If you wanna multiclass, go Fighter 5/Magus 15. At level 20, whenever the Magus uses Spell combat, he does not need to make a concentration check to cast the spell defensively. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. The Magus can expend one point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant an insight bonus equal to his Intelligence bonus on all attack rolls until the end of his turn. 2. 3. Arcane Pool. Luckily there are some good ones. A basic overview of a couple functional single-classed Magus builds, and recommendations to modify them for other archetypes. Int-based Magi are able to copy scrolls into their spellbook the same as a Wizard, so you arent limited to your spells selected on level-up. Really good and you can be melee or ranged (Eldritch Archer). If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell. #9 speedingdeath Sep 28, 2018 @ 6:48am Originally posted by Evilosangelo: Cheers that's great info. At 14th level (Eldritch Scion level 18), when using spell combat, the magus receives a +4 circumstance bonus on concentration checks. EK is more of a buff monkey Elf is honestly pretty awful for a Magus (con penalty is always bad, but on a d8 front liner it is painful), especially if you aren't going Dervish Dance. But unless you go nova with Shocking Grasp/Vampiric Touch, that Touch of Fatigue spell you're usually spamming isn't really worth moving at a snail's pace and risking not even engaging the enemy this turn. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a 2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). At 13th level, a magus gains proficiency with heavy armor. Increase Dex at levels 4 and 8, bump Int at level 12. So would that mean taking the point blank shot and the next feat for the -4 penalty is pointless then ? Each time a magus learns a new magus arcana, they may pick one of the following features. Instead of a magus's Magus Proficiencies, their 9th level Magus Arcana, and their Spell Recall, Arcane Medium Armor, Fighter Training, Improved Spell Recall, Arcane Heavy Armor, Greater Spell Access and True Magus features, a sword saint gains the following features. At 20th level, the magus becomes a master of spells and combat. :) Try them all one play through at a time. A It was Pathfinder's answer to people having to stress themselves to go for the Eldritch Knight prestige class ("Screw it! They dont Do instead of, They can do both at the same time, not to mention when they do cast touch spells . The Eldritch Scion benefits from a level of Scaled Fist but there's nothing you can really add to a Sword Saint or Eldritch Archer to make them better. A magus may only add one of these abilities if it matches his own alignment. Casting is a standard action that with the magus ability lets you deliver a FREE attack that round. also proficient with light armor. Crane Style, Spell Penetration I run up and attack, and then start spamming acid touch usually. At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. If he has levels in fighter, these levels stack. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. A kensai spends his life focusing his training and meditation into a rapturous perfection of the use of a single weapon, which is usually but not always a sword, channeling his arcane might through it in a dizzying and deadly dance beyond the abilities of even the greatest of mundane warriors. The spell is prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a magus wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. I'm confused by this char. He may use his Magus level in place of base attack bonuses to qualify for any feat for which it is a prerequisite. properties can be added. martial or arcane secrets they can find. As a Swift Action, a Magus can recall a spell that they have already cast, by expending Arcane Pool Points equal to the level of the spell. A magus uses his Intelligence score as his spellcasting modifier. Outflank Weapon and Armor Proficiency The magus also learns a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to his Intelligence modifier. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I play games and make tutorials on things that I think need it. Magus is fun. If you choose a Draconic bloodline for the AC bonuses, you can take levels in Dragon Disciple (which do not hinder bloodline progression). If I understood how feats work, you only need dodge to get the crane style. With a swift action he can recall any single magus spell that he has already prepared and cast that day by expending a number of points from his arcane pool equal to the spell's level (minimum 1). Whenever the magus enhances his weapon using his arcane pool, he adds anarchic, axiomatic, holy, or unholy special abilities to the list of available options. Pathfinder - Magus Archetypes Breakdown RPGBOT June 5, 2021 Last Updated: March 21, 2022 Introduction The Magus is an arcane Striker, and primarily functions in melee combat. For a first time Magus, play with high dexterity rather than strength and get the feat Weapon Finesse ASAP. Used in dialogues. Thundering Scimitar of the Bear God (+4, +1d6 Sonic, +1d6 Lightning, +5d6 Lightning (save for half, DC 24 Reflex) on crit), or When wearing light or no armour, a Sword Saint adds 1 point of Intelligence bonus per class level as a dodge bonus to his armour class. Devoted Blade is great depending on your alignment. 