In this book, he predicts and advocates reduction of world population to 1 billion people: "The current world human population of almost six billion is vulnerable to sudden reduction because it is surging toward maximum carrying capacity. He told the story of an environmental disaster he said he had learned about during his 59 years of exploration. 1125 Robert Louis Stevenson, "The Four Reformers," reprinted in The Portable Conservative Reader, ed. ", Neurologist Dr. Robert Foster Kennedy stood up before the American Psychiatric Association in 1941 and told them, "I am in favor of euthanasia for those hopeless ones who should never have been born-Natures mistakes. [230] Robert Muller, My Testament to the UN: A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, World Happiness and Cooperation, [231] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 164, [232] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 160, [233] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 161, [234] Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Ocean Tree Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986; ISBN 0-943734-08-8; p. 17, [235] Kirstin Miller, The Story Angels Want Told: An Interview with Nick Bunick, Psychic Reader, October 1997, Vol. In 1992, he was invited to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the United Nations' International Conference on Environment and Development, and then he became a regular consultant for the UN and the World Bank. The successful experiment was quickly repeated in 1965 with two vehicles which reached 500 meters. This means that the diver has complete control over oxygen flow in the tank. In December 1972, two years after the volcano's last eruption, The Cousteau Society was filming Voyage au bout du monde on Deception Island, Antarctica, when Michel Laval, Calypso's second in command, was struck and killed by a rotor of the helicopter that was ferrying between Calypso and the island.[14][15]. In 1985, Cousteau and his crew ventured to Cuba to research the country's unique system for managing its lobster population. 1-880455-07-2, pp. [239] Alice A. Bailey, Education in the New Age. 6-7 Cousteau was deeply affected. (1126). Haiti provides a chilling example of what could begin to happen around the world, as population grows and resources dwindle, he said. All rights reserved., p. 6 But [population researchers] Paul and Anne Ehrlich have convinced me that if we're going to have a modern infrastructure, with commercial airlines and interstate highways around the world, we're going to need about two billion people to support it." Jacques-Yves Cousteau, best known as the man who first revealed the beauty and extraordinary life of the undersea world, is also a pioneering documentary filmmaker, inventor, innovator and environmentalist. Dont be squeamish, Thomas. Here are 22 essential L.A. spots for every tourist, Column: We cant afford another writers strike. You have an extraordinary opportunity to change the course of the world . ", Doctor, nutritionist, and the inventor of Corn Flakes, John Harvey Kellogg also ran a sanitarium. Many others will die a prospect that these gurus view with cold equanimity. 'We must abolish property,' said one. The Millennium Institute says that the new millennium "must be the moment when humans interchange bad and good, unreal and real, and set themselves and Earth on a new course." a pioneer of undersea investigation, he has sailed all over the world on oceanographic expeditions and has also written and produced films about the oceans which have attracted immense audiences. We are the parasites on the food chain of life, consuming more and more, and putting too little back to restore and maintain the life system that supports us." The Society is currently attempting to turn the original Calypso into a museum and it is raising funds to build a successor vessel, the Calypso II. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." The explosive growth in population, which is expected to triple to 16 billion in 80 years, is leading to a world where people will be surviving like rats, undersea explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau said Friday. ", In the American Child Health Associations Childs Bill of Rights, Herbert Hoover made the statement, There shall be no child in America that had not the complete birthright of a sound mind in a sound body. [224] Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Ocean Tree Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986; ISBN 0-943734-08-8, p. 31 He wrote in the 1913 issue of the, Long before the eugenics movement, Greek philosopher Plato wrote, "The good must be paired with the good, and the bad with the bad, and the offspring of the one must be reared and of the other destroyed; in