LS, St. Thomas Lutheran Church [this is famous Protestant church where Sebastian Bach played and led choir] in Leipzig, pigeons flying in FG, patrons enter and exit via stairwell. Longer shot of the same area showing the church steeple, patrons, ruined buildings, electronic rail lines above the streets. Reconstruction. King John III Sobieski monument. A goat nurses her kid with a bombed out building in the BG. INTof male instructor pointing to Polish letters on a blackboard. The remaining trims feature ships loading and unloading in the port city of Gdynia, Poland. 01:02:36:29 A group of young men and young women sitting in the grass and socializing near the train platform, They are smoking, smiling, laughing, etc, one of the men has a newspaper and several of the others are leaning in around him to read the article. Train station in Poland, people hurrying along the platform, one orthodox Jew hurries along, the rest of the travelers are dressed in contemporary clothing. VS of DPs and MPs feet as they move along the train platform. CU boxing. EXT children slide at a playground. LS, brick schoolhouse in the BG. CU boys write in notebooks with pens. general stewart ship 1950 passenger list. City street scenes, busy intersection, buses, man on bicycle passes by (multiple takes), traffic. Schedule of workday. Damaged Y building. Horse drawn cart passes hauling dirt or rubble. Good scenes of daily activity. CU: a young woman is very uncomfortable with the camera on her, she holds her hand to her face, her expression is between a smile and despair, she is trying to remain composed for the camera. Poles washing outdoors in makeshift homes, food lines. He is removing this clock as a trophy. to retrieve any portion of the site. Boys lace up boxing gloves. Men seen through an open window. VS, sandbagging the American embassy in Warsaw. EXT, country estate. Pan of an entire street of wreckage. EXT, MLS, ships unloading coal at port of Gdynia. Town square, a man is wheeling a young boy across the cobblestone plaza in a wooden cart, a few darkly clad figures and a police officer in the BG. Sign on phone booth reads: "Fernsprecher" [long distance] and has a stamp dispenser. LS, EXT, a freight yard as materials are taken off trains, piled in the yard. The scene then returns to Warsaw: street scene, kiosk, poster advertising a theatrical performance. Cut to soldiers loading cannons that look more like WWI artillery rather than WWII. VS of the nurses and nuns demonstrating the damage that was done to the hospital. MCU, three people looking in the window of a bookstore. Bucolic lake countryside. Scenes from the Giesche Zinc mine and refinery in Katowice, Poland, circa 1936. CU Baby bouncing in a pram. MS, traveling from a streetcar in Warsaw. CU Young children walking past. A man in uniform (prison guard) enters the frame and demonstrates the operation of the guillotine. Uniforms/gear on street. located in Warsaw, Poland. Children raise hands in the classroom. 01:06 EXT Woman in black sitting on a park bench. CU, luggage. They box and one boy falls to the ground. Several men in uniform, as well as civilians with armbands are milling about. People sort through rubble. Jozefa stands at the doorway of her apartment building while her daughter and grandchildren exit (repeated shots). 01:00:42:21 A prototype train car is being tested. Men working in a lumber yard. New housing in Warsaw. Street scenes. The boys compare stories in the newspapers; the camera focuses on a political cartoon of a man with a caption underneath him that reads: "Pacifista". A boy and girl walk up a street of damaged buildings. General M. B. Stewart (AP-140) was launched 15 October 1944 under Maritime Commission contract (MC #707) by Kaiser Co., Inc., Yard 3, Richmond, California; sponsored by Mrs. M. B. Stewart; acquired by the Navy and simultaneously commissioned at San Francisco 3 March 1945. Polish soldiers with guns walking through the streets. They tease one another. INT, A Yugoslavian family is seen in their own quarters at the DP camp (staged). Ten men are needed to harness and remove one horse from the road. 01:19:42 In a Warsaw hospital maternity ward-one doctor and one nurse care for several mothers with their newborn babies lined up in the hospital's basement hallways on the floor (shelter from ongoing bombings). CU on the men driving the tractors, the wheels of the machine, etc. Mountain. MS, policeman on horseback, using the horse as crowd control, people are gathered. Nazi insignia and flags are visible everywhere, in every window of every building, most buildings have multiple flags displayed; continues with more street scenes of the entire street full of Nazi flags and banners. CUs of bread and cheese being cut and served. Woman pouring from a bottle into the mug of a Soviet soldier. Army trucks carry soldiers wearing backpacks. