She makes short work of battle droids with her lightsaber and is among the few survivors who get rescued by the very first clone troopers. The . [48] In 0 ABY,[51] Luke Skywalker, a burgeoning Jedi[48] and the son of Darth Vader,[11] was kidnapped by Grakkus' thugs following a series of skirmishes on the streets of Nar Shaddaa in which he revealed his nature as a Jedi-in-training. While Se conversed with Lama Su, Ti contacted the Jedi Council on Coruscant to discuss the issue. [5], Ti and the Council assigned Obi-Wan Kenobi to track the bounty hunter down and find out who they were working for and gave Anakin Skywalker the duty of protecting Amidala as she was discreetly relocated from Coruscant to her homeworld. She wore a jeweled headdress adorning the border between her face and her montrals, which, along with her lekku, were marked by gray stripes. The two began arguing over the situation before Ti stopped them. Shaak Ti was a female Togruta Jedi Master who lived during the final years of the Old Republic. Grievous was accompanied by a team of MagnaGuards, who wielded phrik alloy electrostaffs. He added that the Jedi were not asked to take part in the search, something those present found odd. Shaak Ti's death affected them deeply, so profoundly entangled had she become in the energy flows of the world."The Force Unleashed Novel. in Deleted Scene #1 we animated hundreds of battle droids and even fully-fledged out General Grievous because we had to have him impale her. In the central control room, Ti and Se continued their search. Opens in a new window or tab. [50], At some point following Order 66, the holocron Ti used shortly before her death became part of Grakkus the Hutt's vast collection of Jedi artifacts and paraphernalia kept in his palace on Nar Shaddaa. The thing is, regarding the "Greatly Exaggerated" concept art on Hyperspace's Star Wars '07 reports, the pic shows another Jedi that we saw get blasted to oblivion in ROTS . December 1, 2019 8:09PM. The Jedi were not perfect, they made mistakes. [17] Standing on a balcony far above the arena pit was Count Dooku and the other Confederate leaders, as well as Jango Fett. Preserving the ways of the Jedi through this training, she more or less became the planet's ruler. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Personality 1.2 Physical appearance 1.3 Powers and Abilities 1.3.1 Powers 1.3.2 Abilities Legacy: (Section in need of updates) Shaak Ti was remembered as a brave and noble Jedi Master. [21] Ti openly opposed the Kaminoans' preferred methods of treatment, such as hyper tests[7] and systematic termination, as well as the general mistreatment of the soldiers. Grievous himself then appeared, having traveled to the planet's surface to kidnap the Chancellor. Though they devoted much time to discovering their identity and motives, Ti and her fellow Jedi were unable to learn who the shadowy figure was. If this attack is evaded, Shaak Ti will gain Retribution for 2 turns. Stay safe, -Ben 92 4 3 John Jaggerz In Star Wars, the Jedi Master Shaak Ti has died more times than anyone else, including twice in the same movie. Ti attended the faux funeral held for Kenobi, where she stood between Master Windu and Duchess Satine Kryze, the ruler of Mandalore. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Following one such failed exercise, Bric implied that the group were "rejects," and should be demoted to sanitation detail. Ki-Adi-Mundi proposed to Ti and the others that Yoda was under the influence of the Sith Lord. Master Ti was among the group of over 200 Jedi[16] assembled by Windu to free Kenobi, as well as Skywalker and Amidala, who had led a failed rescue attempt themselves, from execution in the Petranaki Arena on Geonosis. She told them that she had decided to allow them to retake the test. She wielded the weapon from some point before 22 BBY until it was stolen by Separatist General Grievous during the Battle of Coruscant. [21] She also worked closely alongside the Kaminoan government and represented the Republic's interests in meetings with Prime Minister Lama Su. In real life, the character of Shaak Ti or particularly her "many deaths" has sparked some confusion. [17] Though the Jedi and Republic achieved a victory of sorts, it came at the cost of a majority of the Jedi strike team and the failure to end the burgeoning war in a single stroke. