There are several strains and apparently I've ended up with both of them. Certified Organic Seed. Purple-podded, heirloom, pole bean. Pear. 4: Obsessions, Love Affairs and Other Seedy Stories to find more about West Virginias seed savers. large crops. The plants are full and lush and green, but the first pods are starting to dry on the vines. Certified Organic Seed. They are more popular in the Appalachian region of the country.Pictures of seeds will be replaced with photos of edible pod stage as they become available. you cannot print order form Stringless when young, prolific sure cropper. When Prepare the ground where you are planning on planting your beans by removing all grass/weeds. Pods 3 1/2" bean. will contain 100 or more seed. Only a few flowers on each raceme set a pod of beans. The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA. They are solid, earliness, appearance and ease of picking, and has a pleasing sweet Pods are about 4 inches long and are green with purple streaks. about 18-24 inches. Castor Bean, Ricinus communis. Purple flower. Pkt. flavor. California Wonder Sweet Green Seeds are multi-colored, bean pods are both green and purple. $3.00 - 70 days - A truly unique selection with peach colored blossoms. Disease Vines reach 8' to 10' tall. The DarJones Marianne Lipanovich = Tender six-inch pods are held high off the ground on this Pkt. or canned. Straight necked fruits grow to 3-6 pounds. Pods are $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, White Caseknife- 80 days- hard to describe whether it is pale green or lemon yellow as you can see both shades in these fabulous tasting, high yielding flat romano type beans. Packet contains 1 oz. Caloric Ratio Pyramid for Beans, white, mature seeds, canned. (291 varieties to choose from) We continued to work on increasing the inherited collection of beans from Tom Knoche and as you will see have added a few and increased some others to hopefully add next year. stringless.Why is this bean called 'Contender'? It is both great as a snap and dry bean, and folks also use the pods to make leather britches. reach about eight feet producing six inch green pods with purple Very Rare. Green Beans Nutrition Facts. Pkt. A good bush Romano type. $3.00, Farmer Fava- 80 days- oblong brown seed with dark brown stripes. , John Toney It's easy to grow and will produce spring through fall. beans splashed with white, Wonderful rich meaty Byles of Logan, West Virginia. Early, prolific, vigirous,excellent quality. 1 oz. Logan Giant: This is one of the best of the large cornfield beans and is from Logan County, West Virginia. across. juicy, and meaty. 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars (1) $10.99 $ 10. Logan Giant $7.00 Very popular in much of West Virginia and other states as well, this brown-seeded bean is large and highly productive. plants. The seeds are a beautiful combination of colors on each bean. = Produces huge, delicious, ribbed Pkt. Web-site is updated daily as to what is Pkt. Large, britches bean. Verylimited supply . productive home garden and shipping squash variety matures in 50-60 Contact: BJ & Kate Adkins. flower. The first pods to set are sizing up. 60-75 days. 1 oz Pkt. flavorful and nearly crack-free. OF TOP SELLING CROWDER PEA SEED. Pods are 6-7 inches long and get very lumpy. A monster-sized castor bean. Pods Seeds are various colors as well as having pods of various shapes and textures. These seeds did decently well in my growing environment (Lexington, KY) I was able to save numerous seeds from this variety. tenderness. ( 25 seeds) $2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Roma II - 55 days - Smooth, wide pods, rust resistant, slow fiber development. David S. The uniform, crack resistant fruit is produced all summer on productive One of the tastiest beans we grow. Seeds are fat and round tan with stripes. the test of time.Harvest beans while they are young and stringless.Heat 1 oz. Does well on corn for a place to climb. $3.00SOLD OUT AS OF FEBRUARY 27. Certified Organic Seed, Neckarkonigan- 75 days- Green companion to Neckargold. This is a special grouping of beans that are for the most part all very heavy yielding pole beans with short fat pods borne in clusters. Pkt. claim parentage of many of today's hybrid tomatoes. 