg, Erzherzog von Innersterreich, Maria Anna of Bavaria Archduchess of Inner Austria, H.I. [141] They used the bad money to purchase silver and the rebels' confiscated property and also to pay off the lease. The leadership of the war thenceforth passed to Tilly, who was however unable to stop the Swedish march from northern Germany towards Austria. [105][106] Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy hired Ernst von Mansfeld to assist the Bohemians. [109] Dampierre and his troops reached Vienna by boat and forced the Protestant delegates to flee from the Hofburg. 2. Als Wallenstein schlielich durch seinen Anhnger Graf Trka von der Absetzung informiert wurde, zog er sich von Pilsen nach Eger zurck und wurde dort unter anderem von dem Obersten Walter Butler ermordet. Despite the successes of Wallenstein, many of Ferdinand's advisors saw a genuine political threat in the general, citing his growing influence, his increasing number of estates and titles, as well as his extortionate methods of raising funds for his army. [122] Abandoned by Bethlen, Thurn was forced to lift the siege. [19] He left unchanged the traditional system of government, appointing only Catholics to the highest offices. [83], Matthias fell seriously ill in late April 1617. Zwar scheiterte sein Plan, sich der Seeherrschaft auf der Ostsee zu bemchtigen, an dem erbitterten Widerstand, den Stralsund der Belagerung durch Wallenstein entgegenstellte. At the electoral convention of Regensburg in 1636, he secured the election of his son, Ferdinand III, as king of the Romans, which prepared the way for his succession as Holy Roman emperor. [54][63] Matthias made public his secret treaty with Ferdinand, and the Emperor pardoned Ferdinand. [40] Their marriage improved the relationship between the Habsburgs and the Wittelsbachs, which had deteriorated because of the appointment of Ferdinand's brother Leopold V to the Bishopric of Passau. Auch dort versuchte er die Gegenreformation mit voller Hrte durchzusetzen und wurde damit einer der Auslser des Dreiigjhrigen Krieges, in dem er anfangs mit Hilfe seiner Feldherren Wallenstein und Tilly sehr erfolgreich war. 3. Philip III of Spain, who was the childless Matthias' nephew, acknowledged Ferdinand's right to succeed Matthias in Bohemia and Hungary in exchange for territorial concessions in 1617. Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria (1614-1662). [107], Emperor Matthias died on 20 March 1619. Band 6. Though elected Holy Roman emperor on August 28, 1619, Ferdinand was able to maintain himself only with support from Spain, Poland, and various German princes. Ferdinand of Hapsburg was born in Graz in Styria on July 13, 1608, son of the later emperor Ferdinand II and Maria Anna of Bavaria. [21] He avoided discussion of religious affairs with the Estates, taking advantage of their fear of an Ottoman invasion and the peasant uprisings in Upper Austria. Hn oli kiihkokatolinen, jonka tavoite edist vastauskonpuhdistusta ja karkottaa protestantismi keisarikunnasta johti kolmikymmenvuotisen sodan syttymiseen vuonna 1618. [106][113] They deposed Ferdinand on 22 August, and four days later, they offered the crown to Frederick V of the Palatinate. Ferdinand was born in Graz, the eldest son of the archduke Charles, the ruler of Inner Austria (Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola), and Maria, a daughter of Albrecht V, duke of Bavaria. [citation needed], In the following events he remained a staunch backer of the Anti-Protestant Counter Reformation efforts as one of the heads of the German Catholic League. [106][107] From September 1618, Pope Paul V paid a monthly subsidy to Ferdinand to contribute to the costs of the war and Philip III of Spain also promised support to him. In 1600, Ferdinand married Maria Anna of Bavaria (15741616), daughter of Duke William V of Bavaria. Matthias II died on 20 March 1619. Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia, whose aim, as a zealous Catholic, was to restore Catholicism as the only religion in the empire and suppress Protestantism, and whose actions helped precipitate the Thirty Years' War. Shortly afterwards, he began to suppress the practice of non-Catholic faiths within his territory. The duration of his reign was occupied by confessional and military concerns. On his accession to the Austrian throne in 1527 Ferdinand i con-firmed the customary Jewish privileges. Updates? Im Vertrag von Gllersdorf vom 14. Wallenstein was able to recruit some 30,000 men (later expanded up to 100,000), with whom he was able to defeat the Protestants in Silesia, Anhalt and Denmark. A protestl rendekkel nem trdve, vgl sikerlt visszalltania terletein a katolikus tbbsget. His rule coincided with the Thirty Years' War. November 1605 in Graz, 26. He was the second son of Queen Joanna I of Castile and Habsburg Archduke Philip the Handsome. He was the son of Charles II, the archduke of Inner Austria, and Maria of Bavaria. Brother of Anne of Austria, Queen of Poland; Maria Christina Habsburg, Erzherzogin von sterreich-Steiermark; Kateina Renata von sterreich, Habsburg, Erzherzogin; Elisabeth von Habsburg-sterreich, Archduchess; Karl von sterreich Habsburg and 8 others; Georgiane Maximiliane Archduchess of Austria av Steyer Habsburg; Eleonore Archduchess Of av Steyer Habsburg; Maximilian Ernst Habsburg (sterreichische Linie); Margaret of Austria; Leopold V, Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol; Archduchess Constance of Austria; Maria Magdalena von Habsburg and Charles of Austria, Bishop of Wroclaw less. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor. [64] According to the Treaty of Lieben, Rudolph retained most Lands of the Bohemian Crown and the title of Holy Roman Emperor, but had to renounce Hungary, Lower and Upper Austria and Moravia in favor of Matthias. Additionally, Ferdinand was an absolutist and infringed upon what nobles regarded as secular rights. The campaigning of 1633 was indecisive, partly because Wallenstein was negotiating with the enemy, thinking that the army would be loyal to him, rather than Ferdinand, and follow him if he switched sides. Aided by Maximilian I, duke of Bavaria, his troops annihilated the rebel army on the White Mountain, near Prague, on November 8, 1620. [115] The news about Born in Graz to Charles II of Austria (1540-1590) and Maria Anna of Bavaria (1551-1608), Ferdinand was provided with a strict Jesuit education culminating in his years at the University of Ingolstadt. In: Herwig Wolfram(Herausgeber): sterreichische Geschichte 1522 - 1699. . , (Styria) , . FERDINAND II, HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR Reigned from 1619 to 1637; b. Graz, Styria, July 9, 1578; d. Vienna, Feb. 15, 1637. Graz 1998. Generations are numbered by male-line descent from the first archdukes. He shared the same name, birthday and customs with his maternal grandfather Ferdinand II of Aragon. Ferdinand II, (born July 9, 1578, Graz, Styriadied Feb. 15, 1637, Vienna), Holy Roman emperor (1619-37), archduke of Austria, king of Bohemia (1617-19, 1620-27) and king of Hungary (1618-25). He was the leading champion of the Catholic Counter-Reformation and of absolutist rule in the Thirty Years War. His parents were devout Catholics, and, in 1590, they sent him to study at the Jesuits' college in Ingolstadt, because they wanted to isolate him . Nach diesem Sieg errichtete Ferdinand in seinen Lndern ein absolutistisches Regiment, in Bhmen 1627 mit der Verneuerten Landesverordnung. Februar 1622 in Innsbruck die Prinzessin Eleonore von Mantua (1598-1655), Tochter des Herzog Vinzenz I. von Mantua und dessen zweiter Gattin Prinzessin Eleonora de' Medici. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Wasa von Polen, Sohn des Knig Sigismund III. [89] He announced that his two brothers had abdicated in favor of Ferdinand, but the majority of the Bohemian delegates denied the Habsburgs' hereditary right to Bohemia. [83] Ferdinand sought assistance from Spain and the Venetians received support from the Dutch and English, but neither side could achieve a decisive victory in the Uskok War. [154] The Ottomans denied support to Bethlen and he was forced to sign a new peace treaty in Vienna in May 1624. - . 1595 , , , . [28] He had already made unsuccessful attempts to appoint Catholic priests to churches in predominantly Lutheran towns prior to his Italian journey. [39], Ferdinand married his cousin, Maria Anna of Bavaria, in Graz on 23 April 1600. The war began when the newly elected Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, tried to impose religious uniformity on his domains, forcing Roman Catholicism on its peoples. Ferdinand II, 1578-1637, Holy Roman emperor (1619-37), king of Bohemia (1617-37) and of Hungary (1618-37); successor of Holy Roman Emperor Matthias. [76] Klesl wanted to forge a new princely alliance in the Holy Roman Empire with the participation of both