7. They use spells with focus on enhancing weapons and armor. Dans l'univers de Pathfinder: Kingmaker, le magus est une sorte de mix entre le magicien et le guerrier. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other Improved Critical For example, if you have 3 points, you can add +1 to hit and damage, +1d6 Fire, and Keen (doubled critical range), or simply +3 to hit and damage. This arcane pool has a number of points equal to his magus level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier. Combat Reflexes gives you extra AoOs to capitalize on this, and helps you fight spellcasters, as you have a chance to get 2 AoOs on them when theyre casting spells (once when they start casting, and once when they release the spell). Sword Saint is an Archetype of the Magus class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Contents 1 Description 2 Base Features 2.1 Chosen Weapon 2.2 Diminished Spellcasting 2.3 Canny Defense 2.4 Perfect Strike 2.5 Lightning Draw 2.6 Fighter Training 2.7 Critical Perfection 2.8 Superior Reflexes 2.9 Lethal Focus 2.10 Perfect Reflexes 2.11 Weapon Mastery As he grows in power, the magus unlocks powerful forms of arcana that allow him to merge his talents further, and at the pinnacle of his art, the magus becomes a blur of steel and magic, a force that few foes would dare to stand against. At 19th level, the Magus learns 6 spells of Wizard levels 1-6 and adds them to his spellbook. A magus can only enhance one weapon in this way at one time. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a maguss spell is 10 + the spell level + the maguss Intelligence modifier. Rapiers are ok, but there are no really incredible ones. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell. Improved Unarmed Strike Other archetypes will have fewer uses for their Pool points, though, and might want to take Wand Wielder instead, to get an expanded spell selection for their Spell Combat swift action. Corrupted Galfrey. At 5th level, and every six levels thereafter, a magus gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. At 11th level, the magus's ability to recall spells using his arcane pool becomes more efficient. To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, the magus must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Magus must be at least level 9 to add the Speed property. Whenever he uses the spell combat ability, his concentration check bonus from Improved Spell Combat increases to +4. At each new magus level, he learns two new spells of any spell level that he can cast (based on his new magus level). A magus casts arcane spells drawn from the magus spell list. Improved Critical (Dueling Sword), Greater Spell Penetration. This stacks with actual fighter levels. Starting from 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add weapon properties. Cookie Notice If the spell has multiple rays (Scorching Ray at 7th level, for example), only one ray will be sent through the ranged attack, not multiple rays. I mean, can you even explain it someone who only has a vague idea of Pathfinder? This is great! The magus can cast three spell per day as if those spells were modified by the Quicken Spell feat. I'm torn between the two. Enemies are denied their Dexterity bonus against the magus's attacks until the end of the magus's next turn. Fencing Grace or Slashing Grace Dimension Strike Usually you will want the ones that improve your weapon unless you are eldritch archer cause iirc some abilities don't work with bow. If you dont want to dump Cha, leave it at 10 and drop Int to 15, then bump it at level 16. 1. The Magus can expend one point from his Arcane Pool to deny enemies their Dexterity bonus until the end of the Magus's next turn. Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell. Starting at 10th level, a magus counts his total magus level as his fighter level for the purpose of qualifying for feats. Power Attack isnt that good for you early on because you dont have full BAB, plus youll be incurring an extra -2 penalty from Spell Combat, but once you get Dimension Strike you can basically guarantee a full round of hits by targeting Touch AC, so this will be a good damage boost later in the game. This increases to +2 at 5th level and every four levels thereafter to +5 at 17th level. He is also proficient with light armour and may cast magus spells while wearing it. Blind Fight At 1st level, the magus gains a reservoir of mystical arcane energy that The ability mentions "flaming burst", "icy burst" and "shocking burst" but these properties are not implemented. 17. Lore-wise, archeologist is a great class for her, and . 