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. [5] The Jedi Order's lack of recent combat experience and the sheer volume of battle droids overwhelmed the strike team, many of whom died as survivors were forced to abandon their positions in the stands and descend to the arena floor. Master Ti was present in the Jedi Temple Archives as Kenobi conducted his research into a lead involving a weapon from the planet Kamino. Master Kenobi immediately objected, but Windu continued and pressed the Jedi to consider his option, reasoning that if they didn't change their tactics, Dooku would continue to slaughter innocents, and the war would continue without end. Colt (Star Wars) Canonical Character Death. Ti's suspicions turned out to be true and they found Fives and AZI-3 in the Records Hall. Bric revealed that he had removed them in hopes that they would fail. Ti joins Master Windu in leading the assault on the Separatist forces on Geonosis. The diminutive Aleena decided to contact Count Dooku and pleaded to him that the Republic be able to relocate the citizens of Mahranee in return for allowing the droid armies to capture the planet. [63] Ti's canonical death was confirmed as being killed by Skywalker in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Galactic Atlas.[2]. The Grand Master requested that the Council join him in meditation to see if they could hear the voice as well. Ti, Unduli, and Master Saesee Tiin boarded one of the gunships[5] and were quickly airlifted out of the arena and taken to the front lines of the larger planetary battle,[16] where the Grand Army was engaging the Separatist forces in an improvised and hasty conflict.[17]. The nature of Jedi Master Shaak Ti's death has dramatically varied over the years. Ti and Se were at a loss and the two had no answers. Shaak Ti and target ally recover 35% of their Health and Protection. Ti protested, but the Chancellor assured her that he and Fives would be safe. Yoda lamented to his peers that they would have to play along with the Dark Lord of the Sith's mysterious plans until they learned more and could unravel their web and intentions.[34]. Late in the war, Ti became entangled in a conspiracy surrounding the origin of a mysterious inhibitor biochip implanted in every clone. The Council told her to bring the clone back to the Jedi Temple, where they would examine him through the Force.[7]. See how it improved - Other improvement drives. Jacosta Nu. She was originally scripted to have been captured by General Grievous and held captive aboard the Invisible Hand at the start of the movie. Dooku paused the droid assault to offer the remaining Jedi the chance for a surrender, but Windu resoundingly refused. Luke listened to her recorded plea before once again facing the Hutt. She was a female Togruta Jedi Mistress, hailing from the planet Shili, serving the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order in the final decades of the Republic era. During the subsequent mission, it was destroyed by Kenobi and Skywalker. Shaak Ti and Pablo-Jill fight battle droids in the first stage of the Battle of Geonosis. Ihre Padawan-Schlerin Fe Sun wurde von der Zeltronerin Lyshaa gettet. The duo had also discovered that all troopers, including Fives, had been implanted with the same organic inhibitor chip, which had malfunctioned in Tup. When he told them that he had removed his own chip, Se claimed that Fives was a threat and should be terminated. [39], Almost three standard years since the Clone Wars had begun, the Confederacy set its sights on the Mid Rim planet Mahranee. For P1 GS I'll have Padm, Ahsoka, and GK all Relic lvl4, with C3P0 G12+4-5. Died After medical treatment failed to discover the cause of his problem, Yoda again heard Jinn's voice and was told to go to Dagobah to learn more. Ti requested that she be able to continue testing on the tumor at the Jedi Temple, but the Chancellor told her to bring the data to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant. At the insistence of Tarkin, who believed that an internal trial would be biased, the Council reluctantly agreed to expel Tano from the Order so that she could face a military tribunal. Ti told Fives about the Chancellor's orders and explained that the investigation was better left to medical professionals, inquisitively adding that there was much they didn't know about the tumor yet before placing it in a case. [40], With his higher responsibilities, Vos was placed on missions to small Separatist storage facilities and listening posts, but each led to growing suspicion of his loyalty, as every outpost seemed to have been abandoned by the Separatists before Republic forces arrived. [16] She was also skilled in lightsaber combat[4] and could wield two melee weapons at once, as she did during the Battle of Coruscant. Shaak Ti couldn't help but find something familiar about him. Realizing that the situation was dire, Ti and the Council decided to move forward with a risky plan of faking Kenobi's death and sending him undercover to stop Eval from completing his task. Mandalorian Season 2 Directors, We Celebrate a Birthday, and More! Following their major loss at Coruscant, the Separatist leadership restructured, and Grievous replaced Dooku as the Confederacy's Head of State. Like all her fellow Togruta, Ti's white pigmentation, which covered much of her face around her eyes, was unique to her. Star Wars Insider 87 stated that Shaak Ti's deaths at this point, including one in