The center area of the caves is actually a huge trap. When the tomb is cleared, open the coffin and get your reward: a sash of shimmering (+12 spell resistance). The shadow lich is a third-level undead/14th-level wizard. If Adam survived, he will offer the kobold a gem for the baby and then ask you to supply the gem. Note that flipping a switch out of order will close all the doors. Piper is standing near the hall, speaking to a large group of followers. This guide will lead you from Master Drogan's humble farm all the way to a magical floating city in the sky, and show you everything to do in between. To get to the platform safely, you need to run exclusively on squares where the rays of light are shining. He is badly hurt and needs healing, but Valana, the nurse, has no magic. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Dagget Filth is a dire rat, a powerful wizard, and a poet. Shadow Evade: At the fourth level, the shadowdancer gains this ability, which increases concealment and improves as the shadowdancer gains levels. They're filled with falling rubble and slaads, and you'll need to make your way through the dilapidated environments to the portal in the dead center. You will see Karsus being attacked by succubae. Rogues get enough skill points that they can become masters of the art of jimmying and disabling fairly quickly. It increases to +2 the fourth level, +3 at the sixth level, +4 at the eighth level, and +5 at the tenth level. Hide in Plain Sight: The shadowdancer is able to use the hide skill even when being observed. The maximum level for the arcane archer prestige class is 10. For a complete list of the quests broken down by journal entry, see the Quest Checklist section of this guide. Kill the wolves and then proceed into the prison. When you find the hart, you can speak with it if you have animal empathy skills. Latest news, breaking news and current affairs coverage from across the UK from When you do visit the herbalist, he'll have two of the required herbs. Mages can also just cast direct damage spells--a well-placed fireball will demolish a chest or a weak door, lock, trap, and all. The Assassin can also cast spells and is able to paralyze enemies. Located in the western fragment of Undrentide, the arcanist's tower is the location of the third and final wind, the dark wind. You won't learn anything from him, so just do your shopping and get out. Continue through the wood and search the bones beneath the tree. There are numerous ways to deal with Piper the "prophet. For example, you might create a Gnome Barbarian to prove to other players that Gnomes make the best warriors, but after awhile realize that you are spending more time glorifying him with tales and poems than actually fighting. The second riddle involves a prisoner and a statement he must make to avoid execution. Talk to Haniah, standing near the inebriated mayor. They won't hurt you. The Maze C. Skeleton Chieftain D. Throne Room E. To the Hall of the Dead Wind. The skeleton blackguard is the toughest opponent you've faced. A. Beginning with the interlude, you'll also be able to select Deekin the kobold bard. (If you don't have a stone to flesh spell, you can use the ointment of stone to flesh found on the master's skeleton in the adjacent room.) For instance, if the blue-lit door opened, only go down hallways with the water trap jets. Note that one of the doors will open, and a colored light will appear over the lever. Drink your potions, prepare your spells. . The choice is yours--either you must fight Kel-Garas again, or attack Ali, a ninth-level ranger. Your next goal is to return the ark to working order. While not quite as big as Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide is still a huge mass of land covered with quests and critters. To disable the guardians, equip the ring and use its special power. The switches on either side of the hall will slow the rate at which the fireballs shoot, but if you flip the switches too many times, the rate will return to its fastest setting. It will transform into the rod of dawn, which can cast several powerful healing spells. There a few side quests here, though, so start by visiting the halfling caravan near the gates to Hilltop West. A list of NWN, SoU and HotU items along with their item codes, descriptions, and . This is the order in which you want to flip them: northwest switch (red circle), southeast switch (black-and-white checkerboard), southwest switch (blue chevron), and northeast switch (yellow blocks). Inside his sarcophagus you will find a longbow +1, a gold ring, and the key to the elven test room (he will also give you the key if you complete the Spider Infestation quest). Once the room is safe, speak with Ayala. Enter the temple and speak with William, who will agree to help you catch the wise wind. Hail of Arrows: By using this skill, the arcane archer is able to shoot an arrow at every target within range, up to the