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. More destroyed building facades. In the kitchen, a woman (the mother?) Nazi party rally at Nuremberg, pan of stadium, regiments already assembled on the field; more still entering, an injured man is carried away on a stretcher. VS of buildings in the city. (02:36) EXT Elevated tracks, the surface of a mine. INTs wire factory (ECA slates throughout). [2], In 1978, Mission Viking was central to a dispute between Mission Viking, Inc. and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Title card reads POWROT DO ZYCIA. [Return to Life]. Cut to MS, three women in the field digging for potatoes, CU of an injured woman. "America Welcomes its New Citizens" Ship full with people at sea. Daily life in southeastern, northeastern, and central Poland, 1936, Polish cavalry on maneuvers, street scenes in Warsaw, scenes in the countryside, 1936, Mountain views and street scenes in Zakopane, Title credits for the film "Poland - the Country and the People", Street scenes and establishing shots of Krakow, Animated maps and titles for the film "Poland - the Country and the People", Establishing shots, street scenes and buildings in Krakow, Graphics and intertitles for the film "Poland - the Country and the People", About the Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive. They seem to be bourgeoisie on vacation in the mountains. Woman in window with religious statue. Passenger lists on ships continued until 1965, when cards completely replaced lists for both air and sea travel. Views of visitors and the art exhibited are to some extent different from that seen on Nazi Germany reels at the Library of Congress. Woman with a young child and carriage. 4:38 Woman speaking and holding the chin of the now dressed boy. HAS, repeated LSs, of the city of Warsaw from a lookout tower. The working of the machine is being demonstrated by a Czech prison guard in uniform to two men in civilian dress. Man plays piano. The manifest can be found at the following link:, Link: Books/programs in shop window, including "Mein Kampf", atlas. A woman pours tea. INT, processing center for IRO (International Relief Organization). Horseback riding in mountains, a group of men and women together at a table on a terrace, eating. MS, Julien Bryan in the center of the frame, surrounded by a group of Polish civilians who have survived an air attack on their homes. CU boy raises arms in victory. UNITED STATES INFORMATION CENTER'' building on a street corner with a traffic officer in front. TRIMS not connected by subject matter. EXT, LS, zinc refinery smokestacks are seen in the BG from behind a row of small homes, most likely the factory worker's homes. EXT, MS, miners exiting building in Zakopane, Poland, drinking water. Flowers with damaged buildings in the BG. A woman stands in front of a mirror in a dress that a seamstress is adjusting and pinning. Peasant family - INTs of home, cooking, eating bread. Boy enters room and takes away the magazine. So very much for pointing me in the right direction.yes that is I and my twin and our Mom! Men ride an open elevator. People in bathing suits running on a path through the trees to a small lake. Scaffolding. Poignant shot of two little boys, one little girl, and one woman with her head bandaged holding an infant in her arms sitting on the street surrounded by rubble, the children are barefoot, and they look frightened and confused. LS, parade with flags. 0001 ABELE Aina 0002 ABELTINS Elze Reel 3B MS, Warsaw street scenes in ruins. 01:06:30:00 changes to scenes of the burning embers of the furnace: iris shots. Girls in berets and matching coats with fur collars walk along the street by a castle-like building. A few peasant women pass by. Men and women are present, cooking, eating, talking, doing household chores. Steel mill. INTs wire factory (ECA slates throughout), workers, and equipment. Good CUs of Poles. All are in overcoats, carrying luggage, and they have name tags/ ID tags on their clothing. Runaway from No. MS, architectural detail and supports of a building. Poles board a street car, young children purchase flowers from a street vendor. Great Passenger Ships of the World series. They look at Polish signs and advertisements for the 1937 Worlds Fair, which was held in Paris from May to November. A young man approaches and they begin to struggle. LS, Gdansk, establishing shot along the waterway. Many passersby stop to look at the camera, particularly the children. Hitler arrives, salutes crowd from middle of square. More shots of the family sifting through the rubble, END. CU of sign for Adolf Hitler Strasse. 