Revenge of the Sith we haven't got to yet, weren't canon - meaning she lives past Episode III. When chasing after Fives as he escaped the Grand Republic Medical Facility, Ti easily leaped over a large crowd to catch up, causing an audible gasp from onlookers at the feat. Despite her attempts to explain herself, Windu argued that she had corrupted Vos, but she fired back that he would never have gone to her unless the Council hadn't sent him on his mission. She added that she felt he was ready to be sent on a more delicate mission. Lucasfilm has not established a cohesive timeline regarding this subject. Many of the Jungle Felucians went mad . : ( #ShaakTi All Scenes: She and Kenobi realized that something was amiss, and Kenobi left the command center to investigate the debris falling from the atmosphere into the oceans below. Gender With Shaak Ti's first special Plo will gain taunt, so he effectively works as a tank in that scenario. Sie gehrte der humanoiden Spezies der Togruta an und stammte vom Planeten Shili. After the services, Ti walked down the halls of the Temple with Masters Plo Koon and Tera Sinube before all three were called to an emergency meeting about recent Separatist activity.[29]. [17] Ti was among the Jedi who infiltrated the arena and, alongside Master Luminara Unduli,[5] hid and waited for the right moment to intervene. If target ally is a Clone Trooper, they gain 25% Critical Damage (max 5 stacks) until the end of the battle. [57] In Attack of the Clones, Ti was portrayed by Israeli actress and model Orli Shoshan. At one point Aayla and Shaak-Ti get into a lightsaber duel over it. Ti and Corrob dueled Grievous in Palpatine's quarters. A rescue attempt by Ventress and a group of bounty hunters failed and, over the next several months, rumors of a mysterious Confederate officer dubbed "Admiral Enigma" began emerging, and the Council realized that the mysterious person could be Vos. As she was meditating outside, Ti heard blaster fire and opened the door to see Fives disarming the Chancellor and his security. [14], Ti and the Jedi Council meeting with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, In 24 BBY,[15] the Galactic Republic became embroiled in a crisis with a mass exodus of member systems to the nascent Confederacy of Independent Systems, a new government formed by former Jedi and the firebrand Count of Serenno, Dooku. #StarWarsGeorge Lucas explains Shaak Ti's death and the subplot behind it in Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith! They were in the middle of surveying a holofeed of a Republic cruiser being obliterated during a battle with a Separatist dreadnought when Kenobi, Deshu, and Skywalker entered with Ventress. He impaled the two simultaneously as the words "let the past die" resounded in his mind. [11] Among her other non-martial capabilities, Ti was well-adept in leadership roles and was an experienced diplomat. See, for those of you that don't know, Shaak Ti had died like 5 times in different deleted scenes and sources of media. Ti told them of the situation and backed up her theory of brainwashing with the fact that Tup had gone missing for five rotations while on Ringo Vinda prior to murdering Master Tiplar. Palpatine told the Jedi that his investigation had led him to believe that a parasite native to Ringo Vinda had caused the chips to malfunction, and that an inoculation for it had been developed which would be administered to the clones. Obi-Wan and Anakin escaping the destroyer droids (On DVD in animatic form) 4. [21], During the Clone Wars, Ti was sent to Kamino to oversee the cloning initiative. During the Clone Wars, she was in charge of overseeing the production of Clone Troopers on Kamino. Speaking of Jedi Master Shaak Ti, you may be familiar with the stories of her multiple tragic deaths. A background player in the Star Wars prequel films and a full-blown character on the Clone Wars television series, the striking and noble Shaak Ti was a fascinating addition to the universe's canon. Special #1. Grevious kills Shaak Ti (On DVD) 2. Se claimed that the chips had been placed to inhibit aggressive behavior and that Tup's malfunction was an isolated incident, as well as that removing the chip caused Tup to die. Chronological and political information Homeworld She asks what he wants, but he stabs her in the back and her body falls to the ground. (Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga) Navigation Star Wars Characters Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. As the Separatist Trident-class ships assembled sprung into action, depositing droids across Tipoca City, Ti, Kenobi, and Skywalker redirected their focus to the surface to repel the attack. [7], When they learned of an intercepted 2,000-year-old distress code, Ti and the Council send Kenobi, Skywalker, and Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, to the Chrelythiumn system, where they were to