number of enemies equal to the character's arcane-archer level. Try to lure the undead toward you so you can disarm the traps at your leisure later and then rest up once the room is cleared. There is great loot to be had, but only grab what you can use--there are no more opportunities to sell items. Unfortunately, the henchmen aren't very smart about managing their enhancement potions, so dole them out carefully. Watch the traps as you approach intersections, and make sure you only go down the halls with the appropriately colored path. Statistics Race: construct Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 24 Hit points: 82 Attack bonus: +16/+11/+6 Damage: 1 d8 +6 bludgeoning damage ( creature weapon) Inside the coffins you will find, among other less significant items, a monk's belt (a monk-only item that adds the improved critical feat and weapon specialization to unarmed strikes and allows you to cast haste once a day), gloves of the long death +3 (a monk-only item that adds three points to your attack bonus, as well as two points of cold damage), and a helmet of discharge (which adds 25 points to your electrical resistance). You can't open the glowing chest, ever. When the room is clear, examine the tomes on the pedestals in the center of the room--one is blank. You will be one stone short--simply stand on the last plate to open the sarcophagus. As you approach the altar, Kel-Garas will appear. To Hilltop West B. Halfling Caravan C. The Fortune-Teller's Caravan D. Old Farm E. Szaren F. Blake House G. To Hilltop Foothills. As you find items that might make your henchman more powerful, speak with them and choose "I want to change your tactics." Eagle's Splendor: At the fourth level, the harper scout can cast eagle's splendor once per day. The book describes how the bandit chief was obsessed with finding a tomb in the vicinity. But if you do speak with them, you'll learn that they want to be put out of their misery. He's a 12th-level cleric/battle priest, and he can (and will) cast blade barrier, greater dispelling, and circle of doom, among other nasty spells. You can also persuade the sphinx to give you a ruby as an additional reward. The prerequisites for becoming an assassin are fairly simply: You must be somewhat adept at the move silently skill, as well as the hide skill. The truth is that, though Sturgeonism is over, the question of independence is not going away. The room to the east cannot be entered yet (see The Elven Test section, below, for details), so proceed down the stairs to the lower level. Invisibility: At the fifth level, the harper scout can cast invisibility once per day. Your reward for reaching the other side safely is the cloak of Ascalhorn, which gives you damage resistance against bludgeoning. Note that, unlike in the preceding chapters, there is a new quest for almost every action you take in Chapter Two. Before leaving, head downstairs to the laboratory and speak with Riisi, Drogan's familiar. Invisibility: At the sixth level, the assassin is able to cast invisibility once a day. Speak to your henchman and choose "I want to discuss your training." The assassin is the deadly cousin to the rogue. Battle Horror C. Helmed Horror D. To Second Floor. Conversely, you can kill her and receive experience from Tymofarrar. An endless army of disturbed come from the sarcophagi, so make your way to each one and destroy it. In the first chapter, your only choices are Xanos and Dorna. Return to Nathan, and he will give you an amulet of natural armor +1. Deneir's Eyes: This +2 bonus to reflex saves against traps is granted to harper scouts at level two. You can pick the door locks and kill the kobolds that ambush you easily. Ghostly Visage: At second level, the assassin can cast ghostly visage once a day. For that reason, you shouldn't feel ashamed to use the difficulty slider (located in the options menu) when things get too tough. And to the east of the floor lever you'll find a shadow robe (casts camouflage and displacement, each once per day). Otherwise, you will have to buy the kobold's freedom. As you will soon learn, the town is otherwise deserted and indeed overrun by gnolls. When the dead wind is defeated, grab it and go through the doors at the north end of the hall. This begins the Oasis of the Green Palm quest, which will be much more complicated than simply fetching a pail of water. When the manticore is dead, be sure to search its lair for some +1 half plate. Go through the door and flip the lever to activate the poison trap, then grab one of the elven trap protective helmets from the nearby chest (the weapons racks contain a +1 longbow and a scroll of ghostly visage). When you roll the dice and attempt to disarm a trap, for instance, the DC is the number you must roll (in addition to any modifiers) to disable the trap. And you'll feel better for not having to set the game to "easy.". Equip the ring and disable the four shield guardians in the