Catholic and Protestant princes. [119] Ferdinand sought assistance from his staunchly Catholic brother-in-law, Sigismund III of Poland. Archduchess Maria Johanna Gabriela (1750-1762). [76] Since Matthias and his two surviving brothers, Maximilian III and Albert VII were childless, his succession in Austria, Bohemia, Hungary and the Holy Roman Empire was uncertain. Although he had lost strategically and been forced out of Saxony, the Protestants had suffered much greater casualties. Oostenrijk-Habsburg, Karel Ii van Oostenrijk, Maria Anna van Beieren, Leopold van Oostenrijk, Maria Magdalena van Oostenrijk Habsburg, Ferdinand III van Oostenrijk, Maria Anna Oostenrijk Habsburg, Ferdinand von Hapsburg, Maria Anna von Hapsburg, Cecilia Renata von Hapsburg, Karl Ii de Habsbourg, Maria von Wittelsbach. Band 18, Herzberg 2001, ISBN 3-88309-086-7, Sp. Wallenstein accepted the position with the proviso that the management (and possession) of the army's funds were solely his, as was the right to take and distribute loot and ransoms taken in the course of operations. Swedish strength was greatly weakened, but France entered the war on the side of the Protestants out of fear of Habsburg domination. Birth of H.I. [123] John George I of Saxony promised support against the Bohemian rebels in exchange for Lusatia,[124] but Bethlen made a new alliance with the Bohemian Confederation and they sent envoys to Constantinople to seek the sultan's assistance. [110] The Protestant Estates of Upper Austria demanded the confirmation of their religious and political liberties before recognizing Ferdinand as Matthias' successor. Ferdinand's deposition in Bohemia reached Frankfurt on the same day, but he did not leave the town before being crowned on 9 September. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The Bohemian rebels established a provisional government, invaded Upper Austria, and sought assistance from the Habsburgs' opponents. [33] Due to his firm actions, no riots broke out when the leaders of the Protestant community left Graz on 29 September. [137] Bethlen also wanted to continue the war against Ferdinand, but the Ottomans did not support him. A protestns tartomnyokban azonnali s erszakos ellenreformcit hirdetett. The victorious advance of the Swedish army, however, made the emperor recall Wallenstein. [78] Philip III of Spain announced his claim to succeed Matthias in Bohemia and Hungary, emphasizing that his mother, Anna, the sister of Matthias, had never renounced her right to the two realms. Therefore, although a treaty was signed, peace did not come. 178. , , 1617 . 2. [99] They captured the two governors and one of their secretaries and threw them out of the window. A devout Catholic, his recognition as King of Bohemia and suppression of Protestantism precipitated the early events of the Thirty Years' War. [159] They sent delegates to Ferdinand in Vienna, but he did not give them an audience. Seit 1595 fhrte er selbst die Regierung in Innersterreich und baute seine Residenz Graz aus. Some historians directly blame Ferdinand for the large civilian loss of life in the Sack of Magdeburg in 1631: he had instructed Tilly to enforce the edict of Restitution upon the Electorate of Saxony, his orders causing the Belgian general to move the Catholic armies east, ultimately to Leipzig, where they suffered their first substantial defeat at the hands of Adolphus' Swedes in the First Battle of Breitenfeld (1631). [98] He urged Matthias to send an envoy to Prague, but Matthias' envoy could not reach a compromise. Ferdinand seurasi serkkuaan Matiasta keisariksi vuonna 1619. [167] Mansfeld who had invaded Silesia reached Upper Hungary, but Bethlen made a new peace with Ferdinand on 20 December 1626, because he could not wage war alone against the Emperor. [130], The united imperial and Spanish armies inflicted decisive defeats on the Protestant troops in the Holy Roman Empire in May and June 1622. [citation needed]. The different interpretation of the Letter of Majesty, which summarized the Bohemian Protestants' liberties, gave rise to an uprising, known as the Second Defenestration of Prague on 23 May 1618. * Matthias Schnettger: FERDINAND II.. [144] Ferdinand had convoked the Diet of Hungary to Sopron to assure the Hungarian Estates that he would respect their privileges. Nach dem Tod seines Vaters (1590) bergab seine streng katholische Mutter die Erziehung des Knaben den Jesuiten in Ingolstadt, die ihm einen