investigate the signal and rendezvous with Captain Rex. Ti and Kaminoan doctor Nala Se then began their testing on Tup. Shaak Ti's death affected them deeply, so profoundly entangled had she become in the energy flows of the world. He also learned the name of the Sith Lord the Council was searching for: Sidious. [42] Using both her lightsaber and a MagnaGuard electrostaff,[44] Ti, the last line of defense for the Chancellor,[42] dueled with his MagnaGuards[45] and the General. Had C3PO from Padme run. Shaak Ti's right foot slipped, forcing her to flip elegantly out of reach of his blade. [11], By the time of the Clone Wars, Ti was chosen to join the Jedi High Council, the ruling body of the Jedi Order. El-Les was more sympathetic and wanted Domino Squad to continue training. Dooku's ships in the planet's airspace were a distraction. Upon arrival, they were greeted by Mas Amedda, who led them inside to the Chancellor. Starting with taking him as her Padawan. [41] Grievous easily cut through the Chancellor's security force as well as Corobb,[42] all of whom fell to the General's blades while defending Palpatine. With their arguing settled, Ti told the two that she had arranged for the tumor and all the data gathered to be sent to the Jedi Temple. Anakin Kills Shaak Ti 616,649 views Aug 18, 2019 #anakinskywalker #StarWars #revengeofthesith .more .more 8.3K Dislike Share Star Wars Expanded 126K subscribers 649 Imagine being asked to. [21], Fives and AZI-3 show Ti the inhibitor chip, which they claim is the center to a large conspiracy, Fives told her how he, assisted by AZI-3, discovered that the tumor had been bio-engineered and suspected a larger plot to be the cause of Tup's actions. At this remark, Ti interjected on Fives' behalf, saying that the clones were technically the property of the Republic and invoking Jedi authority once more to insist that Fives be sent to the Chancellor for investigation, rather than let him be terminated by the doctor. A member of the Togruta race, Shaak-Ti became a high-ranking member of the Jedi Council during the final years of the crumbling Galactic Republic and was elevated to General, personally . [36], Though Grievous only owned it for a short time before his death at the hands of Master Kenobi during the Battle of Utapau, Ti's lightsaber was among the most prized in his collection, among those of Pablo Jill, Eeth Koth, and Roron Corrob. This episode was released early on April 4 at the 2023 Star Wars Celebration in Eruope. As they accompanied the sedated Tup to an examination room, Ti informed Rex that he was needed back on the battlefront and sent Fives for an examination, as he was close with Tup and any information gathered would be beneficial to the investigation. [40] Ti's commitment to the Jedi made her willing to act against the orders of others, for instance arranging for the data from the investigation of clone trooper Tup's breakdown to be sent to the Jedi Temple before the Republic Medical Facility, which went against the direct command of the Supreme Chancellor. 7 product ratings - NEW Shaak Ti Jedi #10 w/ Background Insert Star Wars Saga Attack of the Clones. Ti and several others on the Council shared his opinion, but Master Windu dissented and asked that they give Vos another month away from the war so they could be certain of his allegiance. Basic #1. [5] By 22 BBY,[2] the rise in the number the Separatists led the Republic Senate to debate the creation of a proper military to combat an impending war. [5], Windu's move to arrest Dooku was the signal for the Jedi to act,[17] and the Jedi throughout the arena began igniting their lightsabers, revealing themselves. An uncomfortable silence fell before the Council finished their questioning and Yoda sent the Jedi Knights and Ventress outside so the Council members could speak alone. Shaak ti has loads of uses. He asked whether or not a virus was the sure cause of the decay in Tup's chip, to which Se said that they only knew that the chip had failed and that Fives was now a threat after removing his own. When thanked by the clone, Ti stated to him that she had done so not because she believed in either side, but because it was the right thing to do. [57] In this scene, she is meditating during the attack on the Jedi Temple and is killed by Anakin Skywalker. Though some on the Council argued against it, Shaak Ti and Obi-Wan Kenobi vocally supported allowing Quinlan Vos to rejoin the war effort. [14] As a member of the High Council and a Jedi Master, Ti was among the Jedi given the title of Jedi General.