north fragment (there are two located by the door to the asabi camp and two in the rooms in the northwest section). If the saving throw fails, the target is killed instantly. Give him a cheap gem or snatch the baby when prompted. Abilities: Hit Dice: d10 Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial weapons, All Armor, Shields Skill Points: 2 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). When you receive the message that you hear strange sounds nearby, you will be close. The shadow servant is also a merchant with some powerful magic items for sale. Maps for almost every location you'll visit. The hallways leading to Kel-Garas are lined with statues of archers that will attack you as you pass. Summon Fiend: At the fifth level, the blackguard can summon a succubus. This is NWN, there's several ways to skin a cat, and taking a defensive-focused route + normal still spell and the odd high level spell with no somatic component should still work fairly well. There's an abandoned farm through a small gate to the north. When the lich is dead, the shadow servant will appear and inform you that you are the new lord of the estate. - Shadow Daze: At 3rd level, the shadowdancer may inflict an illusory daze upon a target once per day. As a reward, he will tell you how to operate the strange machine in the next room and explain that the machine will provide you with a power stone when used correctly. As you approach it, your journal will update and you will receive some experience for your discovery. on January 18, 2006 at 12:35PM PST. After defeating the minogons, loot the sarcophagi for some high-level loot, including a composite bow +2. SoU adds a new campaign that runs in parallel with the NWN story, as well as the content listed below. Alternatively, you can also take the horns to Fiona at the smith in Hilltop--she will buy them from you (for very little) or make a helm for you, which allows you to cast ghostly visage one time a day and provides +1 to your armor class. Quest: The Lost Sword Continue down the passageway. Karsus will explain why he is being punished and allow you to read his confessions. Fiona is also involved in one of the solutions to An Excess of Prophet, found at the community hall. One connected. Before crossing over into the mountains, you will be greeted by a kobold named Deekin. Mischa importable henchman package. You'll find some loot, including a ring of animal friendship (+12 to animal empathy). Prerequisites: Alignment: Evil Skills: Move Silently (8 ranks), Hide (8 ranks). The answer is "six." Musharak will agree to this deal. You might be able to find Deekin at his store, but if J'Nah lives you will not be able to retrieve the statue yet. After the mythallar are gone, Heurodis should go down quickly. Quest: The Elven Test The blue line marks the safe path to the center. Once inside, you have several choices. Note that attacking Dagget will get you more than you bargained for--he's an 18th-level wizard with meteor swarm, incendiary cloud, and numerous other nasty spells. However, she only has an AC of 20, so even with her 135 hit points, you should be able to do significant damage quickly if you or a henchman can get in close and start swinging. With every other level gained, the arcane archer receives a +1 bonus, beginning at first level, with a maximum of +5. He will present you with a riddle: "A woman has five children and half of them are sons. This quest is described in detail in the Elven Crypt, Lower Level section, below. He will request a bottle of Ao wine from you. He can cast finger of death, greater dispelling, and, for defense, shadow shield. Even in the frost-giant form the battle is fairly tough, but it is winnable. So, basically, it's going to be a tough fight, and the powder and gnolls will be helpful. The kobold prisoners will assist you, should you decide to attack the gnolls. Examining the statue will reveal two large rubies for eyes. If you allow them to actually leave with Mara, they will kill her once they leave the tavern. If you enter the room, the gates will shut and a manticore will come bounding at you. Abilities: Hit Dice: d8 Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor Skill Points: 6 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). Now the primary quest starts in earnest. Quest: Ao Wine for Sale There is one thing Musharak does not have for sale: Ao wine. Whichever way you deal with the situation, the oasis will be restored, and the caravan can continue on to the encampment. Inside the library, you will find a collection of primarily useless books. Head for the exit, which will automatically return you to the oasis. A. Namely, a good majority have been turned into undeadine. A False Helmite elite is guardian the room here. One of the major additions to Shadows of Undrentide is the fact that you now have much more control over your henchman. Once you have the hand, leave the Elven Crypt. You can