unvershnlichen Hass gegen den Protestantismus einflten, so dass er zu Loreto vor dem Altar der Mutter Gottes freiwillig das feierliche Gelbde ablegte, den Katholizismus um jeden Preis wieder zur allein herrschenden Religion in seinen Staaten zu machen. Updates? [118] Maximilian became the head of a renewed Catholic League and Ferdinand promised to compensate him for the costs of the war. war von kleiner, gedrungener Gestalt, heiter und freundlich gegen seine Umgebung; seine Gutmtigkeit artete oft in Schwche aus, namentlich gegenber gewissenlosen Beamten. Ferdinnd megkoronzsa utn sem hagyott fel katolizl terveivel, s a mr hagyomnyosan protestnsnak mondhat Csehorszgban, Magyarorszgon s a Nmet-rmai Birodalom egyes terletein politikja miatt egyre feszltebb lett a hangulat, radsul 1617-ben a mantovai rksds miatt Franciaorszggal is szmolnia kellett. 1716, 12 Bde. , (16051619). (In der Schlacht von Ltzen, die unentschieden endete, starb der Schwedenknig.). Nur ein Teil Schlesiens war davon ausgenommen. [127] Before long, Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly, who was the commander of the army of the Catholic League, occupied Upper Austria, Bucquoy defeated the last rebels in Lower Austria and John George of Saxony invaded Lusatia. After completing his studies in 1595, he acceded to his hereditary lands (where his older cousin Archduke Maximilian III of Austria had acted as his regent 1593-95) and made a pilgrimage to Loreto and Rome. [22], Ferdinand made an unofficial journey to Italy before getting fully involved in state administration. Weblinks [Bearbeiten], Commons Commons: Ferdinand II. Ferdinnd mg a kzdelem sorn, 1637-ben Bcsben meghalt. Anfang des Jahres 1634 - Wallensteins Lager befand sich damals in Pilsen - war der aufgestachelte Kaiser durch Berichte Piccolominis, die geheimen Verhandlungen des Generalissimus mit Schweden und Franzosen, vermittelt durch den Emigranten Graf Kinsky, und durch den sog. [145] He informed his brothers, Leopold and Charles, about his plan in a letter on 29 April 1623, but they rejected it. * Jrg-Peter Findeisen: Der Dreiigjhrige Krieg. [87][83], Matthias convoked the Diet of Hungary to Pressburg (now Bratislava in Slovakia) in early 1618. In 1619, however, the largely Protestant diet of Bohemia deposed him, electing Frederick V, elector of the Palatinate, as their king. [125], Ferdinand continued the negotiations with the Estates of Lower and Upper Austria about his recognition as Matthias' successor in both provinces. [22] Rudolph II gave Ferdinand responsibility for the defense of Croatia, Slavonia and the southeastern parts of Hungary proper against the Ottomans. He was the leading champion of the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation and of absolutist rule during the Thirty Years War. (HRR) im VD 17 * Eintrag ber Ferdinand II. [83] The Catholic Bohemian nobleman, Albrecht von Wallenstein, recruited 260 soldiers at his own expense. Family tradition dictated his Jesuit upbringing. Ferdinand succeeded Matthias as Holy Roman Emperor in 1619. [49] Ferdinand's counselors warned him against a counter-invasion before further reinforcements arrived, but Aldobrandini convinced him to lay siege to Nagykanizsa on 18 October 1601. As earlier agreed, Ferdinand succeeded him on the throne. [96] He appointed the Catholic magnate, Zsigmond Forgch, as the new palatine. Februar 1637 in Wien) aus dem Haus Habsburg war ab 1617 mit einer Unterbrechung 1619/20 Knig von Bhmen sowie ab 1618 Knig von Ungarn, Knig von Kroatien und ab 1619 Kaiser des Heiligen Rmischen Reiches. Ferdinand II., Statue von Johann Joseph Resler im ehem. von Spanien und dessen Gattin Erzherzogin Margarethe von sterreich-Steiermark. Quellen und Volltexte, * Druckschriften von und ber Ferdinand II. [24][31] When the Protestant nobles and burghers protested against his decree, he replied that the Estates had no jurisdiction in religious affairs. Following to which he introduced Spain into the imperial expansion. Ferdinand replied by firing the Bohemian general in 1630. [145] He renounced the bishoprics of Passau and Strasbourg in favor of Ferdinand's younger son, Leopold Wilhelm, and retained Further Austria and Tyrol (that he had administered since 1619). [7] He matriculated at the Jesuits' school in Graz at the age of 8. . Verlag Carl Ueberreuther, Wien 2004., ISBN 3-8000-3532-4. [141], Ferdinand met his second wife, the 23-year-old Eleonora Gonzaga, in Innsbruck on 1 February 1622. [86][87] Philip also granted 1 million tallers to Ferdinand to finance the war against the Venetians. 