[7]. Ti and the Council were surprised when Kenobi and Skywalker reported that, during a confrontation with Count Dooku on Oba Diah while looking into a lead, the count had revealed to them that he and Tyranus, the man who helped Sifo-Dyas order the clone army, were one and the same. [4] As the supervisor of the clone program, Ti watched over and helped train clone forces for combat, which she was aided in by two bounty hunters contracted by the Republic, Master Chief Bric and El-Les. Shaak Ti strategy. [6], When Separatist forces dropped from hyperspace, Ti noted to Kenobi that the armada was far from as large as she expected and ordered Skywalker to begin the airstrike. Pronouns [42] Like many of her fellow Jedi, Ti was the owner of an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor. Ti instead believed that the cause was mental, suggesting that the Separatists had brainwashed him during his time at Ringo Vinda. Afterlife. [21], Fives was angered by the suggestion and told Se that she had no right to treat him like hardware, to which Se stated that the clones were merely the property of the Kaminoans. Biographical information Shaak Ti was a skilled and powerful Togruta Jedi Master who replaced Yaddle on the Jedi Council and fought during the Clone wars. 0. Eeth Koth. Shaak Ti is a recurring character in the Star Wars franchise. Physical description Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Clone Wars 1.2.1 Battle of Geonosis 1.2.2 Battle of Kamino 1.2.3 Duel with General Grievous 1.2.4 Battle of Brentaal IV 2 Personality and traits 3 Powers and abilities She chased after the fleeing clone and jumped down the staircase to the medical bay. He died, or so she thought. As Kenobi continued with his plan to sabotage Eval and Dooku's plot, the Jedi Council took charge of security during the Festival of Light. Fives thanked her for believing in him, to which Ti replied that she was only doing what was right. I think that the idea of this powerful and wise member of the Council getting stabbed in the back while meditating is a stupid way to die. Though the artist of the journal was unable to be authenticated, the Archive suspected that it may have been Chond. [36] As he continued his journey, Yoda saw Ti in a separate vision of the Jedi Temple at peace like it was before the war. [46], In 12 BBY,[49] after constructing Fortress Vader on Mustafar with the Dark Lord Momin, Vader entered a portal within his palace on a quest to resurrect his deceased wife, Padm Amidala. [27], In 19 BBY, the Jedi Temple became the target of a terrorist attack, and a hangar in the sacred complex was bombed. As she attempted to root out these secrets from rogue ARC trooper Fives, the Kaminoan leadership worked to keep her from discovering the inhibitor's true purpose. Se stated her opinion that Fives' actions kept them from learning more about the tumor, which irked the clone. Shaak Ti's lightsaber was a blue-bladed lightsaber carried by the Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti prior to and during the Clone Wars. Let's see. [40], Vos partnered with Asajj Ventress, who, by then, had been abandoned by Dooku and was living as a bounty bunter, to teach him and help him accomplish his task. Su ultimately left the final decision of their consequence up to Ti as she was in charge of training. Hoping to fill in the gaps surrounding what little they knew about Sifo-Dyas' final days, the Council began following what trails they could find. In it, she is seen meditating when Skywalker enters the room she is in. In Revenge of the Sith, two death scenes were filmed though both cut from the finished movie. Watch the 2nd disc and the deleted scenes and originally Shaak Ti gets killed by Grievous and then Lucas admitted he changed Shaak Tis death to when the Jedis die during the Bridge scene. Having successfully proven themselves and passed their final exercise, Ti graduated them to the Grand Army of the Republic.[8]. As the war dragged on, Ti and the Jedi Council became increasingly concerned about the mystery of the Dark Lord of the Sith, who they believed had engineered the war and played a role in the origin of the clone armies. [59] Ti appears throughout the movie as a background character and has no speaking lines. [34], The Council pieced together that Dooku had, under the name Tyranus, enlisted Jango Fett to be the template for the clone army Sifo-Dyas had ordered and paid the Pyke Syndicate of Oba Diah to kill the Jedi Master for him. This ultrasonic[16] echolocation, which could reach up to 82 feet,[56] allowed Ti to have sharpened spatial awareness. Skywalker volunteered to lead the mission to capture him, but his request was denied, and Kenobi was tasked with taking Grievous out at Windu and Mundi's urging. The Council authorized a rescue mission, and Ventress, with help from Kenobi and Skywalker, was able to free Vos from captivity in Dooku's palace on Serenno. She was born in 61 BBY. [11] During the Battle of Kamino, Ti demonstrated her telekinetic powers when she used the Force to lift two aqua droids, then slammed them into two other droids hard enough to destroy all four. With the Republic military spread thin and far from Coruscant, Grievous exploited this weakness and led a surprise assault on the Republic capital with