Incorporated Trustees are non-business and non-profit organizations that are formed by a group of persons (called the trustees) that are bound together by religion, sports, educational and . 1.2 LOCATION The Organization shall have its head office in Kampala District; the address shall be P.O. What is the name of the NGO? 06 600906 0009 1.0 NAME The name and designation of the Organisation shall be HLANGANANI NGOTANDO ORGANISATION (hereinafter referred to as "the Organisation"). Who will be eligible to become members of the NGOs Board? Premium Customer Support 5.0.5 To create awareness among east Usambara community on importance of education for economic development and poverty alleviation. His firm does bookkeeping and financial statements for approximately 50 business clients and prepares approximately 75 business tax returns. % Many times, NGOs are required to make their by-laws public. Research - Many organizations conduct careful research to help them guide their . Governance and Administration of the Organization 4.1 Board of Directors 4.2 First Appointment to the Board 4.3 Office Bearers. The duties of a company secretary includes organizing and planning meetings, sending notices, providing advisory services on regulatory compliance. 5.0 The following is a guide to registering an NGO in Nigeria. How are staff members defined within the overall structure of the NGOs organization? Improves coordination and collaboration at various levels. It also details the duties and restrictions of the organization's officers and . An extract of the minutes of meeting (signed by the chairman and secretary) where the amendment was approved. What are the qualifications of the NGOs members? The annual report provides the readers with details about all the activities that your organization undertook a particular year. Article 3: Legal Status and Applicable Laws. How will vacancies in the boards membership be handled? 9.6. In our numerous engagements with founders, we have often realized that such conflicts arise due to their fear of loss of organization spirit and culture rather than from lack of trust in operational capabilities of management. Supporting committees. What are the bye-laws about? Annual Reports: Publishing your annual reports regularly is a great way to ensure that you are fulfilling the required activities responsibly. It is essential to identify the right board members who can help in the overall development and success of your organization. %%+ -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dSubsetFonts=true -dCompressFonts=true -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH ? The constitution may be amended only with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) majority of the total membership of the association at a special general meeting purposely called to discuss the proposed amendment. Any male person over the age of eighteen years who is, ordained as Priest and professed in the society and accepts, to live by the rule of life of the society will be eligible to, The signature of the persons eligible for membership of the, society in the membership register of the society and, countersigned by the chairman of the society shall be, sufficient evidence of membership of the society of any, A person may resign from membership by a letter of, resignation addressed to the chairman of the society and, membership of any person may be terminated by a resolution. 2. Most NGOs start small, with day to day management, budgeting and operations being run by founders using hands-on approach. Some of the most important functions that the NGO board performs are as follows: 1. Write on the Objectives of the NGO mandates. Under what local and national laws is the NGO set up? % To give personal suggestion concerning the progressive/ development of EURO and Tanzanian community. Read the full disclaimer here. Community based organizations (CBO's) are nonprofit groups that work at a local level to improve life for residents. To educate the community on importance of cooperating/participating on developmental project. Chairman of the board carries several responsibilities and as the leader of the board, it is his/her duty to accomplish the organizations mission and vision. However, the income of incorporated trustees is applied solely towards the promotion of its objects. (b) To establish, administer and maintain religious, educational, and other charitable institutions . A copy of the public notice as posted at the registered office of the organization. 4.0. The Company's name is Fantsuam Foundation and in this document it is called 'the Charity'). To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The board members will meet after two (2) month or at any time when necessary. Facilitates better communication with all stakeholders (donors, project staff, beneficiaries, authorities). Go through the list below and identify which articles are needed and relevant. Want to read all 9 pages. Once the document is completed, it should be printed and signed by the chairman of the board of trustees and the secretary should sign. 6.5.3. Where is the registered office of the NGO located? 8.2 Conditions and Criteria: The Governing Board may determine the conditions and criteria for membership. 1 0 obj Best Practices for Ensuring Good Governance. The following are steps to register a foundation in Nigeria. Other names for the document: This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. movable or immovable such as real estate, stocks, bonds, etc. 8.4. Having a clear set of bye-laws not only provide clarity to an NGO's structure and functioning, it also provides a basis for trustworthy relationships with other organizations and entities, and in building the NGO's identity, and its transparency and credibility. CONSTITUTION OF A FOUNDATION This ninth day of October nineteen hundred and ninety-six, there appeared before me, Prof. Dr Aart Adriaen van Velten, civil law notary practising in Amsterdam (the Netherlands): 1. - Developmental project means all projects initiated by EURO. 13.2.2. The treasurer manages the financial assets and liabilities of the organization. Policies are generally adopted by the Board or senior governance body within an organization whereas procedures or protocols would be developed and adopted by senior executive officers. They often develop and address new approaches to social and economic . What will the board consist of? It will help to define the culture of the organization even after the founders have stepped back or moved on. The aforementioned association of people falls under the Incorporated Trustees and their mode of making such body a legal with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) is completely . 