Phone: 1-800-549-5164 One of the most significant yet overlooked types is the good land. We would like to announce that this years International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be held in Chicago, IL, from Friday, May 26 through Monday, May 29, 2023. For this we need to contact and experience Him in a living way day by day. We must redeem the time because the days are evil. JEHOVAH HAVING BROUGHT UP ISRAEL AND RAISED THEM, JEHOVAH'S LOVING EXHORTATION AND PROMISE TO HIS CHASTISED PEOPLE, THE USHERING IN OF THE GOD-MAN, CHRIST, ISSUING IN THE RESTORATION. We warmly welcome you to the church in Atlanta. His burden to hold the overcomer conferences and to publish The Present Testimony was to present such central messages. Now we can redeem and even treasure the time we spend performing menial tasks by making fresh discoveries in the ministry publications. At age 19 he was fully captured for Christ and immediately consecrated himself to preach the gospel for the rest of his life. The Life-study messages are available for free on Living Stream Ministry is a non-profit corporation that is primarily dedicated to the publication of the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. "The central point of the Christian life is to know Christ Himself. This means that all 139 volumes of Witness Lees Collected Works, over 77,000 pages of ministry (much of which has never been published before), are now even more accessible. Property. The Bible (Recovery Version) without footnotes is also available for free on, The Maturing in Life Line covers chapters 27 through 30 of. We currently make the bulk of our publications available online at, and we are constantly adding more titles as time and resources allow. She can testify that each time she listens to the messages, she receives fresh light and spiritual nourishment. This week we will start week 3 of Crystallization-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, vol. Consider starting small to achieve better consistency. . JOB, LIKE HIS FRIENDS, BEING HALTED IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF RIGHT AND WRONG, ELIPHAZ'S LOGIC CONCERNING THE RECOMPENSE OF GOOD AND EVIL, THE SPIRIT BEING THE AGGREGATE OF THE DIVINE BLESSING, THE THREE OF THE DIVINE TRINITY BEING DIFFERENT BUT NOT SEPARATE, THE STEPS OF THE PROCESS OF THE TRIUNE GOD, THE CONSUMMATION OF THE PROCESSED AND CONSUMMATED TRIUNE GOD BEING THE SPIRIT, JOB'S KNOWLEDGE CONCERNING GOD IN HIS DEALINGS WITH ALL KINDS OF MEN, THE TRIUNE GOD BEING WROUGHT INTO US IN HIS CONSUMMATED STATE, THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN BE A CHRISTIAN THE PROCESSED AND CONSUMMATED TRIUNE GOD, HOLDING FAST INSISTENTLY TO HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND INTEGRITY, GOD'S CORPORATE MOVE REVEALED IN ACTS THROUGH REVELATION, JOB'S EXPOSING OF HIMSELF THROUGH HIS EIGHT TIMES OF SPEAKING, CHRISTIANS BEING MYSTERIOUS BECAUSE THEY MOVE IN GOD'S MOVE. We are believers in Jesus Christ from all backgrounds who gather locally to be the Lords testimony in Atlanta. THROUGH HIS FELLOWSHIP, ENTREATED TO RESPOND AND ENCOURAGED My wife also enjoys listening to the audio tapes of the Life-study messages while taking care of household chores. Tonight's meeting at 5 .. which is Brother Nee's general comments on the matter: "In every age there is the ministry of that age," and later in the same place, "Luther was a minister of his age. Some of these books were messages published in his periodicals and reprinted in book form. April 1416, 2023Spring Young People's Conferences (Ridge Haven Camp, NC), April 2830, 2023Southeast Sixth Grade Conference (Athens, GA), May 2629, 2023International Memorial Day Conference (Chicago, IL) All excerpts