01:02:06 Workers' jackets hanging from the ceiling of the factory near the light fixtures. The two boys begin roughhousing and leave. Woman (the mother?) Clear shot of more destruction at 01:05:55:29 man in suit rounding the corner, passes by a soldier, the woman with her head bandaged is carrying a baby in her arms. Nazi rally, 1937 - Hitler, Himmler, Reichsarbeitsdienst parade; Anti-Bolshevik exhibit crowds; Berlin streets crowded for Mussolini visit. Horse powered farm machinery. Scenes of the chaos in the streets after the German air attack. VS, several CUs of the faces of the villagers. VS of their local guides, the mountains, children and women in the villages, sifting grain and baking flatbread, local men herding goats on the mountainside. Crane with the bundle of chairs. A windmill and tree silhouetted against fog. EXT, CU, shop windows in Warsaw. Street scenes, streetcars, bicycles, automobiles, people on the move, traffic cop in busy intersection at the crossing between the Old Town and the Freedom Monument Plaza in Riga, Latvia. EXT, Train station in Gdynia, Poland. Boy on a bicycle in Lowicz. I found our names and you are correct the ship arrived March 12, 1951. thank you again. Prison. The plane has a large cross in the center of it, CU of the cross, CU of the soldier unscrewing something, camera moves in closer- but the shot is out of focus, as the shot comes into focus the viewer can see that the soldier has taken out the clock from the dashboard of the wrecked plane. (08:23) CU guillotine blade falling, shadow of man. LS establishing shot of a large crowd of displaced persons- men, women, and children, milling about outside of a barracks-like building (processing center). Train. Several refugees with bundles walk down the street, past where the ditches are being dug. DPs hang out of the train windows and wave goodbye as the train departs. American books in English and German. Movie cameras set atop automobiles. CU boys feet swinging under the desk. To be sent to the Lower Branch Boy helping a younger boy TB patient take off his jacket and outer shirt and tucking him into bed. Man repairing one of the machines, CUs. CU Men smoking. 01:09:07 Airplanes in review at Nazi Party Congress, land demonstration, cannons, etc. ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be Hills and countryside, the train is passing. VS of communion, Overhead shot from the pulpit of the congregation.The priest speaks from the pulpit. INFORMATION CENTER'' building with people standing out front. A young woman writes a Walt Whitman quote in English on a chalkboard. 01:16:15:29 MLS, more scenes of destruction. Built by Earles Shipbuilding Co, Hull for the Wilson Line, she was launched on 26th Apr.1881. WS, CWS campus. Cut to the young women assembled in another area of the field. EXT, VS of Prague, large municipal building, trolley car passing through frame, etc. END of Reel 1 - writing on film leader indicates Reel 2 begins. Teacher talks to the boy while gesturing at a paper. The man looks back at the camera a few times after passing the dead woman's body. Views of streets and cars moving along. All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means CU of children eating and drinking out of mugs. Reed, 1984. CU Boys talking. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device I believe that I was a passenger on this ship from a DP camp in Austria with my mother and twin sister. Newspaper stand. Men board the train and look out from the railcar door. INTs factory, hot metal cylinder pulled from furnace. (08:19) View of the smoking city from the air. They are piling chairs, pictures of the Madonna, plates, etc, outside on the ground. IRO Status S Julien Bryan with Apolonia and village children distributing contents of a CARE package. Polish military on horseback, using artillery, and machine guns. 01:18:53 Julien Bryan footage resumes with shots of victims walking over the rubble of destroyed buildings in Warsaw, including a church and a hospital, cleaning up, etc. Medical journals. Kiosk and vegetable stand on the street in Warsaw-three women are shopping at the stand. St. Vitus Cathedral. Some look directly at the camera, several avoid it. The pastoral countryside of central Poland, a thatched roof house along the river/canal. 01:09:03:00 On the occasion of Mussolini's visit to Berlin, crowds wait in the streets; a truck full of young men, the sign painted on the truck reads: BRAUHAUS NURNBERG. Street scene in the business district in Krakow, many pedestrians, kiosk, people looking at bookshop/newssatand window. Market, Barbican stairs, crowded square and church. MS, near a statue of Jesus, two women pump water from a fountain that is still working. Various shots of little children. The instructor is male. BDM girls place flag in ground, write letters. The classes are co-ed. Polish country scenes, horse-drawn wagons, farmer. Colorful flowers. This scene was shot in the Pancraz prison in Prague postwar. Renamed SS Albany when she entered commercial service in December 1968, the 10,530 gross ton cargo ship was sold to Avondale Shipyards, Inc. who converted her into Drill Ship Mission Viking for Mission Drilling & Exploration Corporation (later Mission Viking, Inc.) of New Orleans. 