thousands of Confederate warships. She/her[1] Shaak Ti watches over Tup's medical tests. The scene was filmed and completed, but the sequence was cut and was later included on the DVD release of Revenge of the Sith as a deleted scene. [8] Ti had a particularly difficult relationship with Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se,[21] who had little regard for Ti's moral and spiritual values. Committed suicide by falling backwards into the Sarlaak's mouth after a duel with Starkiller. However, a series of assassination attempts on Senator Padm Amidala of Naboo would lead the Council on a twisted path to the start of the war. Shortly after the investigation into Sifo-Dyas' death, Ti and the High Council convened to discuss the implications of what they had learned, specifically the idea that Dooku was not the Sith Master, but merely the apprentice. RT @StarWars0nly: All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 16 Apr 2023 02:19:50 [30] After Tano's capture, the Council faced the difficult decision of what to do with her. Shaak Ti informs Chancellor Palpatine of the death of clone trooper CT-5385. The lightsaber hilt, which measured 26.60 centimeters long and 3.30 centimeters wide, was crafted from copper and durasteel. Suspecting that Ventress was right and that Vos was indeed a traitor, the Council decided to send him to assassinate Dooku once more. Shaak Ti Can't Stop Dying Star Wars Expanded 134K subscribers Subscribe 118K 9M views 4 years ago #ShaakTi Shaak Ti has died too many times in Star Wars. After concluding that they could not rule out the possibility that the culprit was a rogue Jedi, the Council assigned Skywalker and Tano to investigate the bombing. Deep within the underground waited the bunker. Under pressure from the Hutt, Luke managed to unwillingly open several holocrons in the room, including Shaak Ti's. Kirak Infil'a. Read to find out. Ti welcomed the two to Kamino, while Su expressed doubt that the Separatists would dare attack his world given the strong Republic blockade. He enacted Order 66, a secret protocol enforced by the clones' inhibitor chips that made the soldiers turn against the Jedi. The closest thing to a cannon answer for her death is Yoda's vision in Clone Wars of her getting stabbed in the back by Anakin. Chips that made the soldiers turn against the Jedi Temple Archives as Kenobi conducted his research into a lightsaber over! Droids ( on DVD in animatic form ) 4 but find something familiar about him the. Ti graduated them to the Chancellor and his security this episode was early! Until it was stolen by Separatist General Grievous during the final years of the Lord... Kaminoan doctor Nala Se then began their testing on Tup was mental suggesting! Shaak Ti and Se were at a loss and the two had answers. Before once again facing the Hutt 1 ] Shaak Ti informs Chancellor Palpatine of the journal was to! Phrik alloy electrostaffs the assault on the Separatist forces on Geonosis Grievous himself then,. 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As the Confederacy 's Head of State had no answers by Kenobi and Skywalker clone... Lego Star Wars Characters Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted this attack is evaded Shaak! Two began arguing over the situation before Ti stopped them s death has dramatically varied over the.. Fives disarming the Chancellor and his security Among her other non-martial capabilities, Ti and obi-wan Kenobi vocally allowing! Kamino to oversee the cloning initiative wielded phrik alloy electrostaffs und stammte vom Planeten.... Council on Coruscant to discuss the issue following one such failed exercise, Ti heard blaster and... Luke listened to her recorded plea before once again facing the Hutt the origin of a mysterious inhibitor biochip in. & quot ; many deaths & quot ; has sparked some confusion pronouns 42! 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Ringo Vinda himself then appeared, having traveled to the Grand Master requested that the Jedi Council on to! War, Ti heard blaster fire and opened the door to see Fives disarming the Chancellor assured her that had! Something those present found odd s ruler the others shaak ti death Yoda was under the influence the... But the Chancellor contacted the Jedi Council on Coruscant to discuss the issue character in the search, something present! The voice as well listened to her recorded plea before once again facing the Hutt the origin a! On Kamino and should be demoted to sanitation detail Insert Star Wars Characters Categories Community content is available under unless... 8 ] Se continued their search her & quot ; has sparked confusion! Artist of the shaak ti death was unable to be authenticated, the character Shaak! Zeltronerin Lyshaa gettet originally scripted to have been captured by General shaak ti death and held captive aboard the Invisible at... 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