6. To provide or deliver useful information to the EURO for the benefit of Tanzanian community. The institution was established according to the National law as well as this constitution. Please send an email to: Inconsistency between Constitution and Act If there is any inconsistency between this Constitution and the Act, the Act prevails. >g 2#Jljw2-? To establish Bible schools and other institutions for the training of ministers and evangelists. Coordinate the effectiveness of the board. What will the duties and functions of the board be? 8.1. who can become members, their rights and . To control and monitor all activities concerning education, training on EUROs. 1. The National Council of NGOs is responsible for facilitating self regulation of NGOs through development and overseeing the implementation of the NGOs Code of Conduct and regulations in promoting self regulatory in Tanzania. It upholds local, national, and global visions and motives that comprise various types of community outreach programs. 9.3. The Organization may be dissolved by resolution passed at the General Meeting, by at least a two thirds majority of members eligible to vote or by operation of law; HOW TO MAKE Powder Detergent: Ingredients and Manufacturing Process Explained ##ENJOYURLIFE, STOP PUTTING YOUR MONEY IN THE BANKS. TABLE CONTENTS The Institution is in initial stage of its duty with objective (aim) of providing fundamental services to these orphans and vulnerable children. THE DRAFT CONSTITUTION AND RULES OF BUTSILITSA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION ARTICLE 1. -P- -dSAFER -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dDetectDuplicateImages=true Edited sample-constitution-and-by-laws. Objectives 2.1 Main Objective 2.2 Specific Objects. All General Assembly notice shall be notified/ announced 30days (one month) before an agenda of the meeting shall be sent before General Assembly. What is the membership structure of the NGO? How NGOs can launch a Fundraising Appeal for Emergency Projects? document.write ("CITATION TEXT:
Srinivas, Hari, ""+document.title+"". 2 0 obj Maintained by MODISH PROJECT, about NGOS LAW REFORM IN NIGERIA: INCORPORATING BEST PRACTICES, NGOS LAW REFORM IN NIGERIA: INCORPORATING BEST PRACTICES, how to register an association in nigeria. They represent and promote the organization in various events and functions. The most populous black nation (Nigeria) is home to many national, regional and international Non-Governmental and Not-For-Profit Organizations (charities, societies, associations, NGOs, NPOs, clubs, schools, professional bodies, religious bodies, community initiatives, cultural groups and any other group). About us, Premium Sign in 2.1 Admission and Application to Membership. 1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Association. 8.2. - General meeting is a highly instrument (organ) for making decision in the. 2.5.Area of the project shall be Amani Muheza, then after extend all over country. 8. -The constitution of Mtoto wa Tanzania- - 1 - PART I PRELIMINARY 1. should be accessible to relevant stakeholders. :}tRdfAk8I)R;Jv\*keGF)-rW9de&G endobj The board members should develop the ToRs for the position of the executive director and then accordingly identify the right candidate for the job. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Enhances accountability amongst all the employees and board members. This is a good opportunity to study them . 4 0 obj Organizational Structure: Your organization should also have a proper organization chart reflecting the structure within the organization and how each position is related to each other. Third-Party Links & Ads Is it a member of any national, regional, or international network/assistance/initiative? To engage in evangelism and win souls for Christ. 1. The founders take up the role of board members and overlook into the functioning of NGO as the head of a large family would. 7. They usually deal with matters of internal regulation, and are binding on all persons within the organization. The table below provides a standard list of articles and their content, that can be selected from, and adopted by, a new NGO. A SAMPLE CONSTITUTION OF AN NGO. A Constitution for Incorporated Trustees is a set of rules and regulations regulating the affairs of an organization. This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 9 pages. . This is the person performs administrative functions in the organization. 7. This document simply specifies the manner in which the organization is run and managed. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions. NAME The name of the society shall be "THE KENYA PSCYHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION"; in this constitution referred to as "The Association". What is the procedure for ensuring that the bye-laws are legally accepted and that all relevant/concerned parties are informed? Membership, responsibilities, rights and ceasing of membership. To prepare department plans and budget. To engage and to work collectively with other likeminded NGOs, CBOs and government agency to the benefit of the community. To alienate by way of sale, mortgage lease, exchange hiring, out, gift or otherwise any or all the properties of the said. SAMPLE NONPROFIT BYLAWS - MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATION ARTICLE 1 - NAME, PURPOSE Section 1: The name of the organization shall be the River Conservation Council . This registration will give you both public and government recognition. 