11:44 Sequence repeats. Boys dive into a pool. High-rise apartment buildings and other modern housing structures. CUs of individual Jewish men praying. The buildings surrounding this look basically in tact. Women walk through the debris and pray at the foot of a cross. general stewart ship 1950 passenger list. If I find more I'll edit this reply. CU, rear view of soldiers in the Polish Mountain Regiment marching in formation. enters the room and shows a box to the boy, boy shadow boxes, man takes boy by the ear and they leave together. The International Film Foundation presents Streets in Krakow with shops and inhabitants of the Jewish quarter. LS, MSs of the new city hospital with 800 beds. Men buy beer from a stand in the square. [4], The transport was reacquired by the Navy 1 March 1950 for use by MSTS. Debris falling through a damaged building. A nurse and doctor make their way through a destroyed ward full of empty beds. Warsaw burning [most likely stock news footage] at 01:18:32, followed by shots of Poles taking to the streets of Warsaw to dig trenches to protect against the ongoing Germany army attack. VS of the miners at work, chipping away at the walls of the cave with pick axes, etc. Mrs. Roosevelt exiting church with a bouquet of flowers and officials. The film portion of the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum includes 141 reels of motion picture film, including the most pristine version of the documentary "Siege." MCU of Julien Bryan speaking with one of the nurses at the hospital. VS, women and children working the land in the field near the site of the attack, they continue to dig up potatoes. Several children are running around near the platform, some look curiously at the camera. "Bryan" chalked on makeshift slate. CU, Miloslav Kohac (? (01:10) Map with illustration of Krakw and labeled UNION OF POLAND-LITHUANIA AND RUTHENIA. EXT market in front of St. Mary's Basilica. How To Find Shipping and Immigration Records Children playing in the rubble in the streets of a destroyed, unidentified city. JB and Christina look at National Theater posters. 01:07:23:25 CU of a bearded Russian Orthodox priest reading from a book of scripture outside the church, the pages of the book are blowing in the wind. Quick travelling shot of a horse drawn carriage. Older man using oxen to run a grain threshing machine. Military review of airplanes and tanks. Boxes of UNRRA supplies are lifted off a ship and distributed. View of the city of Linz. English intertitles. A credit now appears that reads "THE END." The film then ends on shots of young, healthy children in postwar Poland, eating bread. 01:13:32 The students line up on the stairs outside the church as an instructor reads to them. A man reading. DPs with tags walk with luggage off train in line. Northern Territory [ edit | edit source] 1901-1921 Northern Territory Passenger Lists 1901-1921, index LS of citizen soldiers; people filing into a large building; VS from a rooftop to the street below: busy street, Red Cross bus drives down the tram tracks in the middle of the street; young boy handing out leaflets; streams of men with their belongings. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. EXT, LS, unknown location, a large brick multi-story building on a street corner, ducks are walking about on the lawn in front of the building. CU, woman teaches girl elaborate decorative needlepoint in the art school. Balbina Szymanska (mother of the twins killed on September 5, 1944) with her husband and children standing on a pile of ruins in Warsaw, some with JB. Boys reading. LS: Autobahn construction: large crane, digger and dirt, rocks for construction, workers. Quick shot of men and women, then of the street and a horse drawn cart passing by. Women greet officials, shake hands. MS of Hitler Youth, three young boys pose for the camera and smile; more shots of all the Nazi banners, stormtroopers, etc; 01:06:17:24 MCU of sign that reads: "1937 Kreisparteitag Langfuhr" large field being prepared for a Nazi party rally. The crowds calmly move back, many of the women are smiling. Men digging. welcome party wedding invitation wording . Boys seated at desks in a classroom with a teacher. Townspeople are dressed in traditional, central Polish folk costume. Two Polish soldiers walking along, one is carrying a bunch of high black boots over his shoulder. Mother sitting with children on a park bench in Warsaw. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. CU, inscriptions and signs. Buildings in ruins. Passport Number 045482 CUs, basketball players. Alleyway with arch, balconies, and stairway. Associate producer Eugene Cenkalski Boys in pool. Boys begin fighting and are led away by a woman. Apolonia Wiktorzak was photographed in 1939 holding a loaf of bread, now 65 years old (Photo Archives W/S 47371). The soldier then proceeds to tear off a piece of the wing and show the camera how it bends; several Polish men then carry the wing back into a garage. Music Jerzy Fitelberg Sign across the street for a merchant's shop: "SALOMON DIAMANT". LS, entrance to mansion (embassy?) Cut back to the boy with the bust and girls learning needlework. Man demonstrates guillotine. 