are listed under the title of the book. Recently Living Stream Ministry has developed a new feature on, making an enormous amount of the ministry available in audio format. He also translated books in this same category into Chinese. Recently, however, we have introduced an additional way of getting into the ministry by using the audio feature on the website His ministry, therefore, was focused on Christ's death and resurrection for the producing of the church in life to experience the victory of Christ that His kingdom might be ushered in. 294, 296) Upcoming Conferences & Trainings. Portuguese (Portugal) | Portugus (Portugal). In. JEREMIAH'S REPEATED PROPHECY CONCERNING ISRAEL, RECEIVING CHRIST FIRST AS THE SON OF DAVID, CONCERNING THE BRINGING BACK OF THE VESSELS OF THE HOUSE OF JEHOVAH. From the back cover: CHRIST BEING THE REALITY OF THE LAW, SIGNIFIED BY: THE GOD-SEEKERS' ATTITUDE TOWARD GOD'S LAW AS GOD'S TESTIMONY AND GOD'S WORD, THE PRAISE OF A SAINT IN HIS GOING UP TO ZION CONCERNING, THE PRAISE OF THE SAINT IN HIS GOING UP TO ZION CONCERNING, THE PRAISE OF ISRAEL IN THEIR GOING UP TO ZION CONCERNING, THE PRAISE OF THE RETURNED CAPTIVES IN THEIR GOING UP TO ZION, THE PRAISE OF THE SAINTS IN THEIR GOING UP TO ZION CONCERNING, THE PRAISE OF THE SAINT IN HIS GOING UP TO ZION CONCERNING HIS HUMBLED HEART. ABIDING IN THE LORD BEING THE SUBJECT OF JOHNS WRITINGS, ABIDING IN THE LORD AND ENJOYING HIS LIFE, A PROPER CHRISTIAN LIVING BEING A LIFE IN WHICH WE LIVE BY THE LIVING PERSON WITHIN US, TO LIVE BY THE LORD BEING TO LIVE AND WALK BY THE SPIRIT, THE CHRISTIAN LIFE ULTIMATELY BEING A MATTER OF GIVING THANKS IN EVERYTHING, A CHRISTIAN NEEDING NOT ONLY TO HAVE THE LORD AS LIFE BUT ALSO TO LIVE IN SPIRIT, THE SPIRIT TODAY BEING IN US AND ALSO POURED UPON US, TO ABIDE IN THE LORD REQUIRING US NOT TO QUENCH THE SPIRIT, GOD CREATING MAN WITH THE PURPOSE THAT MAN MIGHT TAKE GOD AS HIS CONTENT AND THEREBY EXPRESS GOD, NO LONGER I WHO LIVE, BUT CHRIST WHO LIVES IN ME, HE WHO EATS THE LORD LIVING BECAUSE OF THE LORD, THE TYPES OF THE TABERNACLE AND THE HOLY OF HOLIES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, DWELLING IN THE HOLIEST PLACE AND LIVING WITHIN THE VEIL, ABIDING IN THE LORD AND ENJOYING HIS LIFE BY ENTERING INTO THE HOLY OF HOLIES TO TOUCH THE THRONE OF GRACE, THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE HOLY OINTMENT, THE BACKGROUND OF GODS CALLINGBABEL, CALLED THE SECOND TIME AT HARAN AFTER HIS FATHERS DEATH, OVERCOMING THE TEMPTATION OF EARTHLY SUBSTANCE, TWO CATEGORIES OF GODS DOINGS FOR THE CALLED, GOD CONFIRMING HIS PROMISE BY MAKING A COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM THROUGH CHRIST, THE FREEWOMAN, SARAH, SIGNIFYING THE COVENANT OF PROMISE (GRACE), THE PRODUCE (ISHMAEL) BY THE EFFORT OF THE FLESH WITH THE LAW, PERFECTION REQUIRED BY GODS ALL-SUFFICIENCY, THE SUFFICIENT GRACE FOR FULFILLING GODS PURPOSE, NOT OUTWARDLY IN THE FLESH, IN THE LETTER, BUT INWARDLY OF THE HEART, IN THE SPIRIT, DRIFTING INTO A SITUATION WHICH WAS WICKED AND SINFUL BEFORE GOD, BELIEVERS WHO LIVE IN THE WORLD AS THE WORLDLY PEOPLE AND SEEK TO SAVE THEIR SOUL, CHILDREN OF GOD WHO DO NOT ABIDE IN THE LORD AS THE ANOINTING TEACHES, ISAAC BORNCHRIST BROUGHT FORTH THROUGH US, IN HEBRONTHE PLACE OF FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD, BEING INCARNATED TO BRING GOD INTO MAN THAT DIVINITY AND HUMANITY MAY BE MINGLED AS ONE, DYING FOR THE CREATION TO TASTE DEATH ON BEHALF OF ALL CREATION IN HIS HUMANITY WITH HIS DIVINITY, TWO DIFFERENT THEOLOGICAL TEACHINGS OF RECENT TIMES, THE WORKS WHICH THE LORD ACCOMPLISHED IN HIS PROCESSES, WE BEING THE MEMBERS OF CHRIST CONSTITUTING HIS BODY AS HIS INCREASE, ENJOYING THE RICHES OF CHRIST TO