kill Karsus, if you choose--he's a 15th-level wizard--but you'd be wise to let him live. If you do kill him, wait until he has given you the inkwell, or take it from his corpse. Follow the conversation thread that begins "There is need for you in the village, but you go about it all wrong," and he will ask you to retrieve his sword. Enjoy the end cinematic. Sport news, results, fixtures, blogs and comments on UK and world sport from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice Once he's dead, search the nearby skeleton for a nice surprise: a holy avenger, which provides light and allows you to cast dispel magic once a day. With the desert's fury in hand, it's time to head into the Tomb of Kel-Garas. Email This daze lasts for five rounds. This character's abilities significantly increase his or her ability to hide, and at the 10th level the shadow evade power makes hiding in shadows almost like an incredible set of armor. The belt is worth buying if you can afford it--it offers +1 damage resistance and allows you to cast haste once a day. In the center of this cavern is a chest. Also search the chests and nearby racks for some random, medium, and high-level treasure. (You can put the cloak back and the lights will return if you need to see the path again). The benefit of this shop, other than its low-level magic items, is that Szaren will give you a much better deal than Fiona. Tynora's Smile: The harper scout, or a selected target, receives a +2 bonus to all saving throws for five turns. At level 10, the concealment bonus is increased to 20-percent, the AC bonus to +4, and the damage reduction to 10/+3. Once the slaads are dead and the hooded figure has escaped through the portal, Drogan will appear. This post contains two item code lists for the Shadows of Undrentide expansion for Neverwinter Nights. When you have some focus crystals in your inventory, using Mystra's hand will send you back to Drogan's Farm. Inside you will find the desert's fury--a weapon that does 1d8 fire damage and offers a +1 attack bonus and a +2 bonus against the undead. Remove the arrow and cleanse the wound, and this will stop the bears from attacking you in the foothills. Prerequisites: Alignment: Evil Skills: Hide (5 ranks) Feats: Cleave. Ring, Bow or ability increases. Note that the sarcophagus in the northeast corner, directly next to the eastern exit, contains boots of the sun soul +4, monk-only boots that grant +2 to dexterity and +4 to AC. At the fourth level, the extra damage is 1d6. Kill them, then head to the cave they were speaking of, noted on the map. Eventually, you will have to kill her. Speak to him to learn about the red wizards of Thay, and to possibly help him set up an enclave in Hilltop. Primarily, you now have control over their equipment. The next fight may be the most difficult yet. Apparently you can only find the five 'Golem parts' for the Shield Guardian Golem if you are a level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, or better. Note that shadow evade and summon shadow, however, will continue to improve. You can persuade her to let Szaren stay (there are two choices for this, with "The town will be better defended" being the easier persuasion check), or charm her. On the skeleton you will find a ring of magic defenses (cast dispel magic once a day, +2 to spellcraft and spell resistance), a necklace of fireballs, and an ointment of stone to flesh. Search the woodpile after leaving the herbalist's house and you will find the Ring of the Wolf, a fairly powerful magic ring for low-level characters, which provides +2 to your animal empathy skill and can summon a wolf. Quest: Jasmeena's Offer Jasmeena is the bedine druid who runs the winery for the Ao temple. Note that a spike trap is situated just below the remains. This ability is granted at the eighth level and can be used only once per day. Even if you have animal empathy, there's no way to bring these trained killers back. Three of these lead back to the surface. using stealth mode and getting the ring (along with a flail of jergal which. You must meet some requirements in order to. Return to Piper and give him the sword, and he will leave to join the guards. The latter option will adjust your alignment toward good. Rest up, and make sure you learn the most powerful offensive and defensive spells you have. Finally, in the southwest chest is the squire's defense armor (+3 strength, +2 AC). Kill the zombies and speak with Ali Ibn-Musud. He will ask for your help in changing this situation. As with the great library, as you approach the crypt you will receive a small amount of experience. Is killed instantly, be sure to search its lair for some +1 half plate broken by. Is fairly tough, but Valana, the assassin is the squire 's defense (... Haniah, standing near the inebriated mayor at you choices are Xanos and Dorna option will adjust your Alignment good. 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