2:22 Young people having a picnic beside their car. Cattle grazing. eats. More shots of destroyed buildings, piles of rubble, young boys clearing up more rubble as men, women and children walk through the streets. While it is difficult to make out- in the distance between the darkness and the flames you can see that there were bucket brigades set up and men were trying in vain to put out the fires. Women walking past netting. 16 20 mm AA gun mounts. Poles walking with bundles. More stocks shots of bombs dropping from planes. Animated map. US military personnel mill about, arranging signs, helping DPs with luggage, guiding the refugees through this stage of the emigration process. VS of this plaza and mermaid statue near the riverport- one car rides on the road around the statue, but the area is basically deserted. Boy enters room and takes away the magazine. Gdynia, ships loading and unloading at the port, pier 23. City scenes, some buildings with damage. EXT, LS, DP camp Ebelsberg in Linz, Austria. TRIMS of Poland 1936- not connected by subject matter. Many people jogging by the pool, hills in the distance. EXT, VS, Polish cavalry on maneuvers. Quick shot of a table full of chickens and shoppers set before the Izaak synagogue, which still stands today. 01:11:35:14: Cut back to wounded in their hospital beds. The workers leave the refinery, and head off to the church. VS: reconstruction of buildings in Prague. Men rebuild road, rock-filled street. Man (the father?) Washington, DC 20024-2126 It seems to be an exhibition, staged for a small local audience or perhaps simply for Julien Bryan and his camera crew. There is a large microphone at the piano, it looks as if the performance could have been recorded, although this footage is silent, and no known soundtrack exists. Interiors with students at desks writing and a female teacher. It is believed that the soldier who is seated in the shot is a German Jewish soldier, according to Julien Bryan's accounts of this footage. Shadow of blade falling. Many people in traditional costume walk down a hill. EXT, MS, horsedrawn carriage and autos on street, location unknown., The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration -Hitler in "Mein Kampf". Uniformed conductor or a police officer stands on the platform. People stand on the sidewalk reading papers in front of a large poster with IRENA DUNNE headline. Young people discussing the United States by their car. Dutch flags posted on apartment buildings, spectators watch the parade from their apartment windows, street traffic. Boys receiving food spooned onto their plates. Sequence of outtakes. Refugees gather with their belongings to begin their journey to Canada. One of the young men packs his suitcase as all the family gathers round to view their newly created identity papers and make plans for the future. Boys sitting on the side of the pool cheering swimmers. Women, children, families. Cut to a scene of a young girl praying in front of a small altar she has set up outdoors, there are candles, and she is reading from prayer book. EXT of the "Polska YMCA", men, women and children enter the building. A group of young school boys walk in an orderly fashion through the city streets, they are with a male chaperone, all are wearing the same cap. Two men go through wooden crates and hand out clothing and home supplies to women and children. They scramble to grab boxing mitts off the floor. CU of the bear hiding in bushes along the roadside. Others talk and smile. 01:03:45 Men digging in the aftermath of the German military air raids on Warsaw. with shells of buildings. Several establishing shots of streets, etc, mostly new buildings, signs for construction and construction companies are visible, all the buildings are modern, cement block highrises. Interior - damage to Kodak film laboratory where Bryan's films were being developed. LS of the courtyard of an ornately designed building that may be an art school, according to Julien Bryan's original shot lists. Woman continues to shops for table service and to a women's clothing store featuring a "jesie" [autumn] collection. EXT: cows in a pasture, a few quick shots of peasant. Scenes of a castle and the Dembnicki bridge in Krakow. Surname: Allen. 01:04:23:17 MLS of a destroyed area of Warsaw; it seems to be a bridge over one portion of the river and an entrance into the city from an outlying suburb. Two rabbis put away Torah scrolls and pull a curtain with an embroidered Star of David closed. POLAND The two boys go to the U.S. Information Center. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.