this way the flock will be preserved in prime condition. Jacques Yves Cousteau On Earth Day, lovers of the environment focus on celebrating the beauty of the planet and protecting its resources. The two neighbors took the first ex-aequo prize of the Congress of Documentary Film in 1943, for the first French underwater film: Par dix-huit mtres de fond (18 meters deep), made without breathing apparatus the previous year in the Embiez islands in Var, with Philippe Tailliez and Frdric Dumas, using a depth-pressure-proof camera case developed by mechanical engineer Lon Vche, an engineer of Arts and Measures at the Naval College. Next, dig deeper into the ugly history of American eugenics. Taken together, the works of Robert Muller, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Neale Donald Walsch, Alice Bailey, David Spangler, and Helena Blavatsky are an anti-Catechism: a revival of the Gnostic heresy, a comprehensive anti-Gospel, and a point-by-point inversion of Christian morality and doctrine. With the publication of his first book in 1953, The Silent World, Cousteau correctly predicted the existence of the echolocation abilities of porpoises. [21], Cousteau said that just because fish are cold-blooded does not mean they do not feel pain, and that recreational fishermen only say so to reassure their conscience.[22]. [232] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 160 . 22, no. 'I wish we could abolish work,' said the fourth. Fifteen thousand years ago, there was somewhere between 40 and 100 million people. and as the Communists have done since Marx and Lenin. 154-157 In June 1990, the composer Jean Michel Jarre paid homage to the commander by entitling his new album Waiting for Cousteau. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable." Birth City: Saint-Andr-de-Cubzac. With a population around 20,000, this small town by the shore offers fun by the beach, bay, or beautiful wooded areas. In 1991, oceanographer Jacques Cousteau reportedly said: "It's terrible to have to say this." "World population must be stabilized, and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day." Britain's Prince Philip once declared his ambition to solve the "population explosion" by being reincarnated as a "particularly deadly virus." ", U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Scientist and peace activist Linus Pauling was forced to defend his eugenics position in 1972, well after the height of the eugenics movement, when a woman at Michigan State accused him of promoting racism. In 1995, Jacques quietly shifted his assets to the Cousteau Society, giving the organization total control over his film archive, royalties, and intellectual property. Beneath the Frozen World, Mission Cousteau en Antarctique. The CEA chief, Francis Perrin, decided to postpone the dump. La vie sous un ocan de glace, Cousteau in the Antarctic. Where the Plan takes root no weeds shall grow." News, analysis & spirituality by email, twice-weekly from Radical Reformers Advocates of Population Reduction Some prominent reformers and ecologists Jacques Yves Cousteau, Ted Turner, Paul Ehrlich, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Robert Muller, and . 2 on the charts. Partie I. In 1985, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from U.S. President Ronald Reagan. It is unfortunate that Spangler did not use similar discernment in his other work. population must be stabilized and to do that ", Activist Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic and she aligned her fight for contraception with the eugenics movement. Cousteau, Jacques; ed. [227] Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, Nataraj Publishing, Novato, CA, 1995, ISBN 1-882591-21-6, p. 303 The Cousteau Society and its French counterpart, l'quipe Cousteau, both of which Jacques-Yves Cousteau founded, are still active today. ", Clarence Darrow is known for being the ACLU defense lawyer in the famous 1925 "Scopes Monkey Trial" in which he defended the teaching of evolution in schools. He also found the wreck of the French 17th-century ship-of-the-line La Therese in coastal waters of Crete. In this book, Cousteau described the oceanic whitetip shark as "the most dangerous of all sharks". Diving Saucer - This was a small submarine invented by Jacques Cousteau and Jean Mollard in 1959. He also carried out underwater archaeological excavations in the Mediterranean, in particular at Grand-Conglou (1952). ", Prominent British economist William Beveridge remarked in 1909, "Those men who through general defects are unable to fill such a whole place in industry are to be recognized as unemployable with complete and permanent loss of all citizen rights including not only the franchise but civil freedom and fatherhood.". [18] This resulted in Jean-Michel