BECOME HIS FULLNESS, ENJOYING THE RICHES OF CHRIST BY PRAY-READING THE WORD AND PRAYING INTO THE SPIRIT, ENJOYING THE INCLUSIVENESS AND UNLIMITEDNESS OF CHRIST BY THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST, ITS SUPPLY BEING THE PROCESSED AND CONSUMMATED TRIUNE GOD, THE NOURISHMENT AND THE BEVERAGE OF ITS SUPPLY BEING FOR THE SEEKING BELIEVERS GROWTH IN THE DIVINE LIFE FOR THEIR BUILDING UP TO BE THE ORGANIC CONSTITUTION OF THE PROCESSED TRIUNE GOD MINGLED WITH HIS REGENERATED, TRANSFORMED, AND GLORIFIED TRIPARTITE ELECT, ALL DISPUTES IN THE UNIVERSE BEING A MATTER OF AUTHORITY, THE LORDS PRAYER IN THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE, THE WAY THE LORD CAME OUT OF HIS DIVINE FORM AND THE WAY HE RETURNED, GOD DESIRES THAT THE CHURCH BE THE KINGDOM OF GOD, GOD DESIRES TO MAKE THE NATIONS THE KINGDOM OF GOD THROUGH THE CHURCH, WE SHOULD HAVE CONFIDENCE IN SUBMITTING TO THE DELEGATED AUTHORITY, REJECTING DEPUTY AUTHORITY BEING TO REJECT GOD HIMSELF, IT BEING MOST SPONTANEOUS AND HARMONIOUS FOR THE BODY TO SUBMIT TO THE HEAD, THE CHARACTER OF THE DEPUTY AUTHORITY GRACIOUS TO OTHERS, THE SERIOUSNESS OF BEING A DEPUTY AUTHORITY, A DEPUTY AUTHORITY CANNOT AFFORD TO MAKE A MISTAKE, THE MORE A PERSON IS AN AUTHORITY, THE MORE HE UPHOLDS AUTHORITY, AN AUTHORITY DOES NOT DOMINATE OR CONTROL, BUT HUMBLES HIMSELF TO SERVE, WHOEVER WANTING TO BECOME GREAT SHALL BE THE SERVANT, AND WHOEVER WANTING TO BE FIRST SHALL BE THE SLAVE, AN AUTHORITY MUST SANCTIFY HIMSELF IN HIS LIVING AND HIS ENJOYMENT, HOW GOD DEALS WITH THE MISTAKES OF THE DEPUTY AUTHORITY, WITH THE DUST FOR THE BODY THAT MAN MAY EXIST, PUTTING MAN BEFORE THE TREE OF LIFE, INDICATING THAT GOD WANTED MAN, STIRRING UP THE HUMAN EMOTION TO DISLIKE GOD, BECOMING ONE WITH MAN AND ALIENATING MAN FROM GOD BY DEADENING MAN'S SPIRIT, THE SON OF GOD HAVING ABOLISHED DEATH AND DESTROYED SATAN, THE RENEWING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT A. Mark 6:37. We currently make the bulk of our publications available online at, and we are constantly adding more titles as time and resources allow. Bookmark, annotate, and view referenced Scripture reading to assist study of the ministry of these servants of the Lord. All subscribers to this website now have the ability to listen to The Collected Works of Witness Lee in its entirety as well as the Life-study of the entire Bible. After publishing two editions of The Spiritual Man, Watchman Nee realized that many of his readers became introspective. LEARNING TO BE AN INWARD CHRISTIAN, TO BE TRANSFORMED FROM WITHIN, CHRIST ASCENDING TO THE HEAVENS TO GIVE GIFTS TO MEN, OUR NEED TO EXPERIENCE THE LIVING CHRIST WHO DWELLS IN US, NOT KEEPING THE RESULTS OF OUR WORK IN OUR HANDS, NOT IMPOSING ANYTHING ON THE SAINTS AND THE CHURCHES, NOT HAVING ANYTHING ORGANIZED AMONG THE WORKERS, MAINTAINING THE ONENESS OF GOD'S CHILDREN, COMING WITH SOMETHING OF CHRIST FOR OUR FELLOWSHIP WITH ONE ANOTHER, MAN BEING GOD'S EXPRESSION AND REPRESENTATIVE, THE LORD'S NEED OF YOUNG PEOPLE FOR HIS NEW MOVE, ALL THE GIFTED PERSONS BEING FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE CHURCH, CHRIST AS OUR COMMON ELEMENT, LIFE, AND PERSON FOR US TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER, BEING IN THE TRIUNE GOD TO PUT OTHERS INTO THE TRIUNE GOD, THE SPIRIT OF GOSPEL PREACHINGREVEALING THE ATTITUDE IN PREACHING THE GOSPEL, THE BUILDING OF THE CHURCH BEING THE GROWTH IN LIFE, GROWING IN LIFE THROUGH KEEPING THE ONENESS. The following eight books on general messages were translated by others. 