6. At 4th level, when a sword saint hits with his chosen weapon, he can spend 1 point from his arcane pool in order to maximize his weapon damage. I saw a thread which gave some good info on making a Magus. Sample build - 40 levels gives you a LOT of wiggle room with specific classes etc., but the basic idea is to take advantage of a Lich->Legend toon keeping its merged spellbook; if you hit caster level 28 (max possible for Legends), you can still use your level 10 Lich spells as a Legend. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time A mindblade casts spells from the magus spell list as psychic spells. At levels 5, 11 and 17, the Magus may select any feat for which he qualifies. He can cast magus spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. At 16th level, whenever an enemy within reach of the magus successfully casts a spell defensively, that enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from the magus after the spell is complete. 9. At 7th level, a magus gains proficiency with medium armor. Currently I am just using touch spells and attacking, which actually does decent damage. The magus is at once a student of both philosophies, blending magical ability and martial prowess into something entirely unique, a discipline in which both spell and steel are used to devastating effect. Whenever he uses his spell combat ability, he does not need to make a concentration check to cast the spell defensively. 7. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. For instance, touch spells dont discharge on a miss and you can keep trying till you connect. Disintegrate, Scirocco, True Sight. This attack uses the weapon's critical range (20, 1920, or 1820 and modified by the keen weapon property or similar effects), but the spell effect only deals 2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the weapon damage uses its own critical modifier. Greater Belt of Perfect Components (All level 1, 2, 3 spells are Extended and Empowered) Pitax Tournament The pool has a number of points equal to half his Magus level + his Intelligence modifier. At 11th level, a Sword Saint can make a number of attacks of opportunity in a round equal to his Intelligence modifier. Besides the feats and abilities listed, an Eldritch Scion also gains spells and abilities related to her bloodline (for example she might grow Wings at level 15) but not the feats that Sorcerers would receive. BAB progression, saves and spells per day per level are shown in the table below: The standard Magus has the following level progression: The Magus is proficient with simple and martial weapons. The magus can cast three spell per day as if those spells were modified by the Extend Spell feat. If I have a full arcane caster from someone else I like making her an alchemist. Fighter Training will allow you to take Weapon Specialization at level 11 and Greater Weapon Focus at level 17. I explain the differences between the types of magus that exists in Pathfinder kingmaker and how to build them. 21. Next turn you're in melee range and can use SpellCombat to its full potential. Ghost Blade. Maximize Metamagic Rod The Magus list focuses mainly on combat-relevant spells that prioritize damage and enhance mobility. Arcane Accuracy is always useful. If you would like help with Pathfinder options not covered here, please email me and I may be able to provide additional assistance. At 1st level, a magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. Improved Critical (Scimitar), Seize the Moment Crane Style, Spell Penetration At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of "touch" from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. Hat of Mental Perfection +8 The feature is better on a Sword Saint since his effective level is only three levels below his actual class level, eventually allowing you to select any combat feat that has a Fighter level prerequisite. At 8th level (Eldritch Scion level 14), when using spell combat, the magus receives a +2 circumstance bonus on concentration checks. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves. But, who knows if they added those into the game or if a miss is a wasted spell. A Erinye. Because you have Touch of Fatigue as a cantrip, you can (and should) do this every round, even when youre out of spell slots. 1. In addition, the sword saint may use his magus levels in place of his base attack bonus to qualify for any feat for which it is a prerequisite. The bonus stacks with any existing weapon bonus to a maximum of +5. He can cast magus spells while wearing I think Arcane Tricksters will always be better than magus as their sneak dmg is pretty much always added to even their cantrips, get all the bell n whistle spells and if you go Scaled Fist Monk/Thief/Sorcerer you can have a trickster that can tank and flank with another melee. Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + 1/2 Intelligence modifier, Class Skills: Athletics, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (World), Persuasion, Use Magic Device. New class!"). Vivisectionist - Alchemist archetype; Grenadier - Alchemist archetype; Eldritch Scion - Magus archetype; Sword Saint - Magus archetype If the weapon is non-magical, it must be enchanted to +1 before any properties can be added. Hat of Mental Perfection +8 Dueling Swords are Finessable and there is an excellent endgame +5 Agile Dueling Sword with 18-20 Crit range called Bloodhound. At 14th level, the magus gains the ability to seamlessly cast spells and make melee attacks. Nenio can be any INT based class. Mephisto. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free, while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. At 1st level, a sword saint gains Weapon Focus with his chosen weapon as a bonus feat. Read more: store.steampowered. The following spells are the melee touch attacks that you can use with this ability: You can cast Touch of Fatigue until the cows come home. just picked up the game and Magus is what I wanted to try. When the Magus enchants his weapon, he may spend an additional point to increase the enchantment duration to one minute per class level. My preferred method to avoid annoyance of my SS casting before crawling into melee is to use the Charge command. At 5th level, and every six levels thereafter, a magus gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. property's base price modifier. Seize the Moment, Greater Spell Penetration. You'll hit a lot more which is more important than your sword doing more damage. magus is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Power Attack For the 1st play-through scimitar is totally the weapon of choice. This interacts with Spell Combat, meaning that you can cast Shocking Grasp, make a weapon attack to deliver the spell, and make all of your regular weapon attacks that round (at a -2 penalty). 13. The Magus is mostly a damage-dealer, using a combination of magical spells and physical weapons in combat. and our A sword saint is proficient in simple weapons and in a single martial or exotic melee weapon of his choice. The magus can cast three spell per day as if those spells were modified by the Empower Spell feat. There are those who spend their lives poring over ancient tomes and texts, unlocking the power of magic, and there are those who spend their time perfecting the use of individual weapons, becoming masters without equal. When a Magus casts a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action, they can also make all of their weapon attacks at a -2 penalty. Weapon properties are detailed in the items section. They might spend months learning a new sword-fighting style from a master warrior, while simultaneously moonlighting in the local library, poring through tomes of ancient lore. At 1st level, the magus gains a reservoir of mystical arcane energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and enhance his weapon. (Nuker Sorcerer) 6 Elven Arcane Warrior 7 Melee. dare to stand against. Arcane Accuracy This arcane pool has a number of points equal to 1/2 his magus level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Yesterday we discovered, that experimenting with Nenio and polymorph spells can have unexpected consequences such as: not being able to load saved games etc. He gains an additional magus arcana for every three levels of magus attained after 3rd level. The Magus is proficient with simple and martial weapons. Spell Combat If you have your off-hand free and are. The game was inspired by the Dungeons & Dragons universe and is an independent spinoff of the original Pathfinder RPG game, but it has some distinct changes, especially where classes are concerned. 11 days ago. This stacks with the Combat Reflexes feat. At 7th level, the Sword Saint adds his Intelligence bonus to initiative rolls as well as his Dexterity modifier. I recommend taking the Crane Style feat so you can Fight Defensively all the time. Use whatever Finesse weapon you want, but I recommend using Rapiers or Scimitars. Or support me directlyhttps://twitch.streamlabs.com/zautoshttps://twitter.com/Zautosmchttps://www.facebook.com/ZautosGames?fref=tshttp://www.twitch.tv/zautosIf you want to support me directly you can with my patreon page.https://www.patreon.com/Zautos Beginners Guide to the Magus [Pathfinder Kingmaker] Zautos Gaming 9.02K subscribers Subscribe 644 74K views 4 years ago I explain the differences between the types of magus that exists in. Unlike other classes, you dont have to worry about Arcane Spell Failure in armor when you gain these proficiencies in this way. If youre going to be a Sword Saint or Eldritch Archer, you definitely want to go with the Dex build. You can replace this feat with Crane Wing, and replace Crane Wing with whatever Weapon Focus feat you want. The magus can activate a wand or staff in place of casting a spell when using spell combat. Although why did you take improved unarmed strike? Youll probably want one with 18-20, but 19-20 is passable. Pathfinder Kingmaker Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Spell Combat This effect stacks with the Combat Reflexes feat. Spellstrike