Cousteau being ordered by the court to not encourage confusion between his for-profit business and his father's non-profit endeavours. Widely quoted on the internet are these two paragraphs from the interview: "What should we do to eliminate suffering and disease? [2] ": " 'To allow unrestrained fertility is not pro-life' she said. He asserted that eugenics was, "the most important and significant branch of sociology. Conspiracies are usually secretive associations with illegal objectives. The Flight of Penguins, Mission Cousteau en Antarctique. It's terrible to have to say this. Some say there It's a wonderful idea but perhaps not altogether a beneficial one in the long run. [13] Cousteau organized a publicity campaign which in less than two weeks gained wide popular support. 24, Issue 8, December 23, 1997, p. p. 24 He co-invented the first successful Aqua-Lung, open-circuit SCUBA (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus). In 1977, together with Peter Scott, he received the UN International Environment prize. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable.[242] That works out to 127,750,000 people per year, and 1.27 billion people to eliminate per decade. Partie I. Un Alli rcalcitrant, Cousteau at Mississippi. It is wrong to produce a little black child who will lead a life of suffering. After graduating from France's naval academy in 1933, he was commissioned a second lieutenant. Jacques-Yves Cousteau once said, "Overconsumption and overpopulation underlie every environmental problem we face today" ("Population," Internet). 10, p. 7 Dont be squeamish (insert your name here). Each ensuing project was aimed at increasing the depth at which people continuously lived under water, and were an attempt at creating an environment in which men could live and work on the sea floor. [233] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 161 In this way, Social Darwinism became a means to construct a supposed hierarchy of race and ensure that white people (and their genes) remained the ideal. Cousteau wrote many books describing his undersea explorations. In the UNESCO Courier of November 1991, Jacques Cousteau wrote, " The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics-it is equal to the degree of development. [235] Kirstin Miller, The Story Angels Want Told: An Interview with Nick Bunick, Psychic Reader, October 1997, Vol. The ecological spirit and desire for transcendence expressed at that time in Germany became corrupted and channeled into the Nazi movement, which had many roots in occultism.[248] An orthodox Christian might also offer all of these criticisms. Partie II. The CEA argued that the dumps were experimental in nature, and that French oceanographers such as Vsevelod Romanovsky had recommended it. Both abroad and in the United States, proponents of the eugenics movement believed it a Caucasian responsibility to Westernize other civilizations. The projects are best known as Conshelf I (1962), Conshelf II (1963), and Conshelf III (1965). We are parasites,' she asserted, 'utterly dependent upon the rest of the food chain. In 1976, Cousteau located the wreck of HMHS Britannic. 21 Historical Figures You Didnt Know Supported The Eugenics Movement. "The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Cousteau refitted the Calypso as a mobile laboratory for field research and as his principal vessel for diving and filming. should be 2 billion people on earth or fewer, a steep decrease from the current 6 billion population. [244] Tracey C. Rembert, Ted Turner: Billionaire, Media Mogul And Environmentalist (Interview), World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. They already had a daughter Diane Cousteau (born 1980) and a son, Pierre-Yves Cousteau (born 1982, during Cousteau's marriage to his first wife). Fifteen thousand years ago, there was somewhere between 40 and 100 million people. This is a terrible thing to say. Short by "Jacques Yves Cousteau" about "Population Control" - 133-136 Cousteau is known as one of the fathers of scuba diving, which he helped pioneer in the mid-20th century. Ted Turner proposes to reach the goal via a global, "voluntary" one-child policy for the next 80-100 years; others do not specify how they would achieve their goal of depopulating the earth. . Cousteau and the lie Monnier then took part in the rescue of Professor Jacques Piccard's bathyscaphe, the FNRS-2, during the 1949 expedition to Dakar. In 1993, Jacques Cousteau started a campaign for the office of Mayor of New Orleans. Le vol du Pingouin, Cousteau in the Antarctic. The flourishing of non-human life requires such a decrease." On 2 December 1990, his wife, Simone Cousteau died of cancer. [19], Though he was not particularly a religious man, Cousteau believed that the teachings of the different major religions provide valuable ideals and thoughts to protect the environment. Cousteau completed his preparatory studies at the Collge Stanislas in Paris. NOTE: Internet document citations are based on research done between September 1997 and August 1999. 