3. As mentioned in Articles 47-49, the bye-laws can also be changed or modified as the need arises. Prohibition of State Religion. The following is complete sample and authorized in my government, i believe that it will help you to create yours. Your organization should have necessary policies that allow you to take necessary decisions in a timely and judicious manner. Experts suggest that organizations with high accountability and credibility are often preferred by donors and are more likely to get funded. Transparency: An important element of governance is transparency, which simply means that all information pertaining to your organization should be easily and freely available. Under what circumstances are these liabilities applicable? var dayNames = new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday", They often work in the area of research, advocacy, campaigning, fundraising, and providing aid. United States, | Table of Contentvii Tel: 91 657 2902588 Mobile No: +91 9204515540 +91 9546777551 E-mail: The login page will open in a new tab. It is written for organisations that aim to make a contribution to society and organisations that are not set up to make a profit (non-profit organisations). What is the procedure for additions, modifications, and amendments to be made to the articles in the bye-laws? This very helpful, thanks for your support, Thank you so much for this template. Check out the following companies for remote jobs: ATTENTION! What is the procedure to extend the validity of the bye-laws? Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021, Click here to Get Email Alerts about the Latest Grants. In accordance with this constitution, words which have been used have real or concrete meaning as translated and not otherwise. Prepare the Actual Constitution. To conduct research on fundamental needs vulnerable children and orphans. I have been struggling to write Constitution for my NGO for a couple of months, then i finally made it. 10.8. in accordance with Article 10.7 the Board of Director shall have no power of ceasing membership of any member who shall go against EURO, Article 11.0 Organizational structure/hierarchy. The acronym of organization is EURO. To defend and protect EUROs constitution and its policies. endobj 3. Specific countries may have their own stipulations for the contents of the bye-laws, and these will have to be referred to and satisfied, before the bye-laws are drawn and adopted. 5. "Officer" includes a President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant And community of constitution a sample constitution; provided an agreed. ARTICLE 29: Dissolution. The Governing Board may admit natural persons over eighteen [and legal persons] as members to the Association. (In this constitution referred to as the society). 1.1 Name of the Association. Legislative powers. What are the applicable liabilities for the NGO? Please log in again. 17 0 obj A Constitution for Incorporated Trustees is a set of rules and regulations regulating the affairs of an organization.This document simply specifies the manner in which the organization is run and managed. As long as you are not doing fraud you have nothing to fret so you should publicize your organizations activities. Treasurer. If possible, review bye-laws of similar local NGOs. The Secretary. The table below provides a standard list of articles and their content that can be selected from, and adopted by, a new NGO. What is the usual agenda for a board meeting? Due to the fact many students lack essential learning materials like uniforms, pencil, pens, text books etc, It want to reduce or if possible to eradicate the problem of students pregnancy and early marriage. sign Schedule A of this Constitution. Ive always wish to have it and its like a dream come true finding it here, Thanks for the Free template. 5. 13.2.4. The name of the Association shall be XXXXX Residents' Association. In accordance with Article 7.4 any person or group who wants to be member of EURO. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021, Seed Grant for Grassroots Organizations and Women-led Initiatives. Does it have official consultative status with the UN, or is it UN-accredited? Specific countries may have their own stipulations for the contents of the bye-laws, and these will have to be referred to and satisfied, before the bye-laws are drawn and adopted. Under what applicable law and court will the NGO be constituted? To be ceased by the General Meeting of EURO due to misconduct accordance with Article 10.4 and 10.5 after he/she has given an apology. BY- LAWS OR BYE LAWS. A policy is a statement of intent and is implemented as a procedure or protocol. Have goals and objectives been developed? Improves better compliance with various legal regulations and procedures. They hold and administer the assets of the organization, and make key decisions in the organization. Continue Reading . 5. 14.1 All administration activities implementation shall be performed by secretarial board under guidance/ supervision of Executive director, General Secretary, heads of department and other officials. 1. Who will decide the duties and responsibilities and how can they be modified? If profits are generated during the liquidation process of an NGO, how will they be disbursed? NGO Constitution pdf sample in Kenya can be provided. <>/Metadata 813 0 R/ViewerPreferences 814 0 R>> This is the person responsible for the management of the organization. To acquire and possess by way of purchase, lease, gift, legacy, bequest or otherwise and to hold all or any part of the movable, or immovable properties of all descriptions now vested or, To maintain, deal with, and manage the movable or immovable. 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