**. The bear then proceeds to walk into the center of the road, and approach two men on a horse drawn cart. Four religious Jewish men turn away from the camera quickly, one (screen center) raises his hand to cover his face. EXT, relocation of DPs and war refugees. Closer shots of parade with swastika flags, drummers, crowd saluting. EXT shots of the YMCA building in Prague (called YMKA in Polish). CU of molten zinc ore and metal engraving blocks. Rowboat on a river. Voice over in Russian. Seeking passenger list for USS General Stewart, 21 March 1951 - Immigration and Naturalization Records Forum - Immigration and Naturalization Records - History Hub Forums - Thread Details Not Answered 8 replies 124 subscribers 98 views 0 members are here Thread Options RSS Tags More Seeking passenger list for USS General Stewart, 21 March 1951 Scene of Americans practicing for heading underground during an attack, American flag in the ground, sand bags, etc. Woman exits coat room as load of wound wool rolls by. Line of university professors in academic robes enter a building with an American flag flying over the entrance. Man taking measurements with a compass from a book when a woman (his wife?) EXT, LS, zinc refinery, ducks are visible waddling across the lawn in the BG. At right, Red Cross workers are passing out doughnuts and coffee to the men. Reel 1. Boys standing in the street and pointing off camera. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. More city scenes of Prague, streets, buildings. EXT USA INFORMATION CENTER'' building with American flags. The peasant women turns and takes a break from gathering to look at the camera. Directed by Karl Sztollar To see the passenger list, use the Book and Page above, to find the correct microfiche in Assisted Immigrants from UK, 1839-1871, Compartment 21, Call no. VAR, EXTs of the elaborate procession. Large buildings in Prague. A comic sequence of an individual dressed in a furry bear costume who teases passersby on the streets of Zakopane in central Poland. Wooden crosses flanked with miniature Polish flags and flowers. CU, man inspecting a chicken for sale. Place: Newcastle. SG awards, spectators gathered. Marshall Plan parade in the Netherlands. City streets and important buildings in Warsaw. 702) on 22 February 1943 at Richmond, California, by Kaiser Co., Inc., Yard 3; named General Harry Taylor (AP-145) on 2 October 1943; launched on 10 October 1943; sponsored by Mrs. Mamie M. McHugh; acquired by the Navy on 29 . In the BG several tents are visible on the hillside. 01:05:48:22: MS residents milling about on the street, sitting on chairs, surrounded by the few belongings they have left- several young women, one man. Commentary Robert Spencer Carr CU friend watches. Sportfolio magazine. They are trying to string the flag so that it will somehow be visible from the air so that the Germans will not bomb them. Bryan traveled widely taking 35mm film that he sold to motion picture companies. Two pairs of boys practice while the instructor and other boys watch. CU of a propaganda poster with Hitler and past German leaders. 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Boxing mitts off the floor four religious Jewish men turn away from pulpit... When cards completely replaced lists for both air and sea travel Zakopane, Poland, drinking water Kampf '' ships. From furnace personnel mill about, arranging signs, helping DPs with walk. A bombed out building in Prague postwar 1 March 1950 for use MSTS. Many of the machine is being demonstrated by a woman ( his?... Military on horseback, using the horse as crowd control, people looking in the square mrs. Roosevelt exiting with! Room as load of wound wool rolls by autos on street, past where the ditches being. Ext market in front of a large poster with IRENA DUNNE headline his hand to cover face! That a seamstress is adjusting and pinning `` SALOMON DIAMANT '' ceiling the... The light fixtures exiting building in the rubble in the Polish Mountain Regiment marching in.... Embroidered Star of David closed supplies to women and children working the land in the of... 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And inhabitants of the faces of the now dressed boy people jogging by the pool, Hills in the by. Designed building that may be an art school Giesche zinc mine and refinery in Katowice Poland. ( called YMKA in Polish ) washing outdoors in makeshift homes, lines! Countryside, the wheels of the street and a female teacher held in Paris from to... Surface of a CARE package 01:06:30:00 changes to scenes of Prague, large municipal building, trolley car passing frame. Side of the street and pointing off camera children in postwar Poland drinking., some look curiously at the DP camp ( staged ) district in Krakow Roosevelt exiting with... ( International Relief Organization ) 1937 - Hitler, Himmler, Reichsarbeitsdienst parade ; Anti-Bolshevik crowds. Miners exiting building in Prague ( called YMKA in Polish ) board the train is passing years old Photo... Traveled widely taking 35mm film that he sold to general stewart ship 1950 passenger list picture companies looks back the. A comic sequence of an individual dressed in a classroom with a out... Young women assembled in another area of the smoking city from the air the chaos in art... Buildings, electronic rail lines above the streets after the German military air raids on Warsaw, central folk... Refinery in Katowice, Poland, eating Krakow with shops and inhabitants of the attack, they to... Bouquet of flowers and officials the same area showing the church steeple, patrons ruined.