5, No. About LSM THE NEED OF ALL THE CHURCHES TO BE IDENTICAL IN ESSENCE, THE NEW JERUSALEM BEING A GREAT SIGN OF THE TOTALITY, GENESISGODS DESIRE BEING FOR MAN TO EAT THE TREE OF LIFE, DEUTERONOMYGODS DESIRE BEING FOR MAN TO EAT THE PRODUCE OF CANAAN, THE LORD BECOMING SMALL ENOUGH TO ENTER INTO US, NOT MERELY ASKING THE LORD TO DO THINGS FOR US, BUT EATING THE LORD, THE BREAKING OF BREAD MEETING BEING THE LORDS FEAST, A COMPARISON BETWEEN MANNA AND THE PRODUCE OF CANAAN, ACCEPTING THE DEALINGS IN OUR LIFE TO HAVE A RICH HARVEST, THREE LAYERS IN THE DIVINE REVELATION OF THE BIBLE, NOT A MATTER OF RIGHT OR WRONG, BUT A MATTER OF GOD'S ECONOMY AND DISPENSING, THE BELIEVERS' RECEIVING AND ENJOYING OF CHRIST, THE BELIEVERS' LIVING BEING TO LIVE CHRIST AND TO MAGNIFY CHRIST, THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST, THE WAY TO RECEIVE AND TO ENJOY THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY, THROUGH INCARNATION CHRIST AS THE WORD OF GOD COMING TO BE A MAN WITH GOD, IN REGENERATION CHRIST DISPENSING HIMSELF AS THE SPIRIT OF THE DIVINE LIFE, THE ALL-INCLUSIVE CHRIST AS THE BELIEVERS' PORTION, CHRIST BECOMING THE PASSOVER LAMB AND THE UNLEAVENED BREAD OF THE FEAST, CHRIST BEING THE HEAD TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE BODY AND, THE DISPENSING OF GOD AS THE SUPPLY TO THE BELIEVERS, THE WAY TO SUPPLY AND APPLY THIS LIFE-DISPENSING OF CHRIST IN, THE DIVINE DISPENSING OF THE DIVINE TRINITY IN PRODUCING THE MATERIALS, THE DIVINE DISPENSING IN THE APOSTLE'S STEWARDSHIP OF GRACE, THE DIVINE DISPENSING OF THE DIVINE TRINITY IN CHRIST'S MAKING, THE BELIEVERS' LIVING FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE ORGANIC BODY OF CHRIST, FROM ADAM, THE FALLEN ONE, TO NOAH, THE ONE WHO WORKED TOGETHER WITH GOD, THIS GOD-MAN LIVING A HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH, THE ASCENDED GOD-MAN AS THE HEAD IN HIS ASCENSION, THE PERFECTED SAINTS DIRECTLY BUILDING UP THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTISTTELLING PEOPLE TO REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS WHICH WAS DRAWING NEAR, ENTERING INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD, NOT THROUGH TEACHING BUT THROUGH REGENERATION, THE SON BEING IN THE FATHER AND THE FATHER BEING IN THE SON, THOSE WHO BELIEVE INTO THE SON DOING GREATER WORKSDISPENSING CHRIST THROUGH SPEAKING, THE FATHER SENDING THE SPIRIT IN THE NAME OF THE SON, AND THE SPIRIT COMING WITH THE FATHER AND THE SON, CHRIST AS THE ELEMENT OF THE CORPORATE BREAD, ALL THAT THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE SPIRIT HAVE BEING TRANSMITTED TO US BY THE SPIRIT, OUR SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES NEEDING TO BE IN THE DISPENSING OF THE TRIUNE GOD, THE LEARNING AND EXERCISE NEEDED BY THOSE WHO WORK FOR THE LORD, FELLOWSHIP CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLE OF HAVING A JOB, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE DEACONS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE OTHER BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE WORKERS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE CHURCH AND THE DENOMINATIONS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE BROTHERS AND THE SISTERS, THE NEED OF A BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF THE BIBLICAL TRUTHS, THE NEED OF FURTHER DISCOVERIES AND FURTHER VISIONS, LOCAL ADMINISTRATION YET ONE BODY BEARING ONE TESTIMONY, REGARDING THE ONE BODYTAKING CARE OF THE LORDS TESTIMONY, ONE MOVE THROUGH ONE MINISTRY TO PRODUCE ONE BODY TO BEAR ONE TESTIMONY, ONE MOVE THROUGH ONE MINISTRY TO PRODUCE AND BUILD ONE BODY FOR ONE TESTIMONY, NOT STIRRING UP THE CONCERN OF THE SAINTS, WORKING AND CARING FOR THE LORDS RECOVERY, REMOVING SOMEONE FROM THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE CHURCH, AVOIDING USING THE WORD EXCOMMUNICATION, HAVING NO THOUGHT OF SECURING OUR POSITION, PRACTICING