and Spell Combat allow the magus to deliver touch attach spells alongside normal attacks, which can make for some very impressive damage output. Don't roll for damage - the weapon deals maximum damage. At 1st level, a sword saint gains Weapon Focus with his chosen weapon as a bonus feat. 3. Spellstrike allows a Magus to put out continuous damage while Arcane Accuracy gives you a (potentially) large attack boost when you need it. I do prefer longswords myself, but that's with a lot of metagame. Estocs are better come endgame, but suffer from availability. The Sword Saint has the following level progression: The Sword Saint may cast one fewer spell of each level than a Magus. At 14th level, the magus gains the ability to seamlessly cast spells and make melee attacks. The magus can expend 2 points from his arcane pool as a swift action to resolve all of his melee weapon attacks until the end of his turn as melee touch attacks. Whenever the magus uses a wand, he calculates the DC for any spell it contains using his Intelligence modifier, instead of the minimum modifier needed to cast a spell of that level. The Magus must have 1 hand free to use this ability. Magus is a class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. The Eldritch Scion differs from the other Magus archetypes by being a spontaneous caster rather than a learned one. Detects magical auras of active spells or artifacts (or of those that were active recently). At 10th level (Sword Saint level 7), the Magus counts half his class level as fighter levels for the purposes of taking feats. Pathfinder - Magus Arcana Breakdown RPGBOT June 5, 2021 Last Updated: March 21, 2022 Disclaimer We support a limited subset of Pathfinder's rules content. Valve Corporation. Join. The Magus is a class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker Contents 1 Description 2 Gameplay 3 Archetypes 4 Table: Magus 5 Class Features 5.1 Magus Proficiencies 5.2 Spells 5.2.1 Cantrips 5.3 Arcane Pool 5.4 Spell Combat 5.5 Spell Strike 5.6 Magus Arcana 5.7 Spell recall 5.8 Bonus Magus Feat 5.9 Arcane Medium Armor 5.10 Improved Spell Combat These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Your Arcane Pool gives you points equal to (1/2 your level) + (your casting modifier . Although it might not be suited that much for a new player. Devoted Blade texts, unlocking the power of magic, and there are those who spend their Thundering Scimitar of the Bear God, or Pathfinder actually has a number of classes that cast at 6th level, and many of them are Pathfinders best classes. This Arcana also lets you enchant your weapon with Brilliant Energy, which bypasses armor and shields. All rights reserved. He learns and places 6 spells from the wizard's spell list into his spellbook as magus spells of their wizard level - one of each level from 1st to 6th. This adds +2d6 Force damage against everything you attack for the duration. Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Dueling Sword Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property's base price modifier. If the sword saint confirms a critical hit, he can instead spend 2 points from his arcane pool to increase his weapon's critical multiplier by 1. magical ability and martial prowess into something entirely unique, a 3. Magus Magus is a class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Melee Damage. What starter Feats would you recommend? At 4th level, the Sword Saint can expend one point from his Arcane Pool to maximise the damage inflicted by his chosen weapon. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Forest Perils Expansion Set provides beautifully illustrated 6" 6" map tiles that can be used to stock your woodlands with a variety of hazards, runes, dangers and strange sites of interest. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. At 9th level, a sword saint adds his Intelligence bonus (minimum 0) on critical hit confirmation rolls with his favored weapon. The magus can cast three spell per day as if those spells were modified by the Reach Spell feat. other classes. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Im looking at rolling a Magus Eldritch Scion And I just want some ideas on how to map out my skills, feats, bloodlines etc etc. Dodge, Weapon Finesse But he doesn't have to use a one handed weapon at all, and I'd argue that he shouldn't. A Magus can still use Spellstrike with a 2 handed weapon, and that's more important than being able to use Spell Combat (which would require a one hander). This is a Magus bread and butter. The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to move more quickly. 12. At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Lawbringer (+8 Str Mithral Plate) Dragns Masterpiece Item 15. 15. simultaneously moonlighting in the local library, poring through tomes Acid touch usually uses of this ability do not stack with themselves even explain it someone who has! One play through at a time it is a great class for her, and every levels. 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