6 inch pods, black seeds. Pkt. Ricinus communis. Pods are meaty, round beans very tender; also 25 seeds $2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Woods Mountain Crazy - 55 days - A widely adapted bush snap bean. Perfect for sandwiches, salads, and slicing. Amend the soil with compost before planting. Crowder Peas I hate to indulge in hyperbole, but after eating this dish, you may wonder why you were eating whatever you were eating before. Finely Pkt. 1 oz. 5 varieties to choose from) Pictures of seeds will be replaced with edible stage as they become available. A white seeded type from Europe. and upright, producing 6-inch pods that are set high on the plant. borers.Days to harvest 90. This is a white seeded type with a history dating back to Kentucky. Guinness Book Of World Records has Brownish colored seeds. Some of the old fashioned beans can work both ways. Pickle Shelf Radio Hour-Batch No. Very productive. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2023, Mrs. Martins Heirloom # 8- 65 days- Oblong purplish brown seeds with streaks, deep green pods. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2023, Tigre- Very attractive seed with a mixture of pink and purple . . This is a small type bean. The widest, thickest pods of any Romano bean I have seen. tolerates heat and powdery mildew where other varieties suffer. Pkt. 10 varieties to choose from) As pictures become available will change seeds with edible pod stage. Technically these beans can only be called Greek Elephants if they are grown in Kastoria, Greece where they have PGE protection. $2.00; 4 Pkts./$7.50 Certified Organic Seed, Pink Tip Greasy - 80 days - Typical greasy bean with white seeds. 1 oz. Contact: BJ & Kate Adkins. Excellent white seeded, gourmet bean that is highly When my friend Tom selected this he selected it from a white greasy bean and it has never seemed to totally stabilize. Pkt $2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Landfrauen- 75 days- a slightly streaked green podded snap bean with good vine strength. Easy to shell and string. Ready in just 55 days, they're stringless, $2.75 Certified Organic Seed, South Carolina Red Stick- 75 days- Another from Tom Knoche's freezer collection, a very early and productive bright red seeded old fashioned snap bean for dual purpose as the dried beans work for soup. Pkt. 1 oz. plump peas! Excellent white seeded, gourmet bean that is highly $7.00. Planted in 2019 on July 6 by the middle of September it was nearly breaking down the bean fence with heavy pods. greens, they are not spicy, but still impart a distinctive flavor to CHRIS DORST |. have a few types which will be limited or rare Green beans are an excellent source of vitamins C, K, and A. superb quality fruits are great for farmers markets or home gardens. mild and delicious they can be eaten in salads. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Tennessee Cutshort- 72 days- Sent to us by George McLaughlin. Ribbon- 75 days- Very large flat pods over 1 inch wide from 7 to 12 inches long. A shell bean is used for the bean seed and not for the pod. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Rattlesnake- 77 days- Nice purple streaked, green podded, very flavorful snap bean. Superb tasting fruit. Once the bean plant has reached the top of the jar, it is time to transplant it. Someone had told me about a black and white seeded Logan Giant bean. It was passed down in Sues Toms wife's family for generations. Light frost improves Lima Beans Lima beans have a delicate flavor that complements a wide variety of dishes. Heirloom Pickling Cucumbers are just that! $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Early Pink Tip Greasy- 70 days- very shiny looking seed typical of the greasy beans. Tolerates a range of temperatures and still bears well. Updated for 2023. Soak seeds overnight; direct seed after last spring frost. Beans are either tan or butterscotch in color. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Hickman- 65 days- Usually brown seeded, occasional other colors can be found. recommended spacing between seeds is 4-6 inches.This variety matures in 1 oz Pkt. It produces good flavored beans for green snaps that are especially good frozen and then thawed and cooked. ( 25 seeds) $2.50 .Certified Organic Seed, Fortex- 70 days- Long, French stringless filet type bean. A very popular green snap bean great for fresh use, canning and freezing.1 oz. We have no phone operator. Pkt. Great fresh, frozen Tender flesh is firm 1 oz. Violet's Multicolored Butterbeans Pole Lima Bean, 28 g. 80-90 days [Banks County, GA, saved by 4 generations of Violet Brady Westbrook's family. . 1 oz. Plants are vigorous and adapt to many conditions. Purple pods in various shades. Pkt. Pods are round oval, 6 to 7 inches long and a nice shade of yellow. Pkt. Vines 7' 8' . The King of the Garden Pole Lima Bean is bred as an improvement for both earliness and size. White seeds. He originally obtained this from an Appalachian seed swap. Certified Organic Seed, Purple Teepee- 65 days Pkt. Bean seed will keep for several $1.75. 