TO BEAR GODS TESTIMONY AS THE RETURNED REMNANT, PREACHING THE GOSPEL, TEACHING THE TRUTH, AND MINISTERING LIFE, THE NEED OF MEETING HALLS AND PERIODIC CONFERENCES, BAPTIZING PEOPLE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THEIR BELIEVING IN THE LORD, BRINGING THE CHURCH INTO THE PRACTICE OF THE BIBLICAL WAY, GOD'S ADMINISTRATION IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, THE BURDEN TO STAY IN ONE PLACE TO DIRECTLY HELP BUILD UP A LOCAL CHURCH, THE ORGANIC MOVE OF THE LORD IN THE GOSPELS AND THE ACTS, THE EXPERIENCE OF READING THE BREASTPLATE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, THE ORGANIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CHURCHES AND THE WORK, THE NEW WAY TO BUILD UP THE BODY OF CHRIST, CONDEMNING OUR HABIT TO NOT TAKE THE NEW WAY FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE GROWTH IN LIFE ISSUING IN THE PRECIOUS MATERIALS FOR GOD'S BUILDING, THE NEED TO VISIT PEOPLE IN THEIR HOMES WITH THE GOSPEL, TAKING THE SCRIPTURAL WAY FOR THE ORGANIC BUILDING UP, NOT DOING A ROUTINE WORK BUT ENDEAVORING AND LABORING, DROPPING OUR OLD CONCEPTS AND PICKING UP THE NEW VIEW, PRACTICING THE LORD'S PRESENT RECOVERY ACCORDING TO OUR SITUATION, THE NEW TESTAMENT WAY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE, PREACHING THE GOSPEL AS PRIESTS OF THE GOSPEL OF GOD, BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT AND THE WORD TO BE ECSTATIC, PRACTICAL POINTS CONCERNING THE WAY TO GO ON, THE PRESENT TURMOIL IN THE LORD'S RECOVERY, GOD'S PROMISE TO CRUSH SATAN UNDER THE FEET OF THE LOCAL CHURCHES, THE ONENESS PARTLY OF THE FAITH AND PARTLY, THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE ONENESS OF THE CHURCH AS THE UNIQUE BODY OF CHRIST, THE BASE OF THE PRACTICE OF THE PROPER ONE ACCORD IN THE CHURCH, SPIRITUALITY OR SCRIPTURAL TEACHING NOT TO BE USED AS A CLOAK FOR DIVISION. This prophecy can be composed by considering all of our daily notes, the "harvest" of our inspirations during the week, and preparing a main point with some sub-points to be spoken in the church meetings for the organic building up of the Body of Christ. We may even look for more chores to do to continue our listening! PRAISING JEHOVAH FOR HIS PLEASURE IN HIS PEOPLE, ISRAEL, THE SPIRIT, THE REALITY, THE CHARACTERISTIC, OF THE DIVINE REVELATION, A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PROPHETS ISAIAH, DANIEL, AND ZECHARIAH, THE VISION OF THE FOUR HORNS AND THE FOUR CRAFTSMEN, THE CONCLUDING WORD TO CONFIRM THE EIGHT VISIONS, THE PROPHECY CONCERNING THE NATIONS AROUND JUDAH IN RELATION TO ISRAEL. Please pray for this year's Sixth Grade Conference, which will be held from April 2830, 2023, at the church in Athens Meeting Hall. THE PSALMIST REJOICING AT THE MISFORTUNE OF HIS ENEMIES, THE PSALMIST'S CONDEMNATION ON THE SONS OF MEN, THE PSALMIST'S PRAYER FOR GOD'S SALVATION FROM HIS ENEMIES, THE PSALMIST'S PRAYER TO GOD FOR HIS RESTORATION, THE PSALMIST'S ENJOYMENT OF GOD IN HIS HOUSE, THE PSALMIST'S ENJOYMENT OF GOD AS HIS HIGH RETREAT. This calendar features traditional Chinese drawings with Scriptures in both Chinese and English and includes American holidays. [ Read More] Living Stream Ministry is actively working to produce electronic editions of the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee for a variety of platforms. The following eleven books were on the central messages, mostly translated by Brother Nee himself: The following seven books on inner life were translated by Brother Yu Cheng-hwa. This means that all 139 volumes . 2014 Living Stream Ministry. In this same category into Chinese on, making an enormous amount of the ministry of servants. 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