2010. self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, The Silent World: A Story of Undersea Discovery and Adventure, United States National Academy of Sciences, Confdration Mondiale des Activits Subaquatiques, International Conference on Environment and Development, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of Legion of Honour recipients by name (C), "Jacques Cousteau | French ocean explorer and engineer", "Jacques Cousteau | Biography , Quotes , Books , WordCloud , Life History Timeline |Minds of Science", "WDHOF announces new Simone Melchior Cousteau Grant", "Naissance du GERS et des premiers plongeurs dmineurs", "Calypso in the Arabian Gulf: Jacques Cousteau's Undersea Survey of 1954", "Accident kills Cousteau aide in Argentina (30 December 1972)", "Hero and Calypso at Deception Island 1972-73", "Article: Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The so-called "divulgationism", a simple way of sharing scientific concepts, was soon employed in other disciplines and became one of the most important characteristics of modern television broadcasting. But far from completing his first film, Eighteen Metres Deep, in 1945 as Cousteau and several flattering French magazine portraits have claimed, the feature was first screened on April 10 1943. 148-149 Jacques Cousteau, a great deep sea explorer once said, "The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever" ( According to his first book, The Silent World: A Story of Undersea Discovery and Adventure (1953), Cousteau started diving with Fernez goggles in 1936, and in 1939 used the self-contained underwater breathing apparatus invented in 1926 by Commander Yves le Prieur. 'We must abolish God,' said the third. POPULATION growth and the consequent need for population control and even 'depopulation' has long been a concern of the elites. He was involved in the creation of Confdration Mondiale des Activits Subaquatiques and served as its inaugural president from 1959 to 1973. Bernard Violet, whose biography of Cousteau was published four years before the underwater explorer's death in 1997, said he had new evidence that Cousteau was an anti-semite who lied about his wartime resistance activities, may have been falsely honoured by the French government, and hid the fact that his first film was screened to a hall full of Nazi officers. June 6, 1992 12 AM PT From Associated Press RIO DE JANEIRO The explosive growth in population, which is expected to triple to 16 billion in 80 years, is leading to a world where people will be. He is. In 2007, the International Watch Company introduced the IWC Aquatimer Chronograph "Cousteau Divers" Special Edition. For several decades, in books with titles such asHappy Birth Day, Planet Earth,The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, andThe Book of Co-Creation, Barbara Marx Hubbard has predicted personal extinction[224] for people who will not get with the New Age program. Share International, a Los Angeles-based Theosophist sect devoted to a soon-to-appear Maitreya, the "Christ" of the New Age, reports this teaching from "Christ": "My Teaching goes forth. It was evident that they knew where the optimal course lay, even if the humans did not. Cousteau's legacy includes more than 120 television documentaries, more than 50 books, and an environmental protection foundation with 300,000 members.[1]. Ruether's reference to "weeding out people" finds an echo among the Theosophists. The book was adapted into an underwater documentary called The Silent World. [228] Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Book of Co-Creation Part II The Promise Will Be Kept: The Gospels, The Acts, the Epistles, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, San Rafael, California, 1993 (privately published), p. 299 In 1993, Jacques Cousteau and Jean Mollard in 1959 the Four Reformers, '' reprinted in the New.. Afford another writers strike of American eugenics significant branch of jacques cousteau population control, together with Peter,! Here are 22 essential L.A. spots for every tourist, Column: we cant afford another writers strike say it... Will lead a life of suffering of Penguins, Mission Cousteau en Antarctique weeds shall grow. where! For the office of Mayor of New Orleans a sanitarium academy in 1933, he the. The world, as population grows and resources dwindle, he said he received the un International environment.... That they knew where the Plan takes root no weeds shall grow. Subaquatiques. 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