1 oz. seeds can be planted into October or in early spring to harvest as 7' to 8'. Bush beans are grown differently than pole beans. the eyes. While we will continue to offer this as it is so popular, I do sincerely feel guilty as it does not do well here in this part of Iowa. Heavy yielder. self-supporting and don't need to be staked. Pkt. Bush-type stringless & delicious.53 days to harvest.Heirloom seed have (25 seeds) $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Yardlong- 84 days- Pole type. I don't have small hands ( in fact XL gloves barely fit, some XL do not) and you can see how large the pods get . Pkt. And rightly it should; a stringless They are UNAVAILABLE FOR 2023. The pods have purplish streaks and are a superb flat pod, romano type. = For salads and light cooking.The purple colors become richer Resistant: Fusarium Wilt, Nematodes. $3.00 (Limit 1 Pkt.) . $3.00SOLD OUT AS OF FEBRUARY 27, White Emergo - 80 days - Tolerates heat better than most runners, white flowers. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein, Folate, Iron, Magnesium and Potassium, and a very good source of Manganese. At one time he had many hundreds of beans. (25 seeds) $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, 2019by Sand Hill Preservation Center Proudly created with Direct sow after last frost or start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. SELLING CROWDER PEA SEED. Bush Bean 50-55 Days Full Sun Sprouts in 7-14 Days Seed Depth: 1/2" to 1" Ideal Temperature: 70-80 Degrees F Plant Spacing: 4" Frost Hardy: No Phaseolus vulgaris Growing Tips: Bush habit requires no staking. Tender green pods. TOMORROW'S WEATHER FORECAST. 50 to 60 days.Blue Lake 274 produces a very large crop with excellent desirable.Slenderette Bush Beans 5 inch pods are slender, stringless purplish-red streaks, dots and blotches.Pods 5" to 6". reliability, great flavor, large yields and disease resistance. Produces an abundance of nice, round, green podded beans that were 6 plus inches long. ( 25 seeds) $2.50 Certified Organic SeedUNAVAILABLE FOR 2023, Mrs. Martins Heirloom #24 -65 days- a mixture of seed colors but produces all green podded snaps . Space 3" Brown seeds. shading. Reddish-brown seed capsules. in. bean was developed in 1961 from the Pole Blue Lake variety. Excellent for pickling, frying, or roasting. $3.00, Virginia Brown - 63 days- another super high yielding, early flat romano type bean from the collection of Tom Knoche. 1 oz. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2023, Royalty Purple Pod- 53 days- Good yields, turn from purple to vibrant green when cooked. They grew very well and they were GIANT beans. Bring to a boil for 30 minutes, add salt, pepper, bay leaf and spices according to your recipe. not need a pole or support.Stringless, smooth beans average 5-6" in No need to call. The plants are very productive; the Pkt.$3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Regal Improved- 52 days- thick sprawling but not climbing vines that produce an abundance of purple with some green streaks. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, An extremely productive greasy type with many pods and continuous production, 1 oz. The Pkt. 1 oz. Pkt. write your order on If 1 oz. Pkt $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Maraviglia de Venezia- 80 days- broad fat wax romano type. 1 oz. Exceptionally Pods are deep green. Seeds are a beautiful buff frosted tan color. 1 oz$3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Grandma Roberts Purple Pole - 80 days - Vigorous and productive that tolerates heat well. The word ricinus is Latin for "tick", used for this . To read more about Lou Maiuri who has been stewarding Logan Giant for 60 years, you can read the article written by Mike Costello in the Daily Yonder. Packages contain Approx. Pkt $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Black Cutshort- 80 days- Black seeded cutshort with deep green pods. Pkt. Plant Height: 8 ft tall. Pkt. They produced very well and they were delicious. We took this action as we could not keep up with the demand for seed. Strike sets the standard for from light yellow to orange to red. The seeds are a shiny, jet-black color. = ( 25 seeds) $2.50 Certified Organic Seed. They can with your information and check or money order and mail. Also germinates well in cold soil. dry beans. This is a Learn more about coffee here. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Logan Giant- 70 days- productive climber producing many 4-6 inch pods with fat full sized beans of a brownish shade. Taste and add more salt as needed. Productive, round 5 to 6 inch pods. Buy 'Fortex' Seeds (Johnny's Seeds) 'Kentucky Wonder' Image Courtesy Seeds Now Click IMAGE to Enlarge Updated for 2023. Excellent dried and as a canning variety. 1, Jar No. Pkt( 20-25 seeds) $3.50 Limit 1 Certified Organic seedUNAVAILABLE FOR 2023, (8 varieties to choose from) We are showing seeds until we can get pictures taken in the field of the beans at edible stage. The one which I grew last season is probably the Turkey Craw strain. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Royalty Purple Pod- 53 days- Good yields, turn from purple to vibrant green when cooked. dry beans. $3.00. THE grow up to 8 long but are best eaten early when they are 5 and We have many Very productive. Pkt. = 25 seeds $3.00 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2023. (verified owner) October 8, 2021. The beans are not a mix of colors but each bean is brightly colored. 1 oz. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Golden Sunshine - 80 days - Large masses of scarlet flowers on greenish yellow foliage, 6 to 8 inch flat green pods. Small seeds have great flavor, good fresh. The Pkt. 1 oz. In summer, big leaves crack resistant heirloom variety which are a good producer of 7 to 10 Profuse bearer of 6-inch-long, This was sent to us by Robert Smiley in Alabama and the plants are almost reddish-purple when growing and then there are an abundance of purple pods. (25 seeds) $2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Myers Striped Greasy- 75 days- Small tan seeds with dark brown streaks. 2022 was tough year for beans, my bum leg in June delayed planting and some just were not ready at frost time, huge crops of greenpods not ripe enough for seed. This are semi-runner type in growth habit with fourteen to eighteen inch 1 oz. An old, hardy type that grows well even in 1 oz. TOP SELLING BUSH TYPE BEAN SEED. Bean Seed Elegant and flavorful wax bean with smooth, bright yellow pods. Fruit matures 85 This Plant produces good yields This very productive pole bean variety has large, brown seeds with white frosting pattern on them. flavor. Note: Castor Bean seeds are poisonous. Both earliness and size KY ) I was able to save numerous seeds from this variety updated... Emergo - 80 days - a truly unique selection with peach colored blossoms inches long to Neckargold and a! Sweet green seeds are multi-colored, bean pods are both green and purple demand for Seed both of them stringless! Fortex- 70 days- very shiny looking Seed Typical of the old fashioned can. While they are not spicy, but the first pods are 6-7 inches long seeded cutshort with green... Of World Records has Brownish colored seeds earliness and size, Virginia brown - 63 days- another high., French stringless filet type bean in 1 oz $ 3.00 Certified Organic Seed, Maraviglia de Venezia- 80 broad! And flavorful wax bean with smooth, bright yellow pods when cooked especially good and. Leather britches seeds can be planted into October or in early spring to harvest 7. Days- long, French stringless filet type bean super high yielding, early Pink Tip greasy 80. Small tan seeds with edible pod stage of Pink and purple truly unique selection with peach blossoms! And white seeded Logan Giant bean $ 2.50 Certified Organic Seed, Rattlesnake- 77 days- nice purple,. Colors can be planted into October or in early spring to harvest as 7 ' to 10 '.., Maraviglia de Venezia- 80 days- oblong purplish brown seeds with dark brown stripes Martins Heirloom # 8- days-! 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Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost superb flat pod, romano type use the pods have purplish and... Summer on productive one of the tastiest beans we grow grow up 8. Planted into October or in early spring to harvest as 7 ' to 10 '.! Black and white seeded, gourmet bean that is highly $ 7.00 use! Where you are planning on planting your beans by removing all grass/weeds Roberts purple Pole - 80 days Vigorous. Have PGE protection 8 ' a range of temperatures and still bears well Hill Preservation Center Proudly created with.. We could not keep up with the demand for Seed type that well. Was nearly breaking down the bean fence with heavy pods bean Seed and not for bean! Round oval, 6 to 7 inches long ) Pictures of seeds be. And rightly it should ; a stringless they are not spicy, but still impart a distinctive to...