1619-ben a frankfurti birodalmi gylsen, ellenjellt hinyban, t tettk meg nmet-rmai csszrnak. Wallenstein was recalled, being able to muster an army in only a week, and immediately staked a tactical, if not strategic, victory at the September Battle of Frth, quickly followed by his forces expelling the Swedes from Bohemia. Durch seine malose Freigiebigkeit zerrttete er trotz einfacher Lebensweise seine Finanzen; er war fleiig und gewissenhaft in der Erfllung seiner Regentenpflichten, aber unselbstndig in seinen Meinungen und ganz abhngig von seinen Rten (v.a. Ferdinands Roman Catholic contemporaries considered him a saintlike monarch; his Protestant opponents feared him as a tyrant. He had already made unsuccessful attempts to appoint Catholic priests to churches in predominantly Lutheran towns prior to Italian... Von Spanien und dessen Gattin Erzherzogin Margarethe von sterreich-Steiermark [ 87 ] Philip also granted 1 tallers! ): sterreichische Geschichte 1522 - 1699. Saxony, the Archduke of Inner Austria, and the Emperor but. Pay off the lease acts and made further preparations for an armed conflict 87 ] [ 87 ] [ ]... March from northern Germany towards Austria to follow citation style rules, there May some. The eldest son of Queen Joanna I of Castile and Habsburg Archduke Philip the.... 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To purchase silver and the rebels ' confiscated property and also to pay off lease! Male-Line descent from the Habsburgs ' opponents in: Herwig Wolfram ( Herausgeber ): sterreichische 1522... Isbn 978-3-492-24753-5 * Thomas Winkelbauer: Stndefreiheit und Frstenmacht 1627 mit der Verneuerten Landesverordnung he urged Matthias to ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor... Succeeded him on the throne in Vienna in May 1624 Schweikhard von Kronberg, Archbishop of Mainz, convoked Imperial! Innersterreich ( Steiermark, Krnten und Krain ) William V of Bavaria, who was unable... Catholic Counter-Reformation and of absolutist rule in the Thirty Years & # x27 war... New palatine ] [ 63 ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor Matthias made public his secret treaty with,... On 8 October 1619 he appointed the Catholic Counter-Reformation and of absolutist rule during the Thirty Years & x27! [ 28 ] he appointed the Catholic Bohemian nobleman, Albrecht von Wallenstein, recruited 260 soldiers his! 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The traditional system of government, appointing only Catholics to the Austrian throne in 1527 Ferdinand I the! Der sich oft seiner Berater bediente um politische Entscheidungen zu treffen journey to Italy getting... Delegates to Ferdinand in Vienna, but the troops of the Protestants out of of... Albrecht von Wallenstein, recruited 260 soldiers at his own expense Ferdinand, he! Avoided the rebellious Upper Austria, and sought assistance from his staunchly Catholic brother-in-law, Sigismund.. On the throne [ 98 ] he left unchanged the traditional system of government, appointing Catholics! [ 137 ] Bethlen also wanted to continue the war against Ferdinand, but Matthias ' could. Succeeded Matthias as Holy Roman Emperor from 1637 to 1657 birodalmi gylsen, ellenjellt hinyban t! Silver and the Emperor recall Wallenstein Lutheran towns prior to his Italian journey aus! Jesuits ' school in Graz on 23 April 1600 of Duke William of. To Frankfurt They captured the two governors and one of their ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor and threw out! Although he had already made unsuccessful attempts to appoint Catholic priests to in! Birodalmi gylsen, ellenjellt hinyban, t tettk meg nmet-rmai csszrnak, Zsigmond Forgch, the... ' school in Graz, the 23-year-old Eleonora Gonzaga, in Graz at Jesuits... Was elected King of Bohemia by the Bohemian general in 1630 [ 7 ] he matriculated at the age 8.! Of a renewed Catholic League and Ferdinand promised to compensate him for the costs of the Bohemian rebels established provisional... Habsburg im konfessionellen Zeitalter ] Philip also granted 1 million tallers to Ferdinand in Vienna in May 1624 afterwards he! Bavaria ( 15741616 ), daughter of Duke William V of Bavaria, was... Of Bavaria, in Bhmen 1627 mit der Verneuerten Landesverordnung the two and! Did not support him by confessional and military